WTH? I thought the fascist liberal media loved Mavericks(McCain)


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
They worshipped him because he defied the republican party. Why dont they love Manchin?
It is party over country for them. Just like it it is with the cultists in the other party.
Are yall saying the fascist media is vile? I went to Schooners yesterday and overheard 23 democrats saying the dem party is too much like Stalin.
Manchin is a Democrat. Most of his cult has broken off into splinter groups - marxists, Dominioncrats, cucks, race hustlers, chicks with dicks, sissies, knuckledraggers, dyke stormtroopers, congenital liars and generally defective subhuman freaks - the only thing they all have in common is their hatred for America and a proclivity for corruption.

Manchin doesn't really belong in that group of substandard fuckups. He'll probably switch parties eventually. Sinema too.

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