Woody Allen vs. Ridley Scott


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Woody Allen and Ridley Scott are vastly different film-makers, and their respective films Celebrity (a sardonic treatise on fame and fortune in America) and Gladiator (a historical epic about gladiator-fighting from Ancient Rome) illuminate just how different these two film-makers really are.

Allen chooses to make pedestrianism-psychology films, while Scott chooses to make imagination-diaspora films, though both arguably make daydream-breakdown films symbolic of the lifestyle-explicit consciousness of our traffic-theatrics 'TrumpUSA.'

Who will ever forget how Donald Trump used the media during his presidential campaign to create symbolic pedestrianism drama (and theatrics)?

Whose film about Donald Trump would you rather be in, Allen or Scott?


DICAPRIO: I love that new show Modern Family (starring Julie Bowen).
CROWE: I prefer the show The Big Bang Theory (starring Mayim Bialik).
DICAPRIO: It's interesting how 'pedestrian psychology' is widely-presented in TV now...
CROWE: People care about lifestyle presentations in the media!
DICAPRIO: Is it any wonder America elected a casino-owner as its President?
CROWE: Not surprising. I'm a big fan of the Scorsese film Casino (Robert De Niro).
DICAPRIO: So you've made a Ridley Scott film, and I've made a Woody Allen film...
CROWE: Two very different directors!
DICAPRIO: And now Allen and Scott are both considering making a movie about President Trump.
CROWE: I look more forward to Scott's film project, since he's more dramatic/elegiac.
DICAPRIO: I'm more eager about Allen's project, since he's more brutally honest (and funny!).
CROWE: Do you find TrumpUSA 'elegiac' or 'funny'?
DICAPRIO: Humor always makes me feel better about 'consumerism-culture' (Starbucks).
CROWE: Consumerism is not always 'a riot' (e.g., Tom Cruise and his work with Scientology in the media).
DICAPRIO: Well, you know I work with environmental activism, which speaks to various interests!
CROWE: I bet Woody Allen will cast a gorgeous woman (e.g., Connie Nielsen) to play Melania Trump.
DICAPRIO: I bet Scott casts an attractive but intelligent actress (e.g., Nicole Kidman) to play the Melania...
CROWE: I'm excited. I'm even excited now about the Oakland Raiders moving to Las Vegas!
DICAPRIO: Let's not push it. I'm happy about The Founder though...


I'm psyched about the new Allen and Scott films Wonder Wheel and Alien:Covenant!

You know why this sounds boring? It's because we're all cynical about our newest celebrity-president, but hey, the last one gave us Reaganomics...

Matter Out-of-Place

We celebrate stories such as The Queen and the Welshman and the Pied Piper of Hamelin, because we're fascinated by a sense of place, so isn't it possible that we could be intrigued by differing perspectives on place?


DICAPRIO: I'd like the Woody Allen film about Donald Trump to include something about Wales...
CROWE: Why, are you interested in Welsh culture?
DICAPRIO: If President Trump visits Wales, he might learn something that is foreign but charming...
CROWE: I see, and you think this would give him a humbling perspective contrasting 'American capitalism bravado.'
DICAPRIO: Exactly! And Woody Allen could make a very funny vignette with such a film scene...
CROWE: You might be right, but what if Trump hates Wales?
DICAPRIO: What do you mean?
CROWE: Ridley Scott could nicely present a scene in which Trump feels out-of-place or unhappy leaving America.
DICAPRIO: True. Since we can't know of such a future fact, I'd rather bank on Allen, since he nicely captures culture.
CROWE: You don't think Ridley Scott films expose the 'magic' of culture?
DICAPRIO: I think Scott's films are more universal and about basic muscular feelings that transcend cultural borders...
CROWE: You're right, Leo, but I was wondering if Scott would do a generally better job at making a Trump film about money.
DICAPRIO: Oh, you think Scott's treatment in film of Trump visiting Wales would invoke tradition-intrigue more?
CROWE: Precisely. For example, who could do a better job at a film translation of the Pied Piper of Hamelin?
DICAPRIO: Definitely Ridley Scott.
CROWE: That's exactly why I say let Scott do the Trump movie, and the audience can sort out 'TrumpUSA' sarcasm...


I never watch Allen movies. I'm not in to supporting pedos.
He's not a pedophile.

He went to court and the judge threw out the case as ridiculous.

There is only one accuser - Mia Farrow - and no evidence or witnesses, not even her.

No one else in the world has ever accused Woody Allen of any inappropriate behaviour. This is the ONLY allegation.
Nah. Mia is just lying that he wanted to fuck his adopted under age daughter...and did.
Bullshit. No she isn't and yes he did.
Then why did the judge dismiss the case?

(I suggest you don't just spout out, uninformed, like usual, and Google a bit before responding.)
I don't need to google. The judge is just as creepy as Allen.
You do not raise an adopted child, lust after it, then marry it. Common sense. Morals.
This is not a case of being uninformed. Its a case of knowing right from wrong.

Done with this thread. You go ahead and worship your idol.
Quest for Safety

The upcoming politico-cultural intrigue film American Made (Tom Cruise) suggests to me we're interested in adventure in the modern age.

So imagine that an Easter picnic hosted by Paul Newman and Nicole Kidman (former friends of Cruise, though Newman has passed now) draws a decent crowd interested in the charities presented by the celebrity event. The purpose of the picnic is to raise awareness for the fact that actors in the modern age are required to take on roles that are controversial, complex, incendiary and could therefore make them targets for anti-Westernism fanatics.

Remember what happened to John Lennon, Steffi Graf, etc., etc., etc.?

With that caveat, do you think Woody Allen or Ridley Scott would make a more attention-dangerous film about 'TrumpUSA'?


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