With DADT's demise, law schools dropping military recruiter bans

Oh great - some military! First they got pregnant "soldiers", then gays making out in the barracks, and now, worst of all LAWYERS! What the hell is next - field mice? Sleep safe america, you're military is on the job.
With DADT's demise, law schools dropping military recruiter bans

Interesting development and probably not one that was expected. Cool.

My take on this article is some law schools banned military recruiters in protest of DADT.
"The Association of American Law Schools has formed a committee to examine changes to its policy requiring member schools to take certain steps when military recruiters appear on campus, including scheduling interviews in less-visible locations and putting up signs warning students that the military discriminated against gays and lesbians."
In my eyes, the colleges discriminated against the military and students who wanted to sign up. Keeping recruiters in isolated areas seems akin to "keeping them in 'the closet'.

The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

There are plenty of colleges and high schools that don't allow military recruiters on campus, simply because they don't support our military.
Is that discrimination also?

LOVE your tag btw!
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?
Both, could, though only the first one could result in a court martial for violation of Article 125 Sodomy.
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?
Both, could, though only the first one could result in a court martial for violation of Article 125 Sodomy.

Not realistically.
Oh great - some military! First they got pregnant "soldiers", then gays making out in the barracks, and now, worst of all LAWYERS! What the hell is next - field mice? Sleep safe america, you're military is on the job.

What branch did you serve in?
Should Our Kenyan President reinstitute a draft to help combat his unemployment problem we might hope he'll put lawyers at the top of the list. After all, a vast majority of those graduated each year have no means of gainful employment.....even fast-food places have figured out they can't be trained and definitely will not accept responsibility.
Should Our Kenyan President reinstitute a draft to help combat his unemployment problem we might hope he'll put lawyers at the top of the list. After all, a vast majority of those graduated each year have no means of gainful employment.....even fast-food places have figured out they can't be trained and definitely will not accept responsibility.

Our Kenyan President??? :lol:

Really? There are still birthers out there?

Wait, wait. Tell me you think he's a Muslim too!
Tell me you think he's a Muslim too!

Don't you?

Wow, what flavor was that Kool-Aid?

LOL! Obviously you don't know a thing about Isalm.

Yeah okay. He's just another one of those Muslims who doesn't attend services at mosques, doesn't study the Qu'Ran, doesn't get on a carpet and face Mecca, eats pork and ackowledges Jesus Christ as the Son of God. :lol:

Dude, thanks for the entertainment!
Tell me you think he's a Muslim too!

Don't you?

Wow, what flavor was that Kool-Aid?

LOL! Obviously you don't know a thing about Isalm.

Yeah okay. He's just another one of those Muslims who doesn't attend services at mosques, doesn't study the Qu'Ran, doesn't get on a carpet and face Mecca, eats pork and ackowledges Jesus Christ as the Son of God. :lol:

Obviously I must yield to the superior knowledge of one who is apparently a devoted practitioner. What approach do you find most effective in convincing children under 12 to become martyrs?
Don't you?

Wow, what flavor was that Kool-Aid?

LOL! Obviously you don't know a thing about Isalm.

Yeah okay. He's just another one of those Muslims who doesn't attend services at mosques, doesn't study the Qu'Ran, doesn't get on a carpet and face Mecca, eats pork and ackowledges Jesus Christ as the Son of God. :lol:

Obviously I must yield to the superior knowledge of one who is apparently a devoted practitioner. What approach do you find most effective in convincing children under 12 to become martyrs?

Ah! A Whackjob! (See definition below. In this case I disagree with you that Obama is a Muslim, hterefore you must label me one. See how accurate that definition is!). Well no wonder you're so entertaining! My degree is in Christian Theology but we had to learn at least the basics about the major world religions. Plus, once all your fellow Whackjobs began their silly whackjoberry, I brushed up a bit.
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A dedicated liberal, "brushed up" is still unable to think beyond the bounds of its' indoctrination.

Probably a good thing as it limits their effectiveness.
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?

Since your scenario does not take place during RECRUITMENT, which is what the OP was about, your scenario would still not happen under DADT.
Because, Don't Ask Don't Tell, means exactly that!!!
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?

Since your scenario does not take place during RECRUITMENT, which is what the OP was about, your scenario would still not happen under DADT.
Because, Don't Ask Don't Tell, means exactly that!!!

Which is where the discrimination part comes in. Thanks for bringing it all around.
A dedicated liberal, "brushed up" is still unable to think beyond the bounds of its' indoctrination.

Probably a good thing as it limits their effectiveness.

Well pray tell King Whackjob! Tell me about the Pork-Eating Muslims who acknowldge Jesus as the Son of God, and never get on a rug, face Mecca and pray to Allah!

(This would be where whackjobs: dodge the question, change the subject or Cut & Run).
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?

Since your scenario does not take place during RECRUITMENT, which is what the OP was about, your scenario would still not happen under DADT.
Because, Don't Ask Don't Tell, means exactly that!!!

You have a problem with gays being patriots and wanting to serve their country?
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. So how can DADT be discrimination?

How is DADT discrimination? Seriously? Here's a realistic scenario under DADT.

Question to straight soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Straight Soldier: I got head from the waitress down at BadaBing

Question to gay soldier: "What did you do this weekend?"

Gay Soldier: I picked out a new couch with my partner Brad.

Guess which scenario got a soldier discharged?

Since your scenario does not take place during RECRUITMENT, which is what the OP was about, your scenario would still not happen under DADT.
Because, Don't Ask Don't Tell, means exactly that!!!

MeBelle, you actually seem pretty reasonable to me (regardless of the adversarial tone the thread has taken among all posters).
So I'm a vet. Former intelligence service. Let me give you a scenario and you tell me what you think.
You're a Force Recon Marine in Afhganistan. This is a place where the women will keep you alive, while they cut you open and set your intestines on your chest, if you're caught by hostiles. You have a guy who speak Urdu and Arabic monitoring everything goin on via radio etc... in the area where you are doing your "walkabout". He has saved your ass several times already.
Do you REALLY give a sh1t what he does in his off time?
Are you going to be breathing a sigh of relief because now that you're more liable to be captured, at least there isn't one of THOSE in your platoon or division?

I know guys who have been rotated in-country six times and have been through that exact scenario. They were against gays in the military until it happened - and they realized that neither of them would have ever guessed the guy to be gay and frankly, as he was a major component in keeping their asses alive, they really didn't care.

Just a thought.
When he is thrown out and no you're walking around blind,

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