Woke militants blunder into a parental buzz saw

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Not a day passes without mothers and fathers rebelling against left-wing indoctrination of their children at school. Like magma erupting through the Earth’s crust, superheated parental anger is cracking the natural disinclination of ordinary people to speak up on controversial issues. Videos of parents confronting an education establishment that has been entirely captured by the radical Left are going viral so often that they’ve become a new social media genre, as Max Eden noted in the Washington Examiner magazine.

This is a counterrevolution that might topple the edifice of left-wing lies about our culture and our country. To switch metaphors, the ideological abuse of schoolchildren might be a bridge too far, the fatal overreach by left-wing bullies. These militants may, as a result, be thwarted in their repellent efforts to make ours a less successful and less admirable nation. They reckoned on ordinary Americans remaining docile, like those proverbial frogs in gradually heated water, but they have probably miscalculated.

Let us hope so.

In Minnesota this month, to cite just one local eruption, a 9-year-old schoolgirl challenged her school board to take down Black Lives Matter posters that festoon the buildings in which she is supposed to be educated, not indoctrinated. Reading a statement evidently written with her parents’ help, the girl denounced the board’s mendaciousness and hypocrisy, which had guided its decision not merely to allow but to create BLM posters for Lakeville Elementary School. The girl had asked her principal to remove the posters, which violated the board’s stated policy of “no politics in school.” He refused, telling her the posters were made by the board itself.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...


“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” ~ George Orwell
This could be the point gone too far as for education. But there absolutely is a "point too far" to push people, and we grow more near it by the day. The radical woke fascist democrat party and their BIZARRE crap that they are RAMMING down every day, average, normal people's throat is wearing very thin on people.

Electing president Trump was a form of push back, but when the demtrash CHEATED their asinine, senile, dementia patient and his horizontal whore into the white house, that was the last straw for many.
Nobody is going to benefit from the insanity. Once they destroy America lets see how they like whatever is next. Nobody learns from history,sadly!
Did anyone ever notice that all of this "woke" culture always centers around liberals?

You never her about any of this crap in the flyover states of our country. It always happens in liberal-dominated school districts, and due to liberal dominated state and local governments.

New York, Virginia (Northern areas just outside Washington DC) , Minnesota, California, Washington and Oregon., etc.

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