Woman stabs other woman on NYC subway for simply staring at her

Rule number one in this world: NEVER,NEVER stare, never!

Eyes to the ground...particularly in an enclosed place.... if you must stare then no longer than 5 second stare.... people are nervy these times.... sometimes wearing sunshades is a good idea....

I'm serious.

No no....never eyes to the ground...that denotes being dominated. I'm a GoJu Ryu instructor, well was back in the day. We teach to watch the middle of the opponent's chest....if he moves you'll see it without falling for a head-fake or shoulder-roll. Stare a hole in their chest outta the corner of your eye...but NEVER take your eyes off them completely...that's an invitation to an ambusher. :eusa_angel:

I am not a Goju Ryu instructor.

Stare not live in peace is my motto :D
Rule number one in this world: NEVER,NEVER stare, never!

Eyes to the ground...particularly in an enclosed place.... if you must stare then no longer than 5 second stare.... people are nervy these times.... sometimes wearing sunshades is a good idea....

I'm serious.

No no....never eyes to the ground...that denotes being dominated. I'm a GoJu Ryu instructor, well was back in the day. We teach to watch the middle of the opponent's chest....if he moves you'll see it without falling for a head-fake or shoulder-roll. Stare a hole in their chest outta the corner of your eye...but NEVER take your eyes off them completely...that's an invitation to an ambusher. :eusa_angel:

I live by the motto given to me by my martial arts instructor: "Watch the chest, get kicked in nuts". It is ok to look for a brief moment though...:wink_2:
Rule number one in this world: NEVER,NEVER stare, never!

Eyes to the ground...particularly in an enclosed place.... if you must stare then no longer than 5 second stare.... people are nervy these times.... sometimes wearing sunshades is a good idea....

I'm serious.

No no....never eyes to the ground...that denotes being dominated. I'm a GoJu Ryu instructor, well was back in the day. We teach to watch the middle of the opponent's chest....if he moves you'll see it without falling for a head-fake or shoulder-roll. Stare a hole in their chest outta the corner of your eye...but NEVER take your eyes off them completely...that's an invitation to an ambusher. :eusa_angel:

I am not a Goju Ryu instructor.

Stare not live in peace is my motto :D

I heard that! :eusa_angel:

p.s. put your hand in your pocket or purse and grip your car keys between your fingers, points out....any punch with a fist full of keys is very discouraging to an attacker....but don't stop to admire your work....give him half a dozen reminders he messed with the wrong babe.
Here's a freebie....we watch the middle of the chest for another reason.....count 3 buttons down on his shirt....that's where the solar plexus is.....doesn't take an ape-man punch to put him on the ground if struck there. Be careful though....too strong and you collapse his diaphram....just a snappy jab...takes the fire right outta em.
Novasteve threads seem to fall into two categories:

1.) Threads about transsexuals.

2.) Threads about black people committing violent crimes.

It must be strange to spend so much time thinking about those things.
I wonder if the victim was white?

That's not the point, boot licker.


Seriously, I was wondering the same thing.

I think it's a good point. Could be a hate crime. Now if the attacker as shown was black and the victim was white, do we get to riot?

Seriously it's like going to the sarfari park as a kid and they tell you not to stare directly at the Baboons eye cause that is considered a challenge to the baboon and he can rip you to pieces. Same thing. In NYC you just don't make eye contact.
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I live by the motto given to me by my martial arts instructor: "Watch the chest, get kicked in nuts". It is ok to look for a brief moment though...:wink_2:

Who was your instructor, PeeWee Herman? Tell me you're kidding....:eusa_eh:
Here it should be noted that a returned-stare is often sufficient to end their stare. Especially if you've looked away once or twice and see them still boring in. At that point you need a crazy stare of your own....practice in front of a mirror your crazy stare...don't overdo it with a curled lip or display of teeth...just a buggy-eyed tad demented grinning. :D
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The other place where one should never stare is in restaurants, when people are eating? that's when they become most territorial.
I was kidding, but one guy I studied with was the late Charlie Nelson. A very nice man.

The good ones always are.....what system did you study? I first saw real karate at Ninh Hoa, 9th ROK.....tough little bastards, one in particular named Choi who years later I ran across in Phoenix. He denied he was the same guy and I wasn't about to quarrel with him, a 7th dan. Anyway, back home I ran into a guy who was one of Peter Urban's blackbelts from NYC and started learning kata and competing. Goshi Yamaguchi was at my Shodan testing. Here's his father, the founder of GoJu Ryu....the "cat man"....I could tell stories of this guys exploits for hours but not now....here he demonstrates "lion breathing" and there's some kumite for all the badasses here who claim they've "whipped a blackbelt" :eusa_angel:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5jAWbuBdhg]Gogen Yamaguchi - The Cat - YouTube[/ame]
No one needs to really stare at someone, the assailant just has to think he or she is being stared at.
Amen to this! To me, this is how a lot of incidents get started whether its a kid being pushed around in school or someone being confronted anywhere else. If someone turns you into a target for any reason, I hope that you know self defense, because most likely you are going to need it.

God bless you always!!!


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