"Wrong" Wing Conservative Christians

Well, from a Christian perspective, evolution and creation are mutually exclusive, and the Bible specifies that the world was created by God. However, there are plenty of other faults in evolutionary theory that he could bring up.

Simply not true. The only real sticking point with most "reasonable" Christians, which would be the vast majority, is the part where man evolved from an ape ( or ape like creature). And even if that is ever proven to be fact that doesn't negate anything in the Bible or belief in God and Jesus.
Sorry, I was banned for a while.

Off the top of my head, evolution theory cannot account for:

1. The rise of life from non-life, or
2. The existence of irreducibly complex organs/machines in cells.

There also is no compelling evidence that one species evolved from or evolved into a totally different species.
Well there are theories and evidence about how life can spring from non-life... is there a clear definition of what constitutes life? At what point to proteins and acids and molecules go from a chemical reaction to 'life'. (maybe when high voltage electricity runs through proteins?)
It's tough to prove we aren't just a very complex (to us) chemical reaction.
And being able to 'explain something concretely' and 'having evidence that points to a conclusion' are not the same thing, but latter often preceeds the former.

All science does is gather and analyze info... when certain people inject their philosophy into the mix - that is no longer scientific. So a true scientist would never say 'There is no design, no 'hand' in evolution of life, or universe... he or she could only say we have no reason yet to think that way.

Just as a scientist would never rule out God's existence, as there is no proof he doesn't exist, nor even any evidence he doesn't exist... Scientifically, we're in a situation that science has yet to support his existence...ergo, it should be left out of the discussion like anything else that has no evidence for or against it.

The origin of life requires a catalyst like the origin of everything else in the universe.
We don't know what that is. But over time... scientific progress will shed more light, as it is unlikely to shed less light, or the same amount of light.

This just in, a professor claims to have scientifically proven God Exists.

Sorry to respond to this so late. I'm sure you've forgotten about it already but I feel it demands a response.

Intellectual capability is limited when you tell kids something that they don't need to know about and discredit all other possibilities. Brainwashing them with inaccurate representations of evolution will undoubtedly leave an impression on them and notice I used the word "brainwashing" and not "teaching." Teaching would imply substantiating one's claim, which the man did not do.

Personally, I believe in evolution, but within the logic of reason, there must be someone/something that/who created the apes. I was never brainwashed and I've come to this conclusion on my own and I still grapple with it today; but at least I was given the room to do so rather than have my thinking capacities cut off at an early age.

I suggest you check out what liberal teachers are teaching the Young in the United States as we speak.
I suggest you check out what liberal teachers are teaching the Young in the United States as we speak.

I'm in college, which means that I'm not far removed from high school. And in all honesty, I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, they teach evolution because it is science. Do most teachers bash creationism? Absolutely not. Sure, you'll hear about a few here and there, but to make the assumption that the American school system is liberal-biased is absolutely absurd.
There also is no compelling evidence that one species evolved from or evolved into a totally different species.
None? What-so-ever? Every single bit of evidence is LESS compelling than the superstitious claim that some SuperSanta "made" each species?

This reeks of avoiding the evidence, to protect the claims of supremacy your favored mythology would like to enjoy.
I'm in college, which means that I'm not far removed from high school. And in all honesty, I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, they teach evolution because it is science. Do most teachers bash creationism? Absolutely not. Sure, you'll hear about a few here and there, but to make the assumption that the American school system is liberal-biased is absolutely absurd.

I don't make the claim, though I believe it. Also I am NOT talking about evolution. I have 2 children and they went through the new and improved system of American Education.

This is akin to the strident denial of how the MSM was biased.
None? What-so-ever? Every single bit of evidence is LESS compelling than the superstitious claim that some SuperSanta "made" each species?

This reeks of avoiding the evidence, to protect the claims of supremacy your favored mythology would like to enjoy.

Another person that lacks reading comprehension. But do twist everything to help in your bigotry towards religion.
Another person that lacks reading comprehension. But do twist everything to help in your bigotry towards religion.
I comprehend quite well. I don't claim to read minds, however, so if you didn't write what you meant, then what your meaning is, is lost due to your failure, not mine.

If your "bigotry" sniping is any indication of your own reading comprehension, then I might suggerst you should look into improving yours.
I don't make the claim, though I believe it. Also I am NOT talking about evolution. I have 2 children and they went through the new and improved system of American Education.

This is akin to the strident denial of how the MSM was biased.

I think the American school system sucks. Not because of liberal-bias, but because of the teacher union and the ever-repulsive tenure. Instead of learning from qualified, engaged scholars, we learn from people who simply want to maximize income and minimize product (teaching).
I think the American school system sucks. Not because of liberal-bias, but because of the teacher union and the ever-repulsive tenure. Instead of learning from qualified, engaged scholars, we learn from people who simply want to maximize income and minimize product (teaching).

And you say this based on?
So you received a terrible education, huh?

Mixed. I went to a public high school where I saw many teachers just basically "not teach" because they could bank on tenure or had connections. It's probably the most frustrating feeling in the world when you want to learn so badly and you are deprived of knowledge because of laziness. I don't mean to generalize and say that all teachers are bad. I've had some pretty remarkable ones. But at the same time, I refuse to accept inadequacy in one of the most important professions in this country. Teachers should be paid more and there should be no such thing as tenure.
Mixed. I went to a public high school where I saw many teachers just basically "not teach" because they could bank on tenure or had connections. It's probably the most frustrating feeling in the world when you want to learn so badly and you are deprived of knowledge because of laziness. I don't mean to generalize and say that all teachers are bad. I've had some pretty remarkable ones. But at the same time, I refuse to accept inadequacy in one of the most important professions in this country. Teachers should be paid more and there should be no such thing as tenure.

Based on your experience, though, can you honestly say that whatever deficits there were were a function of tenure?

I appreciate your acknowledging that it would be a generalization to say all teachers are bad. I went to public school and got a great education. Same for my son. Most of the teachers he's had were dedicated and hard-working, regardless of tenure status. I applaud your desire that teachers should be paid more given the importance of their jobs. I think you would find, in speaking with teachers, that their biggest complaint is not their workload or their students, but rather a lack of interest on the part of many parents who fail to instill a desire to learn and respect for teachers in their children.

That said, no question some teachers stay employed far longer than their usefulness or level of patience would warrant. I'm not sure that's a function of tenure, but rather a need for people to keep working until their retirement benefits kick in or max out.
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