WND the only media outlet reporting the impeachment bill?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"“This week it was Secretary of Defense Panetta’s declaration before the Senate Armed Services Committee that he and President Obama look not to the Congress for authorization to bomb Syria but to NATO and the United Nations,” Tancredo writes. “This led to Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., introducing an official resolution calling for impeachment should Obama take offensive action based on Panetta’s policy statement, because it would violate the Constitution"

Obama impeachment bill now in Congress
Oh god, now it's DEFINITE that you're allibaba.

WND. Always an Alliebaba mainstay.
WND is not very credible, KG.

Better to get you news from the national Enquirer
I think the bill is real enough. My question is...why isn't anyone else reporting it? The clip is there...

Never mind, I know why.
Has WND ever actually gotten dinged for being inaccurate?

I know the left hates them, and so casts aspersions on their accuracy..is there evidence that they're inaccurate?

I'm curious...
Yeah, I can't find any evidence whatever that they're inaccurate.

They're just disliked by the left, which means the left lies about their accuracy.

They broke the story of how one of Barack Obama's presidential campaign bundlers is Jodie Evans – a political ally to Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, and an advocate for Islamic militants. The article seemed to be well researched, including color photos to back it up. Looking back, WND has many 'scoops.'
Their motto is a "free press for a free people". In the "who's who" section at WND you will see that Joseph Farah is the Editor and CEO.
Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. His latest book is "Stop The Presses: The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution." He also edits the online intelligence newsletter Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, in which he utilizes his sources developed over 30 years in the news business."

Right Truth: Is World Net Daily a reliable source of information?

All that effort..and NOBODY reads your crap, you know.
Has WND ever actually gotten dinged for being inaccurate?

I know the left hates them, and so casts aspersions on their accuracy..is there evidence that they're inaccurate?

I'm curious...
Only when they've been.....


".....but in light of recent events, this book has become problematic, and contains what I now believe to be factual inaccuracies."
You need a nine year old copy editor, shaman. Maybe then you'd make sense.

Meanwhile, still no evidence of them getting anything WRONG. They're just hated for reporting on things the left would rather wasn't shared with the public.
You need a nine year old copy editor, shaman. Maybe then you'd make sense.

Meanwhile, still no evidence of them getting anything WRONG.
....Until they've put it IN A BOOK!!!!!!



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