Woman gets 23 months in prison for falsely accusing 2 cops of rape

The woman got off way too easy.

If the cops had been convicted, they would have spent decades in prison.

Feminists are always squawking about wanting equality for women.

She should have been given the same sentence the innocent cops were facing. ... :cool:
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A false accusation should be met with a similar sentence. She is doing long prison time, but avoids the Pen.
The woman got off way too easy.

If the cops had been convicted, they would have spent decades in prison.

Feminists are always squawking about wanting equality for women.

She should have been given the same sentence the innocent cops were facing. ... :cool:
That is the BIBLICAL punishment for....

You shall not bear FALSE WITNESS against your neighbor.

It would end fast if they received the punishment the victim would have received if they were successful.
She Falsely Accused Two Police Officers Of Rape. She Was Sentenced To Just 23 Months In Jail.

Where is my favorite Hawaiian Senator saying that women must be believed?
That is why all law enforcers must wear a operating body cam on them at all times. They should make it a law. And every time that they are going to cut it off when private moments like going to the restrooms. They must call it in to dispatch. But if they gets into an incident. And if their body cam is turned off or not working? That they will be charged for not having an operational body cam on them. Make it mandatory that this is the only witness that the cops can have while fighting a court case.


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