Would you fight for your country?

Third world villagers if the last 70 odd years is any guide. Don't you remember the first wave of landing craft steaming up the Hudson?
Understand but I am asking for actual factual responses from those worshipping at the Cheeto's Throne.

These buttwipes have been throwing this crap around since 2009.
Nazi democrats are a clear and present danger. The Gravest danger the free Republic has ever faced.

You are a level of evil not seen since the Aztecs.
Only in GQP fantasyland.

In the world where actual people live the GQP is the greatest threat to Democracy since Hitler.

This is a map of the citizens who said they would fight for their country.

Dark red means you don't GAF about your country and wouldn't care if it burned.

Dark blue means you'd fight to the death to defend your country.

Germany, the Netherlands, could care less if they lost their country.

Finland and Turkey would put up a fight.

Would you fight for your country?

Germans will flee with wet pants by the first attack
Germans will flee with wet pants by the first attack

Yes, the Germans are historically known as cowards - and Russians have done so well in past encounters.

What was it in WWII - 257 Russians dead for each Nazi soldier killed? Russia is tres impressive....

Yes, the Germans are historically known as cowards - and Russians have done so well in past encounters.

What was it in WWII - 257 Russians dead for each Nazi soldier killed? Russia is tres impressive....

Russia is being run by Jewish communists since 1917, it isn't fault of Russians to die for interests of satanists
Fight for my country? Or my government?
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