Wow neat a whole bunch of sci fi movies on TCM

I enjoy TCM. I just like older art and entertainment, a time when they relied on acting (sometimes annoying over acting) and strong writing. Gets the noodle working rather than just "flash, bang, slapstick"

I don't watch movies often, but I will once in awhile check out some I haven't seen. They also once in awhile have absolutely phenomenal WW2 OSS training videos and others on TV (also on youtube if you search for them).

Extremely well acted and produced, they took these videos seriously as they were for American and British soldiers. Especially in regards to keeping quiet as the Germans were very good at espionage. They would show how innocuous comments could lead to disasterous outcomes.

For historical reference also, I noticed there was a large number of such videos in 1944, moreso than 1943. Clearly the U.S and allies were planning D Day and wanted to have their soldiers well trained in the art of secrecy before hand in case of leaks.

Here one near example, this was American made, more in the mold of Patton. They didn't sugar coat what these young men were going to face:

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Spock looked about 16 years old

Watch the mods close the the thread cuz Tyrone didn’t give a link

I get more good sci-fi now for free than I ever did when I paid out the ass for cable or satellite for channels like TCM, SyFy and every other cable channel you can think of combined.
Spock looked about 16 years old

Watch the mods close the the thread cuz Tyrone didn’t give a link

I get more good sci-fi now for free than I ever did when I paid out the ass for cable or satellite for channels like TCM, SyFy and every other cable channel you can think of combined.
I watched an mst3k version of Hercules Unchained yesterday off YouTube
Pretty funny
Check "the making of A Night to Remember" on YouTube very interesting. Love TCM
I enjoy TCM. I just like older art and entertainment, a time when they relied on acting (sometimes annoying over acting) and strong writing. Gets the noodle working rather than just "flash, bang, slapstick"

I don't watch movies often, but I will once in awhile check out some I haven't seen. They also once in awhile have absolutely phenomenal WW2 OSS training videos and others on TV (also on youtube if you search for them).

Extremely well acted and produced, they took these videos seriously as they were for American and British soldiers. Especially in regards to keeping quiet as the Germans were very good at espionage. They would show how innocuous comments could lead to disasterous outcomes.

For historical reference also, I noticed there was a large number of such videos in 1944, moreso than 1943. Clearly the U.S and allies were planning D Day and wanted to have their soldiers well trained in the art of secrecy before hand in case of leaks.

Here one near example, this was American made, more in the mold of Patton. They didn't sugar coat what these young men were going to face:

EXCELLENT video!!! Thanks for posting it!!
Spock looked about 16 years old

Watch the mods close the the thread cuz Tyrone didn’t give a link

One of Leonard Nimoy's first parts ... 'Them!'

Spock looked about 16 years old

Watch the mods close the the thread cuz Tyrone didn’t give a link

I get more good sci-fi now for free than I ever did when I paid out the ass for cable or satellite for channels like TCM, SyFy and every other cable channel you can think of combined.
I watched an mst3k version of Hercules Unchained yesterday off YouTube
Pretty funny
Netflix has brought the show back with new episodes.

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