WOW: So Clive Bundy turns out to be a racist; Shocker.

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Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I haven't followed politics much the last few days; Weather too nice, beach too close. But, I watched the Daily Show last night and got my first knowledge of the latest Cattle Battle update.

And it began with Cliven Bundy giving a speech and saying "Let me tell you another thing I know about 'the Negro'".

And I just paused and thought "Holy this real?"

He of course goes on to talk about how "the Negro" aborts his children, jails is men, and "never learned to pick cotton". Jesus H. Christ:eek:

And yet, he goes on.....and asks if they were better of as slaves.:eek:

But it doesn't end there. He defends the institution of slavery because it gave "the Negro" a "normal family life", gave them chickens to tend to, and, get this: "something to do".

And of course, he goes on about how he believes there is no federal government, and the ONLY authority in this land is the county sheriff; Which of course is the belief of the radical right wing sovereign citizen movement.

And just when I thought it couldn't get more surreal, one of the militia members goes to explain how they purposely put women and children up front to form a women/child shield in case the Feds started shooting.

Someone tell me that his is just a practical joke; These people cant really exist, and be this crazy, can they?

And as a guy who lives in South Carolina, and loves my home state and the South (for our food, women and college football).......let me just say, THANK GOD this guy wasn't a Southerner saying all that shit!!!!
Here's a little clue for bucsy: Even Racists Are Protected By The Constitution.
Here's a little clue for bucsy: Even Racists Are Protected By The Constitution.

And when that racist has been given his day in court the Constitution provided for him time and time and time and time again, and that racist has lost, the Constitution does not say that racist and a bunch of yahoos can then take up arms against the government. The Constitution makes it perfectly okay to arrest his racist ass and throw his racist ass in a perfectly constitutional jail, whereupon the racist can subsequently be constitutionally tried by a constitutional jury of his peers.
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I read his entire statement in context HERE
new, unedited version of comments by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has emerged, and it sheds some light on the context of his remarks, universally condemned on Thursday as horrifically racist.

The 67-year-old Bundy, battling the U.S. government after federal agents stormed his ranch to confiscate his cattle in a dispute over grazing fees, said far more than what appeared in the New York Times and most other news accounts. While his grammar is pretty bad -- and his use of "negro" and "colored" considered politically incorrect (although they were both once preferred terms chosen by blacks) -- he actually was making a larger point, not simply deriding blacks.

In a YouTube video, he is filmed already in mid-sentence.

... and so what I've testified to you -- I was in the Watts riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen that last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people are thinking they don't have their freedoms, they didn't have these things, and they didn't have them.

We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to go back. We sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point. We sure don't want these Mexican people to go back to that point. And we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Those comments appear to change the context of the next section, which was quoted in the New York Times. One clear point the rancher made: America has progressed since the 1965 race riots and "we sure don't want to go back."

Here are the heavily quoted comments from Bundy that followed the above section edited out by most news organizations.

Let me tell, talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro. When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids -- and there's always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy -- so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, they got less freedom -- they got less family life, and their happiness -- you could see it in their faces -- they wasn't happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips -- so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

But Bundy went on after saying that -- and again, his comments were edited out of most reports.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know, I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people -- and I’ve worked side by side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structures than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people join us and be with us not, not come to our party.

It does not seem racist to me......
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So....Bundy obviously has never been to one of the vast trailor parks in the South, full of white people who are on welfare, food stamps, and fraudulent "disability" pay. Whose front porches and yards are full of drunk friends and cousins, or brokedown cars, piles of beer cans.

Yeah, THOSE people? He sees some immoral situation in a house full of black people without jobs who are living off government checks. But, a trailor park full of white people doing the same thing? He didn't comment on that.

Bundy and any other racist will SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.

If you want to see black people living off the government, you'll see it. You'll go find it so you can see it. Like he did.

If you want to see white people doing the same thing, you can go find that too.

But there is an element out there that WANTS to find and see black people doing that.

Cliven Bundy = Clayton Bigsby. (Note the irony that both have first and last names that start and end with the same letters haha CNBY)
Guess you missed the part Bundy praised the family of Mexican illegals.

You are such a douche bag and so are others like you assholes.
I read his entire statement in context HERE
new, unedited version of comments by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has emerged, and it sheds some light on the context of his remarks, universally condemned on Thursday as horrifically racist.

The 67-year-old Bundy, battling the U.S. government after federal agents stormed his ranch to confiscate his cattle in a dispute over grazing fees, said far more than what appeared in the New York Times and most other news accounts. While his grammar is pretty bad -- and his use of "negro" and "colored" considered politically incorrect (although they were both once preferred terms chosen by blacks) -- he actually was making a larger point, not simply deriding blacks.

In a YouTube video, he is filmed already in mid-sentence.

... and so what I've testified to you -- I was in the Watts riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen that last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people are thinking they don't have their freedoms, they didn't have these things, and they didn't have them.

We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to go back. We sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point. We sure don't want these Mexican people to go back to that point. And we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Those comments appear to change the context of the next section, which was quoted in the New York Times. One clear point the rancher made: America has progressed since the 1965 race riots and "we sure don't want to go back."

Here are the heavily quoted comments from Bundy that followed the above section edited out by most news organizations.

But Bundy went on after saying that -- and again, his comments were edited out of most reports.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know, I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people -- and I’ve worked side by side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structures than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people join us and be with us not, not come to our party.

It does not seem racist to me......

Nowhere did I see where he hated African Americans because of their skin color.
I read his entire statement in context HERE
new, unedited version of comments by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has emerged, and it sheds some light on the context of his remarks, universally condemned on Thursday as horrifically racist.

The 67-year-old Bundy, battling the U.S. government after federal agents stormed his ranch to confiscate his cattle in a dispute over grazing fees, said far more than what appeared in the New York Times and most other news accounts. While his grammar is pretty bad -- and his use of "negro" and "colored" considered politically incorrect (although they were both once preferred terms chosen by blacks) -- he actually was making a larger point, not simply deriding blacks.

In a YouTube video, he is filmed already in mid-sentence.

... and so what I've testified to you -- I was in the Watts riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen that last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people are thinking they don't have their freedoms, they didn't have these things, and they didn't have them.

We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to go back. We sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point. We sure don't want these Mexican people to go back to that point. And we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Those comments appear to change the context of the next section, which was quoted in the New York Times. One clear point the rancher made: America has progressed since the 1965 race riots and "we sure don't want to go back."

Here are the heavily quoted comments from Bundy that followed the above section edited out by most news organizations.

But Bundy went on after saying that -- and again, his comments were edited out of most reports.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know, I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people -- and I’ve worked side by side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structures than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people join us and be with us not, not come to our party.

It does not seem racist to me......


I love the line.

"better family structures than most of us white people."

I never bailed on the man. But now I hate those that did.
So....Bundy obviously has never been to one of the vast trailor parks in the South.

You really do need to re-read the talking points memos in the sequence in which they arrived.

In the first one the word they used was "traitor" - in the correction "trailer". You seem to have blended the two.
So....Bundy obviously has never been to one of the vast trailor parks in the South, full of white people who are on welfare, food stamps, and fraudulent "disability" pay. Whose front porches and yards are full of drunk friends and cousins, or brokedown cars, piles of beer cans.

Yeah, THOSE people? He sees some immoral situation in a house full of black people without jobs who are living off government checks. But, a trailor park full of white people doing the same thing? He didn't comment on that.

Bundy and any other racist will SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.

If you want to see black people living off the government, you'll see it. You'll go find it so you can see it. Like he did.

If you want to see white people doing the same thing, you can go find that too.

But there is an element out there that WANTS to find and see black people doing that.

Cliven Bundy = Clayton Bigsby. (Note the irony that both have first and last names that start and end with the same letters haha CNBY)

Vast trailer parks in the south. OMG.

Here's a little clue for bucsy: Even Racists Are Protected By The Constitution.

But taxpayers who are tired of subsidizing one are NOT??????

Yeah, it's clear that liberals hate the thought of spending any money subsidizing the outdated belief in the sanctity of The U.S. Constitution. But love to spend money in defiance of it.
Looks like the LEFT on these boards got their marching many more of these fucking threads do we need anyway?

Fucking MORONS.:eusa_hand:

It will be interesting.

And the OP of this one started was reported to the MODS...they have to clean this shit up.

Oh this is too funny. I'll pop back in later because I am about to blow the southern strategy that he assholes use ad nauseum out of the water.

See you in a bit. This will be fun. Done it for years but wanted to take my time in this room.
I wonder how all the cattle ranchers of America who have NOT spent 20 years sucking the government's teet of free land grazing feel about one of their competitors getting to use federal land for free for 20 years?

Sorry GOP. You now OWN this guy, and all his baggage. You martyred him. He's now yours forever.
So....Bundy obviously has never been to one of the vast trailor parks in the South, full of white people who are on welfare, food stamps, and fraudulent "disability" pay. Whose front porches and yards are full of drunk friends and cousins, or brokedown cars, piles of beer cans.

Yeah, THOSE people? He sees some immoral situation in a house full of black people without jobs who are living off government checks. But, a trailor park full of white people doing the same thing? He didn't comment on that.

Bundy and any other racist will SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.

If you want to see black people living off the government, you'll see it. You'll go find it so you can see it. Like he did.

If you want to see white people doing the same thing, you can go find that too.

But there is an element out there that WANTS to find and see black people doing that.

Cliven Bundy = Clayton Bigsby. (Note the irony that both have first and last names that start and end with the same letters haha CNBY)

Vast trailer parks in the south. OMG.


Um...yes. I live in the South. And they are all over the place down here. White people without jobs sucking money out of welfare, food stamps and fraudulent disability/social security claims. No outrage though.

And another note; I see some are tired of Bundy threads.

Hmmm. Were they tired of all the Reverend Wright threads? Or God forbid another Benghazi or Obamacare thread?
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