WOW: So Clive Bundy turns out to be a racist; Shocker.

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All this loose talk about "the constitution". We ain't got no stinkin' "constitution". Not since January, 2009.

:lol: You think that's when it started?

That's the real problem..... :eusa_whistle:
Looks like the LEFT on these boards got their marching many more of these fucking threads do we need anyway?

Fucking MORONS.:eusa_hand:

13 of 25 threads on the main page of this political forum are about Bundy. I wonder if it will make it to all 25....
CaféAuLait;8994328 said:
Looks like the LEFT on these boards got their marching many more of these fucking threads do we need anyway?

Fucking MORONS.:eusa_hand:

13 of 25 threads on the main page of this political forum are about Bundy. I wonder if it will make it to all 25....

The Bundy threads can only dream of one day being as plentiful as the Benghazi threads.
CaféAuLait;8994328 said:
Looks like the LEFT on these boards got their marching many more of these fucking threads do we need anyway?

Fucking MORONS.:eusa_hand:

13 of 25 threads on the main page of this political forum are about Bundy. I wonder if it will make it to all 25....

The Bundy threads can only dream of one day being as plentiful as the Benghazi threads.

I don't know, its up to 14 now, on the main page only... I think he is far outpacing Benghazi, given the other forums as well, like Current Events.
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.

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Here's a little clue for bucsy: Even Racists Are Protected By The Constitution.

But taxpayers who are tired of subsidizing one are NOT??????

Yeah, it's clear that liberals hate the thought of spending any money subsidizing the outdated belief in the sanctity of The U.S. Constitution. But love to spend money in defiance of it.

Damn - I must've missed that free cattle feed amendment.
I'm soooooo embarrassed.
There was a continuous three week orgasm over christies road cones.

Yes. But did the 1,000,000 drivers using that road come out 2 weeks later with a speech about what they know about "The Negro" and how slavery was probably a better deal for them? Um, no.

Not to mention the people of NJ didn't show up on horseback with assault rifles to try to fight the NJ government, and put their women and children on the front line to be shot first.

If so, you'd have a valid comparison. But that's not how it went down is it?
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Look the guy comes off like an idiot.... I do think he was trying to be contrite removing his shoe and trying to stick it in his mouth, but then he opens it again....
All this loose talk about "the constitution". We ain't got no stinkin' "constitution". Not since January, 2009.

You are a total rube for thinking everything was different before that day. That's the day you came out of your coma, apparently.
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But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Thats the best part

They're gonna fight the Govt with gun fire if they have too (Ohhh Tough guys) then they add We're gonna make a human shield to make sure the women get the bullets first.

And they say Chivalry is dead
CaféAuLait;8994370 said:
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Look the guy comes off like an idiot.... I do think he was trying to be contrite removing his shoe and trying to stick it in his mouth, but then he opens it again....

Let me put it into context. Im neither a Republican or Democrat. I find most of the politicians on both sides to be corrupt lying pieces of crap. BUT, as a former Republican, I have more anger towards that party for leaving MY views and becoming what it is now........although, I truly love those moments of extreme partisan emotion, with a sudden revalation of "OH SHIT" when the story shifts.

And just picturing the faces of Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Paul, etc, at the very moment after they spent 2 weeks making this guy a hero of the taxpayer's armed revolt........their facial expression:eek: at the midpoint of Bundy's "The Negro" speech- I just find it so amusing.
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Thats the best part

They're gonna fight the Govt with gun fire if they have too (Ohhh Tough guys) then they add We're gonna make a human shield to make sure the women get the bullets first.

And they say Chivalry is dead

That's the most disgusting part. Wanna be a racist? Go ahead. Wanna disobey tax law or court orders? Go for it, face consequences.

But these guys with assault rifles and yellow rattlesnake flags, have spent 5 years posturing as if they'd take up arms and fight the government; They've spent 5 years reawakening the spirit of 1776.

Can you imagine the militia members and towns folks in 1776 making a line of their wives and children to stand off against the red coats first to be sure they got shot first?????

I knew deep down that these radical, armed militia types were all talk. When a moment came where they REALLY truly just may end up in a shootout with a government SWAT team......they strategize to make a line of wives, daughters and children to be up front to make sure they get shot first. Real heroic patriots, huh? My wife and kids wouldn't have been out there. Just like in 1776 how the REAL men fought while the wife and kids were at home.
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Thats the best part

They're gonna fight the Govt with gun fire if they have too (Ohhh Tough guys) then they add We're gonna make a human shield to make sure the women get the bullets first.

And they say Chivalry is dead

And then piss and moan like jilted hairdressers because the feds brought guns TOO !!!!

I swear - you can't make this stuff up.
There was a three week ongoing multiple orgasm over christies road cones.

Um, yeah, a state governor and his staff purposely using highway closures to punish a local mayor for not supporting them? That's an outrage.

Supporting a right wing racist welfare cowboy who refuses to follow a court order and is met with an armed militia of supporters who put women and children up front to be sure they get shot first? Well, debatable.

Did 1,000,000 NJ residents who up on horses with assault rifles and a women/children human shield to fight the NJ government, and appoint a spokesperson who wanted to inform us about "The Negro"?

No. So, its not the same ballpark.
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Thats the best part

They're gonna fight the Govt with gun fire if they have too (Ohhh Tough guys) then they add We're gonna make a human shield to make sure the women get the bullets first.

And they say Chivalry is dead

That's the most disgusting part. Wanna be a racist? Go ahead. Wanna disobey tax law or court orders? Go for it, face consequences.

But these guys with assault rifles and yellow rattlesnake flags, have spent 5 years posturing as if they'd take up arms and fight the government; They've spent 5 years reawakening the spirit of 1776.

Can you imagine the militia members and towns folks in 1776 making a line of their wives and children to stand off against the red coats first to be sure they got shot first?????

I knew deep down that these radical, armed militia types were all talk. When a moment came where they REALLY truly just may end up in a shootout with a government SWAT team......they strategize to make a line of wives, daughters and children to be up front to make sure they get shot first. Real heroic patriots, huh? My wife and kids wouldn't have been out there. Just like in 1776 how the REAL men fought while the wife and kids were at home.

Ya know, that one idiot that said that, one and to be clear I don't agree with anyone who showed up with a gun expecting a fight. And if you really want to get down to it, Occupy did just that, put their babies in the front-- then made a video and stuck it on YouTube called, "cops hurt kids during An Occupy protest".

So it seems this form of believing women and babies will help your cause is used by many but its just plain idiotic. I believe they think they can use it for fodder somehow and it stinks.
But even you RW'ers gotta admit. This is some pretty funny shit. That the entire right wing of America jumped all over themselves to back this guy (who was breaking the law), and how a segment of the right wing was almost in jubilation that FINALLY citizens were taking up arms against the government.

Only to have a week later the martyr of the incident be shown starting a speech with "Let me tell you something else I know about The Negro...."

Hilarious. Not to mention when they revealed their strategy of, should a firefight with the government take place, that they ensured that their women and children would be the first to get shot.


Thats the best part

They're gonna fight the Govt with gun fire if they have too (Ohhh Tough guys) then they add We're gonna make a human shield to make sure the women get the bullets first.

And they say Chivalry is dead

And then piss and moan like jilted hairdressers because the feds brought guns TOO !!!!

I swear - you can't make this stuff up.

The founding fathers and the patriots of 1776 left their homes, picked up muskets, and marched to fight the British redcoats in a fight for liberation, while writing letters home to their women and children to profess their love and hope for their safe reunion. True bravery and patriotism.

The "patriots" of 2014 picked up rifles and rode to (maybe) fight the Bureau of Land Management officers......and upon seeing they MIGHT actually have to trade fire with them, devised a tactic of making sure their women and children took the first bullets.

These people should NEVER be allowed to invoke anything related to 1776 again, due to their complete cowardice. They FINALLY had their shot to maybe take up arms against the Feds; And they rushed their women and children up front. Fucking cowards.
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