WOW!~Dem billionaires Steyer & Doomberg already spent combined $200 million in quest for presidency!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ok folks, raise your hands if you think EITHER of the 2 enviroterrorists who want to KILL literally MILLIONS of current American good paying jobs. Especially in the fossil fuels field, which includes our POWER INDUSTRIES, electricity AND our means of transportation will EVER BECOME PRESIDENT?.....And you idiots rant, and rave about Trump being a dictator! DemonRATS, your HYPOCRISY and stupidity are showing, along with your HATRED towards other citizens involved with these industries for making a living!


Remember when the Democrats thought “money politics” was a bad thing? (Fauxahontas still does along with BERN DEM DOWN. SANDERS!) That moral certainty started to crumble when Hillary Clinton outspent Donald Trump by a factor of at least 2, and still went down to defeat. And while vilifying Wall Street makes for good progressive virtue-signaling, the Dems are now the party of plutocrats, buying with welfare and money transfers the support of an underclass kept angry and dependent by progressive policies that hamper job-creation and reward idleness and dependency.

President Trump’s tax and regulations cuts have boosted job growth and income at the lower end of the market, imperiling this strategy, but that hasn’t stopped the billionaires lusting for power and still welcome in the party. Maya King of Politico writes:

Together, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have poured nearly $200 million into television and digital advertising alone, with the former New York mayor spending an unprecedented $120 million in the roughly three weeks since he joined the presidential race. That’s more than double the combined ad spending of every single non-billionaire candidate in the Democratic field this entire year.

“We’ve never seen spending like this in a presidential race,” said Jim McLaughlin, a Republican political strategist who worked as a consultant for Bloomberg’s mayoral bids in New York. “He has a limitless budget.” (snip)

Steyer isn’t spending at the same stratospheric levels as Bloomberg, yet with $83 million in ad buys so far, he’s still far outpacing everyone other than his fellow billionaire. The next highest spender on ads is Pete Buttigieg at $19 million.

Many readers know that political consultants love campaign advertising because they get a percentage of the spend in compensation, often 15%, which really adds up when a budget of $120 million is up for grab. And that’s just for 3 weeks.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..


They have LESS money to do real harm with....
What’s funny is I think I have seen one Bloomberg ad and that is it.
Gee, now why would anyone spend over $200 Million to win a Job that only pays $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment?

($19,000 on 'entertainment'? I know couples with children who make less than that - $15,000...)
Steyer - I've seen several of his TV ads.
He sounds great, and I'd probably vote for him if I were stupid.

Those dam old white guy billionaire Democrats who want to be President!

Where are all the Liberal anti-old white guy, anti-RICH people NOW?

Gee, now why would anyone spend over $200 Million to win a Job that only pays $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment?

($19,000 on 'entertainment'? I know couples with children who make less than that - $15,000...)
Because they're good responsible smart Americans that find a need to get this swine trump out of our WH Does that help?
What’s funny is I think I have seen one Bloomberg ad and that is it.

I've seen multiple ads for Bloomberg many times but not one ad for anyone else, which is funny because even if I considered voting democrat, he would be about my LAST choice, but as I live in a heavy blue zone, I hope he packs in the votes to take from whomever the chief dem candidate really is!

They have LESS money to do real harm with....

LOL, Bloomberg is reportedly worth $58 BILLION and is the 9th wealthiest person the planet, $120 million is chump change for him, Steyer is no pauper either at an estimated net worth of $1.6 BILLION, so both of them still have plenty of money and influence to "do real harm with..." if they so choose.

All these private BILLIONS sloshing around in the Crime Family-D Nomination Race is going to make this circus interesting for a change and it's going to get REALLY interesting if Bloomberg does manage to win the nomination.
Gee, now why would anyone spend over $200 Million to win a Job that only pays $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment?

($19,000 on 'entertainment'? I know couples with children who make less than that - $15,000...)

I imagine they all want the same, to get into office and make sure they profit even more, especially with a China First policy.
I imagine they all want the same, to get into office and make sure they profit even more, especially with a China First policy.
Which means Trump would remain as the only President (in the modern era anyway) to actually stand up against China.

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