Turns out Trump is not a convicted felon

True, but it sure get the leftists ginned-up. ;)

by ginning up - you mean outright giggling & more - then you are shirley correct. it kinda looks more like the rw nutters are going for it.
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Even the dopes pretending that Trump is a “convicted felon” know, instinctively, that the weaponized court system was used to stop the Marxist Democrat's political opponent. One would have to be intentionally blind not to see it.

you forgot leftist socialist pinko commie .... democrats.
No matter how many times Trump is not a convicted felon is explained to brain damaged democrats, they will never understand. Convicted felon has become their binky.

trump baby bars.jpg

Oh, I think they're they're going to try to imprison Trump over these trumped-up charges.

I see no reason why they wouldn't, but they'll pay a serious price for their corruption.

This is straight up Democrat election interference perverting the judicial system.

Only in Bizzaro World would a political party destroy their democracy in order to protect their democracy.

That's what Democrats are trying to do.
sad, but true.

that donny is not above the law? you betcha!
Democrats are hemorrhaging voters like a cut artery right now. It won't be long til they bleed out.

All they'll have is their corrupt leaders and the media against a supermajority of America.

They have lied and corrupted their way into irrelevance.
Democrats are hemorrhaging voters like a cut artery right now. It won't be long til they bleed out.

soooooooo ..... marion ...............

you think women have forgotten the overturning of R V W?

OR what the 6/9 supremes did with crowning the chosen one b4 they left for their vacations?

All they'll have is their corrupt leaders and the media against a supermajority of America.


They have lied and corrupted their way into irrelevance.


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