Ya'alon packing a punch againt Netanyahu


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Ya'alon's speech was less sweeping in its criticism, less explicit, but no less painful. Israel's existential problem is not Iran or Hezbollah, the problem is the erosion of values. We have an inciting leadership that uses hatred towards Arabs, leftists or kibbutz members to gather up more votes. His announcement—that he plans to run for the leadership of the country in the next elections—was welcomed by conference goers with cheers.

Barak and Ya'alon are not the only ones worried

Ya'alon's speech was less sweeping in its criticism, less explicit, but no less painful. Israel's existential problem is not Iran or Hezbollah, the problem is the erosion of values. We have an inciting leadership that uses hatred towards Arabs, leftists or kibbutz members to gather up more votes. His announcement—that he plans to run for the leadership of the country in the next elections—was welcomed by conference goers with cheers.

Barak and Ya'alon are not the only ones worried


WOW! It's about time Nutandyahoo gets it for his treatment of the Palestinians. No more of his Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions. Isaael needs a leader like king Hussein, who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palesinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
If anyone in Israel is teaming up with Jew hater Obama, then you deserve what you get. You will become pc. You will work with Obama to bring about a false peace that gives away your land. The UN will even let you build a new Temple. By the time they are done with you, only a small remnant of Jews will survive.
You may not believe the New Testament, but considering you are living, breathing prophesy, you may want to acquaint yourself with it. Obama and Putin are not your friends....
Yeah, I'm not buying any of it. Bibi is extremely popular and his attitude towards the Arab Muslim colonists is typical of most Israeli's I know.

The Arab Muslims should be segregated according to their legitimacy as either citizens, refugees or combatants and treated accordingly.

I say that process should begin immediately. The sooner you throw the bums out the better.


Is the descendant of an illegal Arab Muslim immigrant combatant, automatically a citizen of Israel ? I say hell no. Israel is NOT required to offer citizenship or shelter to anyone. Ergo the Arab Muslim colonist hoards should be vetted for status immediately and those not qualifying to remain repatriated immediately.

It couldn't be more simple. Segregate the violent from the non violent and throw the bums out
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com
You know it is nonsense and waste of time to read that CNN bullshit. In the polls, he even looks better than in the elections, where his party is the 1st indeed, but gathered nevertheless only 23,40 % (turnout: 72 %).
So all the haters suddenly are amazed and cheering Zionist leaders who step up in named of "the people" and "values".

Oh Pleease. Save it. You don't care about Israel in the least. But since it's a good chance of bringing out an article against the leadership, you go with it.
So all the haters suddenly are amazed and cheering Zionist leaders who step up in named of "the people" and "values".

Oh Pleease. Save it. You don't care about Israel in the least. But since it's a good chance of bringing out an article against the leadership, you go with it.

Well around 2 weeks ago Ya'alon was the defense minister, a huge member of the leadership.
If anyone in Israel is teaming up with Jew hater Obama, then you deserve what you get. You will become pc. You will work with Obama to bring about a false peace that gives away your land. The UN will even let you build a new Temple. By the time they are done with you, only a small remnant of Jews will survive.
You may not believe the New Testament, but considering you are living, breathing prophesy, you may want to acquaint yourself with it. Obama and Putin are not your friends....

the NT has nothing to do with today. The rapture happened in 70AD. Every President of the US has been labeled a jews hater, or rather an enemy of Israel. Every one.
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com
You know it is nonsense and waste of time to read that CNN bullshit. In the polls, he even looks better than in the elections, where his party is the 1st indeed, but gathered nevertheless only 23,40 % (turnout: 72 %).
I guess you didn't get it. According to the same polls, Netanyahu was going to lose the previous election, yet somehow he ends up winning in a landslide. He and Lieberman are in control now, and he isn't even running to be elected yet. The made up polls and leftists whining are meaningless!
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com
You know it is nonsense and waste of time to read that CNN bullshit. In the polls, he even looks better than in the elections, where his party is the 1st indeed, but gathered nevertheless only 23,40 % (turnout: 72 %).
I guess you didn't get it. According to the same polls, Netanyahu was going to lose the previous election, yet somehow he ends up winning in a landslide. He and Lieberman are in control now, and he isn't even running to be elected yet. The made up polls and leftists whining are meaningless!
It was typical western democracy when the favored party won in the last second. If you see 23,4 % as a landslide, you must be dumber than I thought.
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com

I'm quite sure your right, Israel is not a democracy.
And what did that stupid reponse having anything to do with what I said, Fatima the asylum escapee?

The polls are meaningless and worthless, means your vote does not matter, therefore Israel is not a democracy.
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com
You know it is nonsense and waste of time to read that CNN bullshit. In the polls, he even looks better than in the elections, where his party is the 1st indeed, but gathered nevertheless only 23,40 % (turnout: 72 %).
I guess you didn't get it. According to the same polls, Netanyahu was going to lose the previous election, yet somehow he ends up winning in a landslide. He and Lieberman are in control now, and he isn't even running to be elected yet. The made up polls and leftists whining are meaningless!
It was typical western democracy when the favored party won in the last second. If you see 23,4 % as a landslide, you must be dumber than I thought.
You seem to have a habit of showing your ignorance by constantly speaking out of your rear end. By all standards, Netanyahu did win big, so the polls that predicted a close election were very questionable, if not corrupted.

Netanyahu's party wins big in Israeli elections



Views You Can Use: Bibi's Big Win
Bibi is extremely popular
No, he isn´t...




It's doubtful that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his wildest, most optimistic dreams, would have dared to imagine when he set off for the United States last week that Israelis would respond to his six-day trip so enthusiastically: According to a new Haaretz poll, they are giving the visit high marks, considering it an overwhelming success.
The poll, conducted by the Dialog organization, under the supervision of Prof. Camil Fuchs of the Tel Aviv University Statistics Department, showed that 47 percent of the Israeli public believes the U.S. trip was a success, while only 10 percent viewed it as a failure.
read more: Haaretz poll: Netanyahu's popularity soaring following Washington trip

End Quote


Bibi surges in Israeli polls


Looks like once again the Arab Muslim haters base their entire diatribe on lies and half truths
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com

I'm quite sure your right, Israel is not a democracy.
And what did that stupid reponse having anything to do with what I said, Fatima the asylum escapee?

The polls are meaningless and worthless, means your vote does not matter, therefore Israel is not a democracy.
Sorry 'bout it, asylum escapee, according to the international community, Israel is indeed a democracy. And, has always been considered a democracy.
Who cares! The leftists there whine just about as much as they do here. Netanyahu is in control now, and he and / or Lieberman will be reelected, come election time. The "polls" are therefore meaningless and worthless.

Why were the Israeli election polls so wrong? - CNN.com

I'm quite sure your right, Israel is not a democracy.
And what did that stupid reponse having anything to do with what I said, Fatima the asylum escapee?

The polls are meaningless and worthless, means your vote does not matter, therefore Israel is not a democracy.
Sorry 'bout it, asylum escapee, according to the international community, Israel is indeed a democracy. And, has always been considered a democracy.

Please don't make me laugh.

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