WTF Joe?

Look at the expressions on the two black guy's faces.

Not sure which was creepier--- Joe feeling up the guy's arm as he beamed with goose-pimples, or the woman standing behind him blankly just staring off into space the whole time then looking around the room checking out the people.
Guess he was holding on so tight with both hands because he was feeling very unsteady and had no walking stick , Mr Salt .

But on another day he could have been decked for over familiarity .
Or , maybe this is the new Free Mason greeting between Black and White people ? Popularly known as the two hand rub and tickle .
Here is another great “Joe moment”:

He called dude a junkie. Treasury Department's finest found his cocaine stash in the White House.

We know from the laptop from hell that Quid Pro Quo Pedo Demento Joe is a malarky-filled cocaine addict.

Where the hell is the Biden crime family hiding all the money?

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