Wretched Appeasement to Moslem Migrants in Sweden

Sorry, I got a Swedish newspaper source translated that confirms the story in the OP. I'm a gonna go with that.
Suit yourself. What do I know? Just because Swedish is my first language?

I just checked another newspaper source and you may be correct. So the source in OP was bogus. Which is important to know. But still using a toilet when you're probably intoxicated does NOT in any culture entitle a group of men to gang rape a paralyzed woman..

Thanks for pointing that out.
Tell your translator that he can probably find a job as a bus-boy anywhere in town... without too much difficulty.
Swedish men are a bunch of betas, allowing their country to be overrun by Muslims and their women raped. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world thanks to Muslims.
Swedish men are a bunch of betas, allowing their country to be overrun by Muslims and their women raped.
No. We are not betas. We are idiots that we allow women to be betas and allow our country to be overrun and be raped by Muslims. We are idiots because we are voluntary slaves to Political Correctness ..... and we are idiots that we do not stop Muslims because we are afraid that someone will call us racists - White Guilt ανώτατο όριο.
If Swedes want to die that's their choice.

So, we won't have Ikea or Volvo. Big whoop.
If Swedes want to die that's their choice.

So, we won't have Ikea or Volvo. Big whoop.
IKEA products are great - sturdy quality and low prices - but they're not for everyone, especially if you want 'something different'. And VOLVO ... well, I suppose the rear-view mirrors might still be made in Sweden but everything else probably is made in China (for all I know). VOLVO adverts no longer say "Made in Sweden" they now read "Made by Sweden". The b'stards have some nerve huh!
..... using a toilet when you're probably intoxicated ..
Nothing that I've read indicates that she was intoxicated. She was at a restaurant, not a pub.

... does NOT in any culture entitle a group of men to gang rape a paralyzed woman..
She's not paralyzed. She said that the incident made her feel paralyzed. I suppose she means that she was in shock and couldn't react very well against her attackers.
..... using a toilet when you're probably intoxicated ..
Nothing that I've read indicates that she was intoxicated. She was at a restaurant, not a pub.

... does NOT in any culture entitle a group of men to gang rape a paralyzed woman..
She's not paralyzed. She said that the incident made her feel paralyzed. I suppose she means that she was in shock and couldn't react very well against her attackers.

Still says she is wheelchair bound. Is THAT fact in doubt as well?
Still says she is wheelchair bound. Is THAT fact in doubt as well?
Still says she is wheelchair bound. Is THAT fact in doubt as well?

OK -- you've made the point that no one including Brymyr should trust "BareNakedIslam" as a source. But I've seen the handicapped reference in MANY fairly reputable sources. Both Swedish and this Russian coverage from JUST TODAY..

You might want to think that part of your critique about being in a wheelchair.

Protests on Swedish island, attack on refugee center after rape of wheelchair-bound woman

Several protests have been held on the Swedish island of Gotland and a refugee center there has been attacked with stones since police released several men, reportedly asylum seekers, accused of gang-raping a wheelchair-bound woman.
The incident took place in the small town of Visby on Gotland on October 2. A woman in her 30s contacted police about the rape, Swedish Aftonbladet newspaper reported, citing her lawyer Staffan Fredriksson.

The victim said that she had shared a taxi home with a man after going to a restaurant. At some point, she said she needed a toilet and the man offered the one at his place.

“She followed him in and had no fears that something would happen. Then the man took advantage of the situation. The abuse started in the toilet,” Fredriksson said, adding that several other men joined in the abuse.
And then there's this background piece from a UK legal newsgroup..

Gotland wheelchair gang rape: Special forces called in

The trouble started a year ago when the island authorities decided that Gotland, with its homogenous Swedish population and ancient identity and traditions should become modern and multicultural. It was time for Gotland shake off it's sleepy cobwebs and become a vibrant and dynamic part of the new diverse Sweden. The Island was to open refugee centres and welcome hundreds of immigrant "New Gotlanders" who would enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions. The old Gotlanders were exited by the prospect and looked forward with enthusiasm to the new friends they were going to make.

Things did not go as the Gotlanders were lead to believe or had expected. Shortly after the arrival of the immigrants a crime wave of never before seen proportions hit the once peaceful isle. A series of muggings, assaults and rapes flooded over the historical hills and valleys and shocked Gotlanders to the core. It became dangerous for women to go out alone at night, something unthinkable in Gotland just a year ago. And behind it all were the Gotlanders new friends, the immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa who all seemed to be fit, healthy and rather cocksure and assertive young men in their twenties and thirties.

Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be released since because no force had been used it could not be established with certainty that what had happened was rape.

Read the background in my last link above..

So you take an isolated island that has had a uniculture for 10 generations or more and literally turn it into some kind of demented social experiment by putting a large refugee center there with folks still living in 12th century MEast values and culture? All because of blind altruism and clueless about the possible outcomes?

Doesn't that sound a bit demented? And dangerous?

Government shouldn't use petri dishes full of their citizens to do that kind of rapid and untested social engineering.
No where.. No how..

It should all be WAY more controlled and evaluated. But then again. Most govts that have taken the power to DO those experiments, are not very ethical anyways.
OK -- you've made the point that no one including Brymyr should trust "BareNakedIslam" as a source. But I've seen the handicapped reference in MANY fairly reputable sources.

WHAT? >>>>>>>>>>>
Still says she is wheelchair bound.
Is THAT fact in doubt as well?

MY ANSWER >>>>>>>>>>>>


Pretty clear you're refuting the BROADLY made claim that she was handicapped in your post #28.
And then there's this background piece from a UK legal newsgroup..

Gotland wheelchair gang rape: Special forces called in

The trouble started a year ago when the island authorities decided that Gotland, with its homogenous Swedish population and ancient identity and traditions should become modern and multicultural. It was time for Gotland shake off it's sleepy cobwebs and become a vibrant and dynamic part of the new diverse Sweden. The Island was to open refugee centres and welcome hundreds of immigrant "New Gotlanders" who would enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions. The old Gotlanders were exited by the prospect and looked forward with enthusiasm to the new friends they were going to make.
That's almost funny. Is it a joke? As I remember it the islanders had been fighting against taking in refugees for a long time and in the end it was foisted upon them against their will ...... no "excited people looking forward with enthusiasm". I'll have to take a look at what I can find, but that's the way I remember it.
And then there's this background piece from a UK legal newsgroup..

Gotland wheelchair gang rape: Special forces called in

The trouble started a year ago when the island authorities decided that Gotland, with its homogenous Swedish population and ancient identity and traditions should become modern and multicultural. It was time for Gotland shake off it's sleepy cobwebs and become a vibrant and dynamic part of the new diverse Sweden. The Island was to open refugee centres and welcome hundreds of immigrant "New Gotlanders" who would enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions. The old Gotlanders were exited by the prospect and looked forward with enthusiasm to the new friends they were going to make.
That's almost funny. Is it a joke? As I remember it the islanders had been fighting against taking in refugees for a long time and in the end it was foisted upon them against their will ...... no "excited people looking forward with enthusiasm". I'll have to take a look at what I can find, but that's the way I remember it.

Yeah -- I bet... How about they start with 6 refugees and make friends with them 1st?
Pretty clear you're refuting the BROADLY made claim that she was handicapped in your post #28.
'Pretty clear' to who .... the village idiot? I am beginning to lose patience with you , if I can be perfectly honest. You think that everyone who needs a wheelchair is paralyzed? Really, this dialogue is getting to be stupid. You can believe anything you want to believe. Just don't ask me any more questions.
Pretty clear you're refuting the BROADLY made claim that she was handicapped in your post #28.
'Pretty clear' to who .... the village idiot? I am beginning to lose patience with you , if I can be perfectly honest. You think that everyone who needs a wheelchair is paralyzed? Really, this dialogue is getting to be stupid. You can believe anything you want to believe. Just don't ask me any more questions.

Well crap. Then I'm gonna tell you I don't like talking with foreigners who have dogs crapping on my flag...


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