WSJ: Pass the Border Bill

The question I have is why do Trump and his MAGA minions want continued chaos at the border? Why are House Members putting fealty to Trump over our national security?
The question that all sane people with good intentions have is……why didn’t Trump need a “Bill” to do what‘s best for Americans on the border?

White 6
The conservative WSJ Editorial Board have written an impassioned plea to pass the Border Bill. They ask:

‘Do Republicans want to better secure the U.S. border, or do they want to keep what has become an open sore festering for another year as an election issue? That’s the choice presented to Congress this week with the rollout of the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill, and we’ll soon learn what the GOP really wants.”

“By any honest reckoning,” they write, “this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades.” The Board acknowledges that Trump never came close to passing this type of bill and that the bill will be a great improvement to the status quo.

The Board writes that if the Border Bill Is not passed chaos on the border will continue for another year.

The question I have is why do Trump and his MAGA minions want continued chaos at the border? Why are House Members putting fealty to Trump over our national security?

If you against this border bill, you are in favor of the status quo. Apparently, Tump and his supporters are fine with the way things are at the border.

Another "why wont the republicans give up to the Democrat bill again?" Because, Joe Biteme could of left President Trump's policies in place and we wouldnt be needing that bill now would we, you sorry ass dumbfuck.
The conservative WSJ Editorial Board have written an impassioned plea to pass the Border Bill. They ask:

‘Do Republicans want to better secure the U.S. border, or do they want to keep what has become an open sore festering for another year as an election issue? That’s the choice presented to Congress this week with the rollout of the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill, and we’ll soon learn what the GOP really wants.”

“By any honest reckoning,” they write, “this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades.” The Board acknowledges that Trump never came close to passing this type of bill and that the bill will be a great improvement to the status quo.

The Board writes that if the Border Bill Is not passed chaos on the border will continue for another year.

The question I have is why do Trump and his MAGA minions want continued chaos at the border? Why are House Members putting fealty to Trump over our national security?

If you against this border bill, you are in favor of the status quo. Apparently, Tump and his supporters are fine with the way things are at the border.

If Congress doesn't care about this issue, why should I? :dunno:
The bill doesn't do anything to strengthen the border.

It's simply funding for Ukraine and Israel.
If a bill regarding illegal immigration contains stuff about funding for foreign countries then it's messed up. They should have two separate bills. Each bill specifically for one issue. Dealing with two completely different issues in one bill doesn't make any sense.
If we took even HALF of the funds that proposed bill would give to Ukraine, and applied those BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars toward hiring more border patrol agents, more immigration “judges” and building more detention facilities for the many applicants as well as for repairing and completing the wall, I’d say “do it”.
"detention facilities?" Fuck that noise - remain in Mexico. They would stop coming in two minutes.
"detention facilities?" Fuck that noise - remain in Mexico. They would stop coming in two minutes.
We have tons already here. The m thinking about those future deportation proceedings and where to lodge our uninvited guests.
We have tons already here. The m thinking about those future deportation proceedings and where to lodge our uninvited guests.
Lodge them in Mexico. No three squares and a cot on our dime.
The conservative WSJ Editorial Board have written an impassioned plea to pass the Border Bill. They ask:

‘Do Republicans want to better secure the U.S. border, or do they want to keep what has become an open sore festering for another year as an election issue? That’s the choice presented to Congress this week with the rollout of the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill, and we’ll soon learn what the GOP really wants.”

“By any honest reckoning,” they write, “this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades.” The Board acknowledges that Trump never came close to passing this type of bill and that the bill will be a great improvement to the status quo.

The Board writes that if the Border Bill Is not passed chaos on the border will continue for another year.

The question I have is why do Trump and his MAGA minions want continued chaos at the border? Why are House Members putting fealty to Trump over our national security?

If you against this border bill, you are in favor of the status quo. Apparently, Tump and his supporters are fine with the way things are at the border.

Passing the border bill is surrounding to Mexico and making matters worse emptying our wallet to Israel and the Ukraine
Lodge them in Mexico. No three squares and a cot on our dime.
Can’t do it if they’re already here. Legally, once here, they are entitled to their hearings. So, as each illegal is caught they will need to be brought not to a jail. But to a civil detention facility while their administrative hearings go through our immigration”courts.”

(And, by the way, let’s pass a federal law prohibiting any state or city or locality or any official or employee thereof from complying with any “sanctuary” laws regarding illegal aliens.)
Can’t do it if they’re already here. Legally, once here, they are entitled to their hearings.
They are entitled to a hearing They are not entitled to be in the US while they are waiting for a hearing
So, as each illegal is caught they will need to be brought not to a jail. But to a civil detention facility while their administrative hearings go through our immigration”courts.”

(And, by the way, let’s pass a federal law prohibiting any state or city or locality or any official or employee thereof from complying with any “sanctuary” laws regarding illegal aliens.)
Cut of 100% of Federal funding to any state or city that declares itself sanctuary
They are entitled to a hearing They are not entitled to be in the US while they are waiting for a hearing

Sadly. Yes they are.
Cut of 100% of Federal funding to any state or city that declares itself sanctuary
Or arrest any prison or jail guard or police administrator who refuses to comply with an immigration order to provide information about arrested aliens.

And let the States know that if they try to prevent immigration law enforcement from seizing an alien needed for any removal proceedings, such state or such state official shall also be subject to federal criminal prosecution.
The conservative WSJ Editorial Board have written an impassioned plea to pass the Border Bill. They ask:

‘Do Republicans want to better secure the U.S. border, or do they want to keep what has become an open sore festering for another year as an election issue? That’s the choice presented to Congress this week with the rollout of the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill, and we’ll soon learn what the GOP really wants.”

“By any honest reckoning,” they write, “this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades.” The Board acknowledges that Trump never came close to passing this type of bill and that the bill will be a great improvement to the status quo.

The Board writes that if the Border Bill Is not passed chaos on the border will continue for another year.

The question I have is why do Trump and his MAGA minions want continued chaos at the border? Why are House Members putting fealty to Trump over our national security?

If you against this border bill, you are in favor of the status quo. Apparently, Tump and his supporters are fine with the way things are at the border.

I laugh at your foolishness OP.
So you support the chaos at the border for another year and a half with the hopes that Trump will not be imprisoned for his crimes and become President, and be able to close the border completely by getting congress and the senate to write a different Bill to do that?

And, what section in US CODE 1325 deals with asylum seekers, refugee policy that covers what we are experiencing at the border?

You support a Bill that allows a contingent of unvetted Illegals equal in size to Patton's Third Army to cross into our country on a monthly basis.

Um, no!
It demonstrates a serious Congressional problem that such complex and debatable issues get rolled up into one piece of legislation. The duopoly is thoroughly equipped to bamboozle the Republic.
It was a bill in the senate for support money to the Ukraine battle and money to Israel.

The republican Senators said that they would not support this funding bill for the Ukraine and Israel,

UNLESS it included immigration reform for the border.... So McConnell appointed Lankford, with a democratic senator and and independent senator to develop a bill that they all could agree on with reforming the immigration system,

to tie with the foreign affairs they could have a bill that republicans would vote on.

10 republicans would have to join 51 democrats I believe, to overcome a 60 vote republican filibuster.
So you support the chaos at the border for another year and a half with the hopes that Trump will not be imprisoned for his crimes and become President, and be able to close the border completely by getting congress and the senate to write a different Bill to do that?
And, what section in US CODE 1325 deals with asylum seekers, refugee policy that covers what we are experiencing at the border?
1. Biden caused the chaos when he opened the border and canceled Trump's remain in Mexico policy.

2. TX solved the border by closing it like Trump and the CBP prefer.

3. Traitor Biden and his Chinese and Russian "migrants" are a national security nightmare.
Oh, it's really a border thread. OK. Why is supporting the higher levels of illegal and legal immigration presently at the border, better for America, rather than considering a bill that cuts down, while not offering amnesty or paths to citizenship, the correct knee-jerk position? Just politics as usual from the do nothing obstructionist party?
I can just hear you when Trump starts deporting the 10,000,000 illegals Biden let into the US. Boo fucking hoo.

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