World Socialists March forward as America Burns


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
While we pay the fidder for the 8 year Bush dance, the Chinese Socialist set a new record in their country they should be proud of. I am reminded of other feats in building that are occurring around the World for countries who have no need for Wars and Nation building to prop up their economies. And you should wonder why the Billionaires of America, hung on capitalisms taxes, have come forward with no new visions of grandeur. Why Thrump is building his golfing resort in Ireland.

The conservative answer in America is always the same stupidty: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, LEAVE!!! It is not about what can we do to make America a better place. Not what can they do for America. No, it is always about what can America do for them.:clap2:

London, Jan 9 : China has set a new record after constructing the world's longest bridge over water.

The newly constructed 26.4 miles-long Qingdao Haiwan Bridge would easily cross the English Channel and is almost 3 miles longer than the previous record-holder, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the American state of Louisiana, reports the Telegraph.

The vast structure links the center of the booming port city of Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong Province with the suburb of Huangdao, spanning the wide blue waters of Jiaozhou Bay.

Built in just four years at a cost of 5.5 billion pounds, the sheer scale of the bridge reveals the advances made by Chinese engineers in recent years.

The six-lane road bridge is supported by more than 5,200 columns and was designed by the Shandong Gausu Group.

When it opens to traffic later this year, the bridge is expected to carry over 30,000 cars a day and will cut the commute between the city of Qingdao and the sprawling suburb of Huangdao by between 20 and 30 minutes.

At least 10,000 workers toiled in two teams around the clock to build the bridge, which was constructed from opposite ends and connected in the middle in the last few days.

World's longest bridge built in China - World News, 120541



7.5 Billion Marina community on Abu Dhabi's Reem Island is launched


Japan Island airport


Mumbai Towers, India

Really,, why don't you just leave? You tell us everyday how sucky it is here... so please.. do yourself a favor and go to China.

Fucking whiney-ass bitch.
Really,, why don't you just leave? You tell us everyday how sucky it is here... so please.. do yourself a favor and go to China.

Fucking whiney-ass bitch.

Ahh, turd rose by any other name is still a turd rose. LMAO!!! So you have no debate, no fresh ideas, just a wimpering depressed and defeated con with no intelligence or answers. How is that for predicting what the Trolls will say?? :lol::lol: They are so buried in daily fantasies they can't even think for themselves, they arent allowed to question, they are programed to recieve. LOL!!!:lol::lol:
Interesting to see that the cowardly socialists are finally coming out from the rocks they had been hiding for the last century. Tell us how great socialism is Barry. We are dying to hear it.
Interesting to see that the cowardly socialists are finally coming out from the rocks they had been hiding for the last century. Tell us how great socialism is Barry. We are dying to hear it.

Perhaps you should read the OP and answer your own question?? I mean, if you can read. Tell us why America is failing, and investors are not building here anymore? I think it is related to capitalism and where it takes us, like Nation building wars taking the money out of circulation, borrowing to support wars, instead of borrowing to put Americans to work building great feats like Socialist countries are doing. Like investors knowing America is going to collapse inward on itself, so they invest elsewhere like Trump is doing. Have any logical thoughts along that line, do let us know. Because it looks like we reached a point of enterprise in the 80's, and nothing has been happening since then except nation building journeys like Iraq, who are kicking our ass out of their country this year. But the real point is, the mega bucks we handed to Corporations in Iraq, and did it for nothing. That money should have been spent in America, or left in your pocket. Try to think for yourself, OK?
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It's the truth. You bitch non stop about America. Anyone that stupid and miserable needs to find something better.
Nothing you can't get done with a little slave labor.

chuckle, chuckle,.......... Are you saying the only way Capitalism in America can build again is with slave labor? Paying Americans a "Will Work for Food" ration a day to build for them? LMAO!!! No, that won't help the American worker much who has a family & a host of payments to make. It won't help our economy either.
Capitalism is thriving in China. 2/3 of the workers work for private businesses. There were almost none 20 years ago. There is a stock market and private ownership is increasing rapidly. China seems intent on proving that capitalism can flourish in a totalitarian state, something we said was impossible.
It's the truth. You bitch non stop about America. Anyone that stupid and miserable needs to find something better.

And you hate the truth, the reality around you. You don't THINK!! You don't ask what can you do for your country. You LACK patriotism, and you think your nation is a fucking failure that should NOT be discussed and solutions found for. You are just another imbecile like Soggy is. Takers, not givers, not doers. Just a pile of shit needing a good flush.

I will always want more for my country and its people. I want to be able to say we are the greatest nation on earth, and MEAN IT.

Go eat your "soggy cereal."
Capitalism is thriving in China. 2/3 of the workers work for private businesses. There were almost none 20 years ago. There is a stock market and private ownership is increasing rapidly. China seems intent on proving that capitalism can flourish in a totalitarian state, something we said was impossible.

That maybe so. And China isn't nation building with it's money and starting wars that cause over taxation and massive borrowing that takes money out of our country and circulation. They are leaving us behind, and it isn't because our workers are lazy, or our mass production can be matched.

Capitalism will not let us build great feats, because there is no incentive. And the government can build no great feats as long as we remain a warring borrowing nation.

Israel can build a massive wall around its country, because we give them the money. Yet in America we cannot build a massive wall on our Southern border as the invasion continues to destroy our country. No incentive, no money. Americans need to change the way they think, when their only solution is to get rid of people who want to make America a better place.

While Conservatives scream to let foreigners drill in the Gulf, all the ships and drilling and pumping platform city's are built in foreign countries like japan and hauled into our Gulf. And the oil leaves in ships for foreign ports, on ships built in foreign countries. That is what the cons support!!!
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I'm not sure of the success of the intent of the OP. But the underlining example Shintao used was infrastructure advancements in other countries. I found that to be extremely interesting.
One of the most glaring reasons the US is losing it's place in the world and why the US has become less and less desirable for expansion for international corporations is our outdated and fragile infrastructure. Most estimates I have seen for getting our infrastructure up to snuff is well over two trillion dollars. The best place to get those funds is from a gasoline tax and no one has the balls to raise taxes on gas.
I'm not sure of the success of the intent of the OP. But the underlining example Shintao used was infrastructure advancements in other countries. I found that to be extremely interesting.
One of the most glaring reasons the US is losing it's place in the world and why the US has become less and less desirable for expansion for international corporations is our outdated and fragile infrastructure. Most estimates I have seen for getting our infrastructure up to snuff is well over two trillion dollars. The best place to get those funds is from a gasoline tax and no one has the balls to raise taxes on gas.

Why should gasoline taxes be used to build up the infrstructure? Republicans have made it clear, the money has to come from cutting an existing fund, not raising taxes, so why not the military?
I have a bit of a different take. After WWII, we were number in just about everything. During the war we built huge industries. We had the skills, the manpower, and the resources plus we did not have to rebuilt our country as a result of the war. We were able to dictate the terms of trade treaties. We used our military as a threat to make sure we got what we wanted. For 30 years we were on top because most of rest of the world couldn't compete we us. They were either recovering from the war or were behind the iron curtain. Before the end of the 20th century, the world had become much more completive with Russia and China embarrassing capitalism and the formation of the EU. Trade barriers were torn down allowing less developed countries with low wages to under price us in market. Globalization allowed most large corporation in the US to go global investing where the profits were highest which was not in the US.

Just as the great industries that were build in the US after WWII by the children of the depression, the great industries in Europe and the Pacific Rim and Japan were built by the children of the war.

It's not that the US is running slower, the rest of the world is just running faster. If we are to compete with the rest of the world we going to have to make a lot of changes. We going have to make major cuts in government spending, increase personal income tax, cut corporate taxes, make large investments in education, and infrastructure, and become energy independence. What stands between us and doing what we must do is political division. Hell, half the country wants to turn the clock back to 1776. The other half just wants a free lunch.
I have a bit of a different take. After WWII, we were number in just about everything. During the war we built huge industries. We had the skills, the manpower, and the resources plus we did not have to rebuilt our country as a result of the war. We were able to dictate the terms of trade treaties. We used our military as a threat to make sure we got what we wanted. For 30 years we were on top because most of rest of the world couldn't compete we us. They were either recovering from the war or were behind the iron curtain. Before the end of the 20th century, the world had become much more completive with Russia and China embarrassing capitalism and the formation of the EU. Trade barriers were torn down allowing less developed countries with low wages to under price us in market. Globalization allowed most large corporation in the US to go global investing where the profits were highest which was not in the US.

Just as the great industries that were build in the US after WWII by the children of the depression, the great industries in Europe and the Pacific Rim and Japan were built by the children of the war.

It's not that the US is running slower, the rest of the world is just running faster. If we are to compete with the rest of the world we going to have to make a lot of changes. We going have to make major cuts in government spending, increase personal income tax, cut corporate taxes, make large investments in education, and infrastructure, and become energy independence. What stands between us and doing what we must do is political division. Hell, half the country wants to turn the clock back to 1776. The other half just wants a free lunch.

I favor eliminating corporate taxes, because we both know the taxes are passed onto the consumer. BUT, by eliminating taxes, I also say eliminate all corporate regulations, so government has absolutely no control over them. That way we don't have to pay to regulate them from our taxes. Let consumers monitor corporations and decide who they will buy from. The consumer has the power to sue them when they screw up. And as such corporations will also be cut off from any corporate aid, subsides, bonuses, favors, military, etc. So that saves us more in taxes.

That in turn ends lobbyists and special interests and wars, and will send many congressmen packing when they can't support their 6 houses & dozen limos, etc. That will open the door for the common working man to run for office, who knows what it is to struggle in this country.

Now watch the cons oppose this idea!!!
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I favor eliminating corporate taxes, because we both know the taxes are passed onto the consumer. BUT, by eliminating taxes, I also say eliminate all corporate regulations, so government has absolutely no control over them. That way we don't have to pay to regulate them from our taxes. Let consumers monitor corporations and decide who they will buy from. The consumer has the power to sue them when they screw up. And as such corporations will also be cut off from any corporate aid, subsides, bonuses, favors, military, etc. So that saves us more in taxes.

That in turn ends lobbyists and special interests and wars, and will send many congressmen packing when they can't support their 6 houses & dozen limos, etc. That will open the door for the common working man to run for office, who knows what it is to struggle in this country.

Now watch the cons oppose this idea!!!
No, I agree with this. America should have as small a government as possible look at all the damage they've done with the spending under Bush and accelerated under Obama.

But what you left out of your postings are the effects of The Federal Reserve Bank and International Banking cartels on our economy and currency.

Also NAFTA, GATT, WTO, open borders, etc.
I have a bit of a different take. After WWII, we were number in just about everything. During the war we built huge industries. We had the skills, the manpower, and the resources plus we did not have to rebuilt our country as a result of the war. We were able to dictate the terms of trade treaties. We used our military as a threat to make sure we got what we wanted. For 30 years we were on top because most of rest of the world couldn't compete we us. They were either recovering from the war or were behind the iron curtain. Before the end of the 20th century, the world had become much more completive with Russia and China embarrassing capitalism and the formation of the EU. Trade barriers were torn down allowing less developed countries with low wages to under price us in market. Globalization allowed most large corporation in the US to go global investing where the profits were highest which was not in the US.

Just as the great industries that were build in the US after WWII by the children of the depression, the great industries in Europe and the Pacific Rim and Japan were built by the children of the war.

It's not that the US is running slower, the rest of the world is just running faster. If we are to compete with the rest of the world we going to have to make a lot of changes. We going have to make major cuts in government spending, increase personal income tax, cut corporate taxes, make large investments in education, and infrastructure, and become energy independence. What stands between us and doing what we must do is political division. Hell, half the country wants to turn the clock back to 1776. The other half just wants a free lunch.

I favor eliminating corporate taxes, because we both know the taxes are passed onto the consumer. BUT, by eliminating taxes, I also say eliminate all corporate regulations, so government has absolutely no control over them. That way we don't have to pay to regulate them from our taxes. Let consumers monitor corporations and decide who they will buy from. The consumer has the power to sue them when they screw up. And as such corporations will also be cut off from any corporate aid, subsides, bonuses, favors, military, etc. So that saves us more in taxes.

That in turn ends lobbyists and special interests and wars, and will send many congressmen packing when they can't support their 6 houses & dozen limos, etc. That will open the door for the common working man to run for office, who knows what it is to struggle in this country.

Now watch the cons oppose this idea!!!
No, I can't agree that all corporate regulations should be eliminated. Corporations should not be able to offer new public offerings of stock and bonds without any disclosure to potential investors. I doubt even Wall Street would support that. Corporations should not be able to offer drugs without oversight. Banks should be able to speculate with depositors money. There are a lot of sound regulations on business that are needed but there are a number that we should do away with. I think we have gone overboard with a lot of consumer protection.

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