Winning: Trump Does What Obama Failed To Do, Free Egyptian-American Jailed In Egypt For 3 Years

Our divine glorious leader is indeed a man of power. He is the embodiment of winning. This is the latest example of a man who has compassion. Why didn't Obama have compassion and attempt to free this woman?

"Our divine glorious leader"......................hey Steve, isn't that how people in N. Korea refer to Kim Jong Un? Most Americans would simply say our president.

But, to be fair, this is probably the first good thing he's done so far. I hope he can manage to get the rest of those people being detained by Egypt out of there. It's a good start.

And, like I said, if I disagree with him, I'm gonna bitch, but if he does something good, I'll give him credit.
Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other. :laugh2:
Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other. :laugh2:
I'm sorry but when a liberal complains about double standards it's just laughable. I guess that's why you're laughing. :laugh2:
Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other.
I'm sorry but when a liberal complains about double standards it's just laughable. I guess that's why you're laughing.
We're laughing because you're applauding a CIC that doesn't know where his navy is going. That's rank incompetence.
Maybe the Egyptians believe the US President is not a Netanyahu puppet for the first time since 1992....
Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other.
I'm sorry but when a liberal complains about double standards it's just laughable. I guess that's why you're laughing.
We're laughing because you're applauding a CIC that doesn't know where his navy is going. That's rank incompetence.
A liberal talking about rank incompetence after supporting Obama's 8 years of blunders is also laughable. BTW, who is "we", you and your other personality?
Its always good to have fellow citizens back home......But before right wing morons go nuts praising the orange clown, bear in mind that the Trumpster HAD to embrace a despot, Al-Sissi and promise him of U.S support to Egypt's totalitarian regime,.
Breaking Update!

Egyptian-American release came after 'No Deal', Trump says. "I just asked"

Hey, moron.....

DID Trump invite the despot Sissi to the WH? yes or no?
DID Trump promise to back the despot Sissi with U.S. support (that means military and financial) Yes or No?

Don't be an idiot and "think" that the kindness of the despot Sissi erupted when he looked into that orange hair of the Trumpster....

Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other.
I'm sorry but when a liberal complains about double standards it's just laughable. I guess that's why you're laughing.
We're laughing because you're applauding a CIC that doesn't know where his navy is going. That's rank incompetence.
still don't understand this? wish to explain?
Breaking Update!

Egyptian-American release came after 'No Deal', Trump says. "I just asked"

Trump did make a deal - he'd polish al-Sisi's knob and invite him to the White House in return for the release of the prisoner.

This is what happens when foreign governments know that the president is weak and can be humiliated without consequence.

The Art of the Deal.
Grow up and act mature!
Obama was only interested in freeing traitors and radical muslims.
If Obama had freed her, the wingnuts would be calling her a traitor and a radical Muslim. We've seen that sort of hypocrisy long enough. When Reagan bombed Libya, it was the great, but when Obama did, it was shit. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but each other.
I'm sorry but when a liberal complains about double standards it's just laughable. I guess that's why you're laughing.
We're laughing because you're applauding a CIC that doesn't know where his navy is going. That's rank incompetence.
still don't understand this? wish to explain?
If you don't, all the explaining in the world won't help.
Its always good to have fellow citizens back home......But before right wing morons go nuts praising the orange clown, bear in mind that the Trumpster HAD to embrace a despot, Al-Sissi and promise him of U.S support to Egypt's totalitarian regime,.
Care to back that up with some credible evidence? Yeah, I didn't think so.

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