WSJ Poll: 41% Approve of Biden's Performance, 57% Disapprove

Poll numbers don't accurately measure how well a potus is performing because often times factors (like inflation today) are not really caused by the current potus's actions. Carter actually nominated Volker to the fed and began raising rates to kill inflation, and his admin put the military funding we had at the time into the R&D that benefited us in the 80s and 90s. He was a terrible politician though. Reagan, for whatever else he may have been, was a master at the game. And HW and Clinton in a way reprised that twist of history.
lol. Wrong assertion. He was making a partisan assumption that I did not reject obvious outliers in Trumps polling.
However, Biden's numbers do not reflect any of those examples. They are much more like Trump's numbers. We know how that worked out for Trump....
We cannot know if Biden's polls will improve. The fed predicts, and is following policy, to reduce inflation in late 22. At this time in his presidency, Clinton was somewhat joking about a "failed presidency." Trump never cracked 50% because he truly is a horrible person. Biden has a higher ceiling ... if events turn out well for him ... and US.
As Harris said, as goes Virginia so goes the nation.
Clean sweep for Republicans.
We will see. This current state of affairs needs to continue for the right to make sweeping gains. It does look like the democrats are determined to continue it though as asinine as it seems so it is a strong likelihood IMHO.
We cannot know if Biden's polls will improve. The fed predicts, and is following policy, to reduce inflation in late 22. At this time in his presidency, Clinton was somewhat joking about a "failed presidency." Trump never cracked 50% because he truly is a horrible person. Biden has a higher ceiling ... if events turn out well for him ... and US.
Higher ceiling?????

Right. And his mind floats along right up against the plaster seeking a hole through which it can soar to the heavens.
lol. Wrong assertion. He was making a partisan assumption that I did not reject obvious outliers in Trumps polling.
I don't pay much attention to doc or weatherman. I was merely responding to any notion that poll numbers today really mean anything for Biden in the fall of 2024. Trump was (I pray) unique.
He got more votes than his incompetent predecessor.

Biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public.
The proof is in the absolute clusterfuck he's created.
4.5 million leaving the work force, Afghanistan debacle, highest inflation in 33 years, Foreign Policy a shambles, et al...
Yet each time Bai Dung screws up as exampled by his latest virtual meeting with Putin, The PM/DSA Democrat Commies continue to claim his brilliance.
Funny the American the majority of America and Europeans don't believe the lying biased Quisling Media Complex anymore.
I don't pay much attention to doc or weatherman. I was merely responding to any notion that poll numbers today really mean anything for Biden in the fall of 2024. Trump was (I pray) unique.
You really do hate America wanting Dementia Joe around.
We cannot know if Biden's polls will improve. The fed predicts, and is following policy, to reduce inflation in late 22. At this time in his presidency, Clinton was somewhat joking about a "failed presidency." Trump never cracked 50% because he truly is a horrible person. Biden has a higher ceiling ... if events turn out well for him ... and US.
The fed has no idea when inflation will die down, they have proven that over and over again. However, its not 2024 that anyone is looking at. 2022 is the next election and that is where sweeping change is going to happen. 2024 is utterly wide open because the ramifications of that election will be such a large factor in it.

Most importantly for me, we will see where the norms go once the republicans regain power. The democrats have taken a LOT of power away from the minority party in the last decade and I see that trend increasing. It is not going to end well.

When a poll is that hard in one direction you know its bullshit.

At least 40% is going to vote for Biden. That is just a fact and there is no way around that.

While I hate to admit it, you are 100% correct. While we sometimes have electoral blowouts, the percentage in Presidential elections by popular vote is almost all the time no more than 53% for the winner. No matter who the political party's run, you can rest assured that they will get at least in the mid to upper 40% range. It is the nature of the beast, plain and simple.

In my opinion, if in 2024 AOC was old enough to run for President and won the Democratic primary, she also would get at least in the mid 40s running in the general. Sounds absolutely crazy, but for some unknown reason, that is how it works.
The fed has no idea when inflation will die down, they have proven that over and over again. However, its not 2024 that anyone is looking at. 2022 is the next election and that is where sweeping change is going to happen. 2024 is utterly wide open because the ramifications of that election will be such a large factor in it.

Most importantly for me, we will see where the norms go once the republicans regain power. The democrats have taken a LOT of power away from the minority party in the last decade and I see that trend increasing. It is not going to end well.
well, the current inflation is "mainly" from supply. And I agree we have no idea what covid will be like in say ... Indonesia in 2024, and what that will do to clothing prices. But the stimulus money both the gop and dems injected into the econ will have "passed through." I'm not really happy with the dems attempts to extend child tax credit increases though.

I realize the dems messed with the fillibuster, but seriously ..... the gop controlled the House from 2011-19 and the Senate from 15-21. There's a reason McConnell was able to select the Sup Ct.
You will need a set of chest waders to get through the flood of liberal tears after this coming November's bloodletting.
well, the current inflation is "mainly" from supply. And I agree we have no idea what covid will be like in say ... Indonesia in 2024, and what that will do to clothing prices. But the stimulus money both the gop and dems injected into the econ will have "passed through." I'm not really happy with the dems attempts to extend child tax credit increases though.

I realize the dems messed with the fillibuster, but seriously ..... the gop controlled the House from 2011-19 and the Senate from 15-21. There's a reason McConnell was able to select the Sup Ct.
That was the start, yes. Now they are messing with committee positions as well. And the abuse of the way funding bills work is ever increasing, gimmicks used to circumvent rules.

Essentially the dems have been overtly ignoring senate rules and norms. And the republicans expand on whatever the democrats do each and every time. Every time.
That was the start, yes. Now they are messing with committee positions as well. And the abuse of the way funding bills work is ever increasing, gimmicks used to circumvent rules.

Essentially the dems have been overtly ignoring senate rules and norms. And the republicans expand on whatever the democrats do each and every time. Every time.
And the gop has not? Come on. The dems didn't fuck with nominations. Committee positions are at the will of the maj and min leaders. And if you mean how bills are written ... pfft.
And the gop has not? Come on. The dems didn't fuck with nominations. Committee positions are at the will of the maj and min leaders. And if you mean how bills are written ... pfft.
"And the republicans expand on whatever the democrats do each and every time. Every time."

I mean you quoted the damn post. Did you bother to read it.
"And the republicans expand on whatever the democrats do each and every time. Every time."

I mean you quoted the damn post. Did you bother to read it.

Haha!, Foisting a known boondoggle on Americans once again. Repeating the failures of 2010/2011 to steal more money from the America taxpayer.
The best I could ever say about Biden is that he's not as bad as Trump, and he is essentially not a horrible person. But the foretellers of doom might want to keep in mind that Obama had 55 disapproval in 02, Clinton 54 in 97, Reagan 56 in 83 (there was a time when he looked distinctly like a one termer, and he was ok with it) soooo people should hold their water. The dems are probably doomed in 22, unless Justices Keggers and Amy bail them out.

And if anyone wonders how Trump lost, it's in the link. LOL
It's just the way the voting trend has repeated itself in the last twenty years.

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