Women Voters Usher in a Female Congressional Wave


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011

The GOP better start changing their message.

It’s official: we just lived through another Year of the Woman. A record number are heading to the U.S. Senate after last night, thanks in part to the victories of Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, and Deb Fischer. Eighteen women Senators will take their places in the 113th Congress, beating the current record of 17.

Women were also crucial on the other side of the equation: It was their votes that propelled many of these female candidates to victory. Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown thanks to an 18-point lead among women. Tammy Baldwin edged out Tommy Thompson with a 14-point lead. Amy Klobuchar, an incumbent Senator, walloped Kurt Bills with an enormous 44-point lead. While there’s no exit polling available yet and the race is still too close to call, Heidi Heitkamp has a slight lead over Republican Rick Berg, who only supports abortion exceptions for the life of the mother and not for rape victims.

Women also helped elect the country’s first pro-choice governor, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, who was voted in with 60 percent of women supporting her. New Hampshire, in fact, is national headquarters for the Year of the Woman, with an all-female Congressional delegation, a female governor, and a woman-controlled state legislature.

Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.
Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.

You're an idiot
Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.

You're an idiot

No you are...
We see how you all treat any Republican woman in politics..If a woman wants to run they are FREE to do so
And you all put some real winners in there..Lizzy Warren the liar...
You people don't care anything about a person character, just that they have a D next to their name
The Republicants get Democratic women elected. Good work! Republicant War on Women? What War on Women?

The one that actually elected women.

Regards from Rosie
Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.

You're an idiot

No you are...
We see how you all treat any Republican woman in politics..If a woman wants to run they are FREE to do so
And you all put some real winners in there..Lizzy Warren the liar...
You people don't care anything about a person character, just that they have a D next to their name

Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.

You're an idiot

No you are...
We see how you all treat any Republican woman in politics..If a woman wants to run they are FREE to do so
And you all put some real winners in there..Lizzy Warren the liar...
You people don't care anything about a person character, just that they have a D next to their name

I respected Olympia Snowe, and saw her as a great Stateswoman, who was willing to forge compromise. A great woman that simple little minds like yours, purged from your party, because she refused to play your camp follower, and bend over whenever you told her to. I have similar respect for people Hutchinson, Murkowski, and Collins. They're cast in the similar mold of the late Republican, Margret Chase Smith.

Palin and Bachman, otoh, are certifiable loons.
The Republicants get Democratic women elected. Good work! Republicant War on Women? What War on Women?

The one that actually elected women.

Regards from Rosie

Your logic is twisted. It is due to the Republican war on women, that caused many Republican women to vote for Democratic women.
The Republicants get Democratic women elected. Good work! Republicant War on Women? What War on Women?

The one that actually elected women.

Regards from Rosie

Your logic is twisted. It is due to the Republican war on women, that caused many Republican women to vote for Democratic women.

That is what I was saying, DT, as well as their energizing Democratic women and both genders of young people, too.

The more the right Wars on the left, the more successful the left winds up being.

Shhh...don't tell 'em, ok?

Regards from Rosie

The GOP better start changing their message.

It’s official: we just lived through another Year of the Woman. A record number are heading to the U.S. Senate after last night, thanks in part to the victories of Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, and Deb Fischer. Eighteen women Senators will take their places in the 113th Congress, beating the current record of 17.

Women were also crucial on the other side of the equation: It was their votes that propelled many of these female candidates to victory. Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown thanks to an 18-point lead among women. Tammy Baldwin edged out Tommy Thompson with a 14-point lead. Amy Klobuchar, an incumbent Senator, walloped Kurt Bills with an enormous 44-point lead. While there’s no exit polling available yet and the race is still too close to call, Heidi Heitkamp has a slight lead over Republican Rick Berg, who only supports abortion exceptions for the life of the mother and not for rape victims.

Women also helped elect the country’s first pro-choice governor, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, who was voted in with 60 percent of women supporting her. New Hampshire, in fact, is national headquarters for the Year of the Woman, with an all-female Congressional delegation, a female governor, and a woman-controlled state legislature.


the gop got the message way before the democratic parties identity politics machine got rolling:rolleyes:..between the first woman in congress a REP., in 1917 ( 3 years before woman got the right to vote by way), for the next 20 years, it was 10 to 3....get over it.

there were 8 woman gop congressPERSONS elected to the 2010 congress , + 2 senators elected, Murkowski and Ayotte and there was sitting senators snowe collins Hutchinson etc. as well.
Yet the GOP's party platform called for abortion restrictions, they ran candidates who want to see abortion outlawed, and Romney stated he would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. So...
Women are all about being paid for and taken care of. For the GOP to change its message and get more women voters, they are going to have to start giving out more free stuff than democrats do. Democrats have been at it longer and are much better at it.
You're full of prunes. You just described women in the most contemptible terms and failed to realize that YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE OF A WOMAN.

Go stand in the corner.
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Yet the GOP's party platform called for abortion restrictions, they ran candidates who want to see abortion outlawed, and Romney stated he would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. So...

you're just a flat our liar...that is not a Gop's platform or is anyone calling for outlawing your all's precious abortions. Romney stated LEAVE IT UP TO THE STATES
what happens in a state is their business...But you all want the Federal Government involved to force others to accept things. YOU so open minded liberals are the tyrants
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