Yahweh and Allah. Are they moral and ethical Gods?

The problem is U.S. is under satanic mind control. All one has to do is READ THE BOOKS. Yahweh, as they call him..only killed nations for their evil, such as..offering of children to demons. Yahweh, says vengeance is his. In Quran..Allah mandates the killing of unbelievers. This is not Yahweh. Yahweh says that all who do not believe, are already Spiritually dead...because his ways are just, and filled with mercy.

I am being persecuted. I am trying to raise awareness of my plight, and thos like me. Please see my post. The gov. is blocking dissenters, and murdering people. This is emergency.

Maybe reread the OT, jews sacrificed their children as well. Have you read about when Moses came down from the mountain , 3000 perished from the hands of their kin. How about the Maccabee who said convert or die.

Who is in charge of the US , that invisible government, the Zionist.
That's twice Zaang(a luciferian) lied in regards to Lucifer.
First time lied about the term and usage of the Morning Star including ignoring Websters definition, Bible era usage, encyclopedias definition, other cultures mythologies that Morning Star is Baal's son.
Now he lies about a post claiming 74=666 trying to lead people away from what was said by lying. Lucifer Jesus needs lies, truth needs not deception nor ad hominems.

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74

ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names Baal Jesus (meaning lord Jesus)=666
Father and son as one -his father being satan-Baal, means that his name Jesus Baal=666
Zaangs RCC is found to be embedded with the satanic number:
In Hebrew numerics: "ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom which instituted the
66 books of man(6) you promote of the
"Holy Bible"=666
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called:
using the idol son of baal as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his nsme Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.

Zaang is therefore a Satanist which is why he always lies and tries to disrupt intellectual discussions, Satanists are destructive natured people.

Bullshit. the number 666 has nothing whatever to do with numerology or the name of Jesus.

The only other time the number 666, the number of the beast, a man, is mentioned in the entire Bible is in describing Solomon's stipend of 666 talents (25 tons) of gold taken from the temple treasury every year, not to mention tributes, tolls and taxes bled from the population daily.

Its the same model Rome, the scarlet beast, based its corrupt religious/political system of mind control and perpetual fleecing of the befuddled population on.
There is no Historical Jew named Jesus(you admitted this), the character is written to be Baal's son as one in the same so the name is not Jesus(as you admitted by calling your christ Yeshua) it was always called;
lord (Ba'al) Jesus(Iesous).
Baal Jesus=666.
You yourself already admited this idol is a created figure and satanic used by the Romans.
Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas do not =666
Baal Jesus does. (I already shared tens of times the source for Jesus being plagiarised figure of a baal passion play which predated tablet sits in a Brittish museum)
And who but Rome required the money out of the people and the Temple?
Who but Rome had coins with collumns of numbers that totalled and said 666 on them, whereby Arabs were not allowed to buy or sell without these coins?
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And who but Rome required the money out of the people and the Temple?
Who but Rome had coins with collumns of numbers that totalled and said 666 on them, whereby Arabs were not allowed to buy or sell without these coins?

Just more evidence that Rome based its corrupt political/religious system of theocratic tyranny on the number of the beast, the same mark of the beast that you proudly wear tattooed right in the middle of your forehead like an amulet.
See you had to lie and make an ad hominem attack=do evil, instead of discussing and admitting you were mistaken.
Very telling of how your Luciferianism makes you do evil instead of righteousness.
See you had to lie and make an ad hominem attack=do evil, instead of discussing and admitting you were mistaken.
Very telling of how your Luciferianism makes you do evil instead of righteousness.

What attack? What lie? What evil?

That you fancy yourself to be the high priest of a theocracy based on the return of a Solomon styled temple slaughterhouse?

You don't?
What religion do you think Yahweh spawned?


Always the same game in history. Boring. Remembers me why I called once Stalin and Hitler the left and right jawbone of the devil.

First: The god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god. We are monotheists. If there is only one god then it can be only the same god. That's completly independent what someone thinks about god.

Second: I would say the arabian devils and the anglo-american sheitans are fighting together with each other against everyone they don't like to understand - for their own "freedom"="might and money". The english speaking world is famous to fight with every dictator against christian structures or against democratic structures in the world. The only thing what Christians seem to have to do any longer seems to be to die out as fast as possible - and if Christians are not fast enough to die out, then lots of assholes - ah sorry: people - try to help to let die out Christians a little faster and sooner. About a hundred years ago - before world war 1 - 1/4-1/3 of the inhabitants of 'Asia minor' were Christians. Or more than 2000 years long lived Christians in the Iraq - lots of them used even the aramaic language Jesus spoke once - before the USA attacked this country on no reason to do so. How many Christians live today in Turkey? How many live in the Iraq? Who helps to transform a growing turkish democracy into a new dictatorship because of such unimportant things like air bases? ...

One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

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What religion do you think Yahweh spawned?


Always the same game in history. Boring. Remembers me why I called once Stalin and Hitler the left and right jawbone of the devil.

First: The god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god. We are monotheists. If there is only one god then it can be only the same god. That's completly independent what someone thinks about god.

Second: I would say the arabian devils and the anglo-american sheitans are fighting together with each other against everyone they don't like to understand - for their own "freedom"="might and money". The english speaking world is famous to fight with every dictator against christian structures or against democratic structures in the world. The only thing what Christians seem to have to do any longer seems to be to die out as fast as possible - and if Christians are not fast enough to die out, then lots of assholes - ah sorry: people - try to help to let die out Christians a little faster and sooner. About a hundred years ago - before world war 1 - 1/4-1/3 of the inhabitants of 'Asia minor' were Christians. Or more than 2000 years long lived Christians in the Iraq - lots of them used even the aramaic language Jesus spoke once - before the USA attacked this country on no reason to do so. How many Christians live today in Turkey? How many live in the Iraq? Who helps to transform a growing turkish democracy into a new dictatorship because of such unimportant things like air bases? ...

One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

No, I just tell it the way it is. Yahweh was a tribal war god and they only called on him when down on their luck. Also they were not monotheistic, until after their exile, they worshipped all the pagan Gods. I guess Zoroastrian had an effect on them.

Anti Semite means nothing, an overused term used by the Jews and the Jew worshippers, to shut people up who say anything truthful about the Jews that the Jews and the Jew worshippers do not like.
That's twice Zaang(a luciferian) lied in regards to Lucifer. ...

What do you see if you take a look in the mirror? You have nothing to do with Christians nor with Jews. So why do you play your completly idiotic games?


Always the same game in history. Boring. Remembers me why I called once Stalin and Hitler the left and right jawbone of the devil.

First: The god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god. We are monotheists. If there is only one god then it can be only the same god. That's completly independent what someone thinks about god.

Second: I would say the arabian devils and the anglo-american sheitans are fighting together with each other against everyone they don't like to understand - for their own "freedom"="might and money". The english speaking world is famous to fight with every dictator against christian structures or against democratic structures in the world. The only thing what Christians seem to have to do any longer seems to be to die out as fast as possible - and if Christians are not fast enough to die out, then lots of assholes - ah sorry: people - try to help to let die out Christians a little faster and sooner. About a hundred years ago - before world war 1 - 1/4-1/3 of the inhabitants of 'Asia minor' were Christians. Or more than 2000 years long lived Christians in the Iraq - lots of them used even the aramaic language Jesus spoke once - before the USA attacked this country on no reason to do so. How many Christians live today in Turkey? How many live in the Iraq? Who helps to transform a growing turkish democracy into a new dictatorship because of such unimportant things like air bases? ...

One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

No, I just tell it the way it is. Yahweh was a tribal war god and they only called on him when down on their luck. Also they were not monotheistic, until after their exile, they worshipped all the pagan Gods. I guess Zoroastrian had an effect on them.

Anti Semite means nothing, an overused term used by the Jews and the Jew worshippers, to shut people up who say anything truthful about the Jews that the Jews and the Jew worshippers do not like.

Seems to me you don't live in fear of Jews. But dont be to optimistic: Even I - although I never kill any animal - could hopefully kill an Antisemite, if it is necessary to do so. It's more than enough trouble what Antisemites caused in history. May god help that it never will be my duty to do so. Holy Mother Mary - you are a Jew on your own - I beg you - bring my prayers to your son, who ascented into heaven today.

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That's twice Zaang(a luciferian) lied in regards to Lucifer. ...

What do you see if you take a look in the mirror? You have nothing to do with Christians nor with Jews. So why do you pla your diotioc games?
Always the same game in history. Boring. Remembers me why I called once Stalin and Hitler the left and right jawbone of the devil.

First: The god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god. We are monotheists. If there is only one god then it can be only the same god. That's completly independent what someone thinks about god.

Second: I would say the arabian devils and the anglo-american sheitans are fighting together with each other against everyone they don't like to understand - for their own "freedom"="might and money". The english speaking world is famous to fight with every dictator against christian structures or against democratic structures in the world. The only thing what Christians seem to have to do any longer seems to be to die out as fast as possible - and if Christians are not fast enough to die out, then lots of assholes - ah sorry: people - try to help to let die out Christians a little faster and sooner. About a hundred years ago - before world war 1 - 1/4-1/3 of the inhabitants of 'Asia minor' were Christians. Or more than 2000 years long lived Christians in the Iraq - lots of them used even the aramaic language Jesus spoke once - before the USA attacked this country on no reason to do so. How many Christians live today in Turkey? How many live in the Iraq? Who helps to transform a growing turkish democracy into a new dictatorship because of such unimportant things like air bases? ...

One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

No, I just tell it the way it is. Yahweh was a tribal war god and they only called on him when down on their luck. Also they were not monotheistic, until after their exile, they worshipped all the pagan Gods. I guess Zoroastrian had an effect on them.

Anti Semite means nothing, an overused term used by the Jews and the Jew worshippers, to shut people up who say anything truthful about the Jews that the Jews and the Jew worshippers do not like.

Seems to me you don't live in fear of Jews.

In a way I do, even though I'm not an Arab and live in the US, but when they finally take over Jerusalem and demolish the mosque and Dome of the Rock to build their temple, expect another WW, they may even do a false flag on Iran first, so boot up American soldiers because we fight their wars they start.

They reap and do not sow, they want what belongs to others, they pretend they are reliving the OT, actually sickening since most are mainly secular, instead of fighting for self defense, they encourage wars and create them, but now leave the fighting up to others.
That's twice Zaang(a luciferian) lied in regards to Lucifer. ...

What do you see if you take a look in the mirror? You have nothing to do with Christians nor with Jews. So why do you pla your diotioc games?
One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

No, I just tell it the way it is. Yahweh was a tribal war god and they only called on him when down on their luck. Also they were not monotheistic, until after their exile, they worshipped all the pagan Gods. I guess Zoroastrian had an effect on them.

Anti Semite means nothing, an overused term used by the Jews and the Jew worshippers, to shut people up who say anything truthful about the Jews that the Jews and the Jew worshippers do not like.

Seems to me you don't live in fear of Jews.

In a way I do, even though I'm not an Arab and live in the US, but when they finally take over Jerusalem and demolish the mosque and Dome of the Rock to build their temple, expect another WW, they may even do a false flag on Iran first, so boot up American soldiers because we fight their wars they start.

They reap and do not sow, they want what belongs to others, they pretend they are reliving the OT, actually sickening since most are mainly secular, instead of fighting for self defense, they encourage wars and create them, but now leave the fighting up to others.

The Jews in Israel are surrounded from some hundred million Arabs and they don't live in fear of Arabs. Somehow funny what you say. And now you are even in the hairline cross of a German. Bad luck.

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They don't have to tear down the Mosque, and what part of "Al Isra" (the NIGHT journey ) do you not understand?
Judaism and Islam have the same prayer leader, the Temple is for everyone.
Yerushalem is the ultimate divided Baby story in Solomon's wise judgement decision. And what was the Baby's name,
I bet you all forgot.
They don't have to tear down the Mosque, and what part of "Al Isra" (the NIGHT journey ) do you not understand?
Judaism and Islam have the same prayer leader, the Temple is for everyone.
Yerushalem is the ultimate divided Baby story in Solomon's wise judgement decision. And what was the Baby's name,
I bet you all forgot.

The baby had a name?
That's twice Zaang(a luciferian) lied in regards to Lucifer. ...

What do you see if you take a look in the mirror? You have nothing to do with Christians nor with Jews. So why do you play your completly idiotic games?

Always the same game in history. Boring. Remembers me why I called once Stalin and Hitler the left and right jawbone of the devil.

First: The god of Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same god. We are monotheists. If there is only one god then it can be only the same god. That's completly independent what someone thinks about god.

Second: I would say the arabian devils and the anglo-american sheitans are fighting together with each other against everyone they don't like to understand - for their own "freedom"="might and money". The english speaking world is famous to fight with every dictator against christian structures or against democratic structures in the world. The only thing what Christians seem to have to do any longer seems to be to die out as fast as possible - and if Christians are not fast enough to die out, then lots of assholes - ah sorry: people - try to help to let die out Christians a little faster and sooner. About a hundred years ago - before world war 1 - 1/4-1/3 of the inhabitants of 'Asia minor' were Christians. Or more than 2000 years long lived Christians in the Iraq - lots of them used even the aramaic language Jesus spoke once - before the USA attacked this country on no reason to do so. How many Christians live today in Turkey? How many live in the Iraq? Who helps to transform a growing turkish democracy into a new dictatorship because of such unimportant things like air bases? ...

One imaginary God fighting another imaginary God and here you are, complaining that a religion that used violence and murder to grow itself, Christianity, when another religion that also grew from violence and murder, Islam, is winning a local war.

Go complain to someone who cares about eithe4r of those immoral creeds.

The sooner all the religious kill each other off, the sooner the world can progress.

Religions are holding us back thanks to their immoral creeds.


So the OT is hogwash, and the Maccabees never existed , ok. No jews killing jews in Israel during the war with the Romans, no following Kitos war, all that is crap. Funny how the jews got Christians and Muslims fighting themselves hey?

Everyone knows you hate Jews on no reason to do so. This sickness is called "Antisemitism". What about to inform the Mossad about you? They could kill you with a poisoned e-mail - so be careful to lick electronic stamps.

No, I just tell it the way it is. Yahweh was a tribal war god and they only called on him when down on their luck. Also they were not monotheistic, until after their exile, they worshipped all the pagan Gods. I guess Zoroastrian had an effect on them.

Anti Semite means nothing, an overused term used by the Jews and the Jew worshippers, to shut people up who say anything truthful about the Jews that the Jews and the Jew worshippers do not like.

Seems to me you don't live in fear of Jews. But dont be to optimistic: Even I - although I never kill any animal - could hopefully kill an Antisemite, if it is necessary to do so. It's more than enough trouble what Antisemites caused in history. May god help that it never will be my duty to do so. Holy Mother Mary - you are a Jew on your own - I beg you - bring my prayers to your son, who ascented into heaven today.

Really, and you know Mother Mary is a jew because? is says so in the bible? Christianity is a Roman Religion and according to the jews she is merely a woman who bore a son out of wedlock.
These religions were dreamed up by despicable sadists.

"Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."
-- Hosea 13:16

"Lo! Allah hath cursed the disbelievers, and hath prepared for them a flaming fire, Allah has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming fire. Wherein they will abide for ever. They will find no protecting friend nor helper."
-- Surah 33:64-65
Hosea 13:16 is merely warning of cultures who fall away from Shalem (becoming whole and stable) and what happens to them.

the Sura you posted sounds like a refiners fire which can be easilly missunderstood by the translation without commentary.
If it's not a refiners fire analogy then it could be describing war torn areas or something spreading like fire, once again context can be a warning not a threat. Like I said previously, how people utilize their text and read into it can be used positively or negatively. Even negative verses xanbe used to progress from behavior which is why dirty laundry is left in the text, to learn and grow and change from past behavior.
Judaism and Islam have the same prayer leader, the Temple is for everyone.

Judaism and Islam have the same prayer leader? WTF! You are claiming to be the leader of Islam now? You do know that Islam claims that Mohammad the antisemitic child rapist was the very same messiah that you claim to be and the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ as implied by the claim that he was last and greatest prophet and all that..Do you believe that Mohammad was the last prophet of the God of Israel? Do you pray to Allah? You really think you are going to convince Muslims that you are greater than Mohammad?

Okey dokey.

You do seem to have picked up some strange bedfellows in your quixotic quest to become the greatest animal butcher the world has ever seen.

Pssst! You do know that it is a violation of divine law to eat the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours, don't you?
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They don't have to tear down the Mosque, and what part of "Al Isra" (the NIGHT journey ) do you not understand?
Judaism and Islam have the same prayer leader, the Temple is for everyone.

Can it be you say so much bullshit about the jewish and christian rebound in god because you are a Muslim? The temple in the "City of the West" = Jerusalem (=palace of the god shalim (=the god of the dusk)) was and is and will be always only the temple of the Jews.

Yerushalem is the ultimate divided Baby story in Solomon's wise judgement decision. And what was the Baby's name,
I bet you all forgot.

As far as I know it was not Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin. Serios answer: No one is able to forget what no one knows.

Then two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. The one woman said, "Oh, my lord, this woman and I live in the same house, and I gave birth to a child while she was in the house. Then on the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth. And we were alone. There was no one else with us in the house; only we two were in the house. And this woman’s son died in the night, because she lay on him. And she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me, while your servant slept, and laid him at her breast, and laid her dead son at my breast. When I rose in the morning to nurse my child, behold, he was dead. But when I looked at him closely in the morning, behold, he was not the child that I had borne." But the other woman said, "No, the living child is mine, and the dead child is yours." The first said, "No, the dead child is yours, and the living child is mine." Thus they spoke before the king. Then the king said, "The one says, ‘This is my son that is alive, and your son is dead’; and the other says, ‘No; but your son is dead, and my son is the living one.’" And the king said, "Bring me a sword." So a sword was brought before the king. And the king said, "Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one and half to the other." Then the woman whose son was alive said to the king, because her heart yearned for her son, "Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and by no means put him to death." But the other said, "He shall be neither mine nor yours; divide him." Then the king answered and said, "Give the living child to the first woman, and by no means put him to death; she is his mother." And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had rendered, and they stood in awe of the king, because they perceived that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.

Zaang, what part of me being a Kohanim do you not understand? *L*
MY Father's second uncle founded the first
Synagogue in his region and my father's cousin was a popular Rabbi in PA.
I posted here about living across from the Synagogue with a wing founded in my families name, the same name of the original transliteration of the Holy City. Couldn't be more Jewish if I was Jackie Mason. *LoL*

To answer Hobelim, you are so busted.
Now you admit your god is just the god of Christians with no power to include all nor be in all cultures visions-prophecy.
YOUR god is a powerless bigot. Zaang & You just proved it very well.
Check mate!

Source:The Islamic Journal |01|: From Islamic Civilisation To The ... - Google Books Result
The Islamic Journal |01|
Sayyid Rami al Rifai - 2015 - Religion
From Islamic Civilisation To The Heart Of
Islam, Ihsan, Human Perfection. ... The
Prophet gave it to Michael . ... to prayer (muezzin) in the heavens is Gabriel and the
prayer- leader (imam) is Michael .

Imam Mahdi in Both religions is Michael.
Both religions say the head of hosts is named after God (share the name)..
Shalem (Evening Star-Night) Allah
(Derives from Al Laila=Night).
Both account when Night comes to Jerusalem that overturning of the Morning star brings peace. Which is How YeruShalem becomes known as the city of Shalom(peace).
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YHWH and Allah walk into a bar. Phone rings, bartender answers. Turns and says, it's for 'God', which of you is it?
YHWH says, "I am".

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