Xi Jinping Shoud Faces Charges of Crimes Against Humanity


May 23, 2014
China is directly responsible for every single coronavirus death around the world. Democrats want to blame The President of the United States, but liberals support our enemies so that's understandable. When General Salami the (who was responsible for the death of hundreds of U.S.troops) was taken out by our military, they wept and moaned that they weren't consulted. We know John Kerry keeps in contact with the Iranian regime in order to undercut this administrations foreign policy. Now, they whine and cry about xenophobia if we call this a "Chinese virus." Simple geography lesson for liberals and liberal mainstream media. You see, there is a place in Asia called "China." The people that live there are called "Chinese." Virus began in Wuhan, China. Ergo it can rightfully be called a "Chinese virus."
WTF do you want to do? Start a war with China? (Hint: they make all our stuff.)
They wouldn't be making it for long. America showed its industrial might during WW2 and we. And we can do it again. Cut off all trade with China, make everything in USA and lift economy after coronavirus shut downs.

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