WWIII FALSE FLAG ALERT: Dr. Naomi Wolf Warns The Desperate Democrats/Deep State May Stage A Nuclear Attack On Ukraine Or The US To Engulf The World In

Those missiles are f-ing ancient! The restriction was that they could not be used to hit targets in Russia. When the North ¹21Koreans decided to chime in, that restriction was changed to make them regret their decision. I have zero problems with what Biden has done except the restrictions should have never been there in the first place. You don't fight a war with one hand tied. Didn't we learn that in Vietnam?
Viet-Nam? No relation.
We attempted to take control of the Ukraine, Russia said no. Now our missiles are flying into Russia.
Our politicians were taking over the Ukraine. I don't see Russia trying to take over Canada. Do you.
Lest anyone forget, the UK preemptively declared war on Germany to start WW2, despite no threat to its own security. The U.S. seems to be following that strategy against Russia.
The Deep State (aka Biden administration) provoked a military conflict with Russia to serve its political/economic interests, just as the UK did against Germany in 1939. The ensuing escalation resulted in over 40 million deaths. Will Trump be able to pull back from a similar abyss, or will the Deep State prevail?
Did they declare war before or after Germany attacked it's neighbors
After Germany invaded western Poland to restore its territorial connection to its East Prussia province. The UK hastily signed a mutual defense agreement with Poland a month before the invasion, and used it as an excuse to declare war on Germany.

Didn't the U.S. essentially do the same thing by promising NATO membership to Ukraine, provoking a Russian response and then using that as an excuse to attack Russia?
The Koreans were not part of the war before the Democrats gave long range missiles to the Ukraine.

The USA is escalating the war
Except for the fact that Russia has lost an estimated 700,000 casualties and over 3.500 tanks destroyed not to mention the BMP's and self propelled equipment.
despite the facts
The evidence is that during the last Moscow parade the normal parade was missing tanks.
The introduction of North Korean soldiers is being justified by Putin because of ATACMS it's really a canard, because Russia has thrown drones, cruise missiles, intermediate type missiles, thermobaric bombs to win the war.
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After Germany invaded western Poland to restore its territorial connection to its East Prussia province. The UK hastily signed a mutual defense agreement with Poland a month before the invasion, and used it as an excuse to declare war on Germany.

Didn't the U.S. essentially do the same thing by promising NATO membership to Ukraine, provoking a Russian response and then using that as an excuse to attack Russia?

WWII False Flag Alert!!
Dr Naomi Wolf Warns-- Desperate Democrats/Deep State May Stage A Nuclear Attack on Ukraine Or The U.S To Engulf the World In A total War To stop Trump.

Naomi Wolf is a nutcase. She’s the same type of “Dr.” as “Dr.” Jill.
That said. She is a smart cookie. She has seen the light. She has distanced herself from the Clinton’s.

Vladimir Putin himself stated that there are no winners in a nuclear war.,. Yet he's raised the stakes once more by bringing the North Koreans soldiers to fight his war.
It started in 1990 when James Baker promised Gorbachev that NATO would not expand one inch further eastward if Russia agreed to the reunification of Germany, thereby officially ending WW II.
Gorbachev agreed, but within four years we began expanding NATO eastward anyway.
The Russian invasion occurred when NATO began teasing NATO membership for Ukraine, whose name literally means “borderland” because it is on the border with Russia and has been the origin of multiple invasions of Russia in the past.
Notwithstanding the above. Does anyone think Naomi Wolf is the only one who’s considered the possibilities of a provoked event to undermine Trump with the motive of stopping Trump from taking power?
The majority of Americans believe that January 6th protest turned into riot was instigated by the "Deep State".
Let's not forget that it's Democrats and the "Deep State" that's been telling us that Democracy would Ebd if Trump was re-elected.
Well November 5th has come and gone. The future looks bright for America, that is if it isn't spoiled Democrats doing the unthinkable act.

She sounds rather passive/ aggressive.
After Germany invaded western Poland to restore its territorial connection to its East Prussia province. The UK hastily signed a mutual defense agreement with Poland a month before the invasion, and used it as an excuse to declare war on Germany.

Didn't the U.S. essentially do the same thing by promising NATO membership to Ukraine, provoking a Russian response and then using that as an excuse to attack Russia?
You omitted the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact ....
Apparently the Naxis and Russian Commies were working together to split Poland in attacks both from the West and East.
Or, the Russo-Finnish war while the Nazi's gobbled up Wester Europe.
NATO was established during the "Cold War" to offset Russian attempts to expand their influence in Western Europe and bolster a militarily weakened Europe after WWII.

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After Germany invaded western Poland to restore its territorial connection to its East Prussia province. The UK hastily signed a mutual defense agreement with Poland a month before the invasion, and used it as an excuse to declare war on Germany.

Didn't the U.S. essentially do the same thing by promising NATO membership to Ukraine, provoking a Russian response and then using that as an excuse to attack Russia?
Yes, but it is deeper than that. We were taking control of the Ukranian economy. As vice president what was Biden doing? If you look up world bank you will find we were very busy taking over.
You omitted the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact ....
I omitted it because it had no impact on the UK's declaration of war against Germany. It was signed days before the invasion and contained a secret provision to split Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union which took its share two weeks later. This second invasion didn't seem to bother the Brits one bit, who made no similar declaration of war against the Russians.
After Germany invaded western Poland to restore its territorial connection to its East Prussia province. The UK hastily signed a mutual defense agreement with Poland a month before the invasion, and used it as an excuse to declare war on Germany.

Didn't the U.S. essentially do the same thing by promising NATO membership to Ukraine, provoking a Russian response and then using that as an excuse to attack Russia?

I found this that seems to indicate putin had reason to be mad
I omitted it because it had no impact on the UK's declaration of war against Germany. It was signed days before the invasion and contained a secret provision to split Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union which took its share two weeks later. This second invasion didn't seem to bother the Brits one bit, who made no similar declaration of war against the Russians.
Germany made several overtures for a peace treaty with Britain, both before and during WW2. Britain rebuffed them all.
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