WSJ Today - Search For Maylasian Air Flt #370 CXL'd - Timing 3 Days Before New president questioned


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
Search for Maylay Fl #370 ended this morning - timing questioned - just as President elect to take power and will undoubtedly demand information on all ESF funded black operations

This morning’s WSJ news:
Three-Year Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Ends Where It Started: Shrouded in Mystery
Plane vanished from radar en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur in 2014 with 239 people on board

No wonder the head of CIA and their black operations Brennan is recently so nervous and vocal in his unprecedented attempt to discredit our President-elect. Trump takes power in 3 days and will likely be briefed or demand info on this and other clandestine activities funded by the Treasury/Fed’s extra-legal Exchange Stabilization Fund(ESF) and perhaps now Maylay Fl #370 will be found and its true story revealed. How Trump handles this and other explosive information( that is probably being scrubbed, deleted, and destroyed as this email flies through the eather) will be critical for his and our nations future.

If Trump resists and does not play ball with the ESF’s handlers watch for the stock market to tumble until he is brought under their control.

Keep watching...


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