Yep, it's escalating

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Sounds charming! LOL More reasons, including being hit by a stray bullet from a drug cartel member, to visit Aruba instead.

Cozumel ain't so bad on a Cruze. Being on the boat sucked worse. Pretty touristy to. TJ was skankville though with a shit ton of underage drug white girls and boys running amok. The Mexican cops used to beat them pretty good, but not so much now as I understand it.
I'll take a police beating over getting shot here in the US. And I agree we are number consumers of drugs.

Just weed here and I am to mature for that bricked up schwag from SOT. Most of our drugs are made here though. Mexico some, but not like it was.
Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.
They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.
Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Sounds charming! LOL More reasons, including being hit by a stray bullet from a drug cartel member, to visit Aruba instead.

Cozumel ain't so bad on a Cruze. Being on the boat sucked worse. Pretty touristy to. TJ was skankville though with a shit ton of underage drug white girls and boys running amok. The Mexican cops used to beat them pretty good, but not so much now as I understand it.
I visited Cozumel once on a cruise. It is the one place I would go back to for a week's vacation if I ever did go back to the Caribbean. Like you, the cruise ship part wasn't all that grand.
Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.
They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!
They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?
They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.
I disagree, a driving force wasn't racism, that was the left wing mantra. The driving force was an dissatisfied working middle class Americans that treats them with no respect.

As far as I'm concerned you have no real right to complain about an election that you were not interested enough to vote but now complain about our system? Lol!

Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry. Sorry, you want to complain about our elections? Then get off your lazy ass and participate in them.

I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.
They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.
Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry.

The only time they want to change anything is when they lose. DumBama entered the White House with leadership in the Congress and Senate, but nothing was even mentioned about the Electoral College because they won. The EC is fine when they win, but when they lose, somebody should do something to change it.
Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry.

The only time they want to change anything is when they lose. DumBama entered the White House with leadership in the Congress and Senate, but nothing was even mentioned about the Electoral College because they won. The EC is fine when they win, but when they lose, somebody should do something to change it.

People like Issa cry about the Electoral College and yet he doesn't seem to think it is important for he, himself to vote. Then how important should we take his opinion? As important as he thought is was to vote?
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:


What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.
I disagree, a driving force wasn't racism, that was the left wing mantra. The driving force was an dissatisfied working middle class Americans that treats them with no respect.

As far as I'm concerned you have no real right to complain about an election that you were not interested enough to vote but now complain about our system? Lol!

Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry. Sorry, you want to complain about our elections? Then get off your lazy ass and participate in them.

I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

They voted for Trump :)

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.

Not voting for a candidate is a statement. None was qualified.
One thing for sure those who voted for Trump in hopes he will be different and he is not tied with DC and wall street are delusional. He is part of the 1% (according to him), he is in bed with DC and wall street
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
I disagree, a driving force wasn't racism, that was the left wing mantra. The driving force was an dissatisfied working middle class Americans that treats them with no respect.

As far as I'm concerned you have no real right to complain about an election that you were not interested enough to vote but now complain about our system? Lol!

Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry. Sorry, you want to complain about our elections? Then get off your lazy ass and participate in them.

I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.

Not voting for a candidate is a statement. None was qualified.
One thing for sure those who voted for Trump in hopes he will be different and he is not tied with DC and wall street are delusional. He is part of the 1% (according to him), he is in bed with DC and wall street

So was Hillary, and we only had two choices.
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
Of course....dontnwe consider the US as one unit? We ask all Americans who they want and we go by the majority. So we don't have a person who is hated by most and was elected by 20 some percent of the population. Why would a 1 million Nebraskans decide over the 6th biggest economy in the world and the most populous state? And a state that helps other states with is federal taxes?
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
Of course....dontnwe consider the US as one unit? We ask all Americans who they want and we go by the majority. So we don't have a person who is hated by most and was elected by 20 some percent of the population. Why would a 1 million Nebraskans decide over the 6th biggest economy in the world and the most populous state? And a state that helps other states with is federal taxes?

Without the EC there'd be no reason for most to vote. The east, west coast & Chicago with decide the POTUS.
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
Of course....dontnwe consider the US as one unit? We ask all Americans who they want and we go by the majority. So we don't have a person who is hated by most and was elected by 20 some percent of the population. Why would a 1 million Nebraskans decide over the 6th biggest economy in the world and the most populous state? And a state that helps other states with is federal taxes?
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
Of course....dontnwe consider the US as one unit? We ask all Americans who they want and we go by the majority. So we don't have a person who is hated by most and was elected by 20 some percent of the population. Why would a 1 million Nebraskans decide over the 6th biggest economy in the world and the most populous state? And a state that helps other states with is federal taxes?

Without the EC there'd be no reason for most to vote. The east, west coast & Chicago with decide the POTUS.
And that's where the most successful, educated, open minded, smart, compassionate, accepting people live....maybe just maybe the red neck states they need to get on the 21st century train.
I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.

We are a country that by design, gives the minority power as well as the majority. Pure Democracy is mob rule. This is why our founders designed our Senate the way it is. Each state gets two Senators, and it doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You each get equal Senate power.

Here is a county map of the last presidential election:

View attachment 145914

What you are saying is that all those tiny blue sections should be able to have control and power over those large red sections. How is that fair? Because a President isn't just President of the people, a President is also the President of land as well.

The population of New York City is about 8.5 million people. The population of the entire state of Idaho is 1.5 million people. That means in a pure democracy, it would take more than five whole states the population of Idaho to equal the voters of one single city in the US.

So we decide to get rid of the EC and go to popular vote only. You live in Nebraska, a population of less than 2 million people. Now, a problem arises on garbage disposal. Landfills near cities like New York are filled, and you need to send that garbage somewhere while keeping your voters in NY happy. Well why not send the garbage where you live in Nebraska? After all, your votes are virtually worthless in a Democracy election. Or maybe they want someplace to store nuclear waste? Maybe your state experiences a series of tornados that wipes out several communities. Why should a President send any federal aid to you in Nebraska? He would rather spend federal money to CA to study the effects on a rare tit mouse when windmills are installed.

The Electoral College method makes the concerns of all states important to a leader--not just where he can get the most votes.

Electoral vote is a joke, even Trump said that. We have to respect the will of the all modern day you have most of the country unhappy and a president that father's to only his 20 some percent base.
When I hear his speeches all I see, is him trying to make those who voted for him happy even though so far lot of empty promises.

And you didn't address one point I made about why we have the electoral college. Sure, it benefits you because your state would have much of the control of who gets to be President, but what if you lived in a much less populated state where your vote would be virtually worthless? Would that be fair to you?
Of course....dontnwe consider the US as one unit? We ask all Americans who they want and we go by the majority. So we don't have a person who is hated by most and was elected by 20 some percent of the population. Why would a 1 million Nebraskans decide over the 6th biggest economy in the world and the most populous state? And a state that helps other states with is federal taxes?

If we are one unit as you claim, then California is a part of the largest economy in the world, and they aren't the majority of the US economy either. Clinton would have been elected with what 22% of the population? That isn't any better. What would be better is if everyone eligible to vote, would vote. The American people that didn't vote are to blame, not the people that voted.
I disagree, a driving force wasn't racism, that was the left wing mantra. The driving force was an dissatisfied working middle class Americans that treats them with no respect.

As far as I'm concerned you have no real right to complain about an election that you were not interested enough to vote but now complain about our system? Lol!

Like I tell all you nuts, you don't like the way we elect our Presidents? Then change it, but most of you don't do a damn thing and then cry. Sorry, you want to complain about our elections? Then get off your lazy ass and participate in them.

I agree with some of what you said...but racism was a big driving force behind It as well. Trump targeted minorities, and promised to ban Muslims, put all Mexicans in one basket except some like he said. Even the white nationalists and the KKK rallied behind him. Hate crimes are on the rise, and racial tensions are also. In the 20 years that's I've lived here, I've never seen this bad.
In my opinion the US should abolish how it elects its president and just go by popular just doesn't make sense that the majority has to suffer the consequences of a bad choice by the minority.
First off, I didn't support or vote for Trump, I saw through his BS just like I saw through Obama's. I am telling you why people voted for Trump. They knew they were going to get screwed by Clinton, just like they have been since Reagan.Trump was a wild card and provided a hope of possibly something different. That was it! It wasn't racism, or ignorance that made them to decide to vote for Trump, it was hope of something different and a chance for their voice to be heard. Clinton represented every candidate that didn't listen to the working middle class. That is why Trump is in office and no one else. I was a statement by those the politicians took for granted. He defeated 18 Republican and a Democrat.

Trump is a crook and a liar on a huge scale. I'm not a big fan of Hillary but at least she acts and talks like an adult....trump emboldened the racists, the bullies, the crooks, and the liars...and send daily messages that it's ok to be all of that and still suck at what you do as long as you have dumb cheerleaders.
So now he wants to shut down the government ? What happened to Mexico will pay for the wall?

You know why they voted for Trump, because they were tired of career politicians taking them for granted. They were tired of regulations cramping their ability to make an income. They were an overlooked segment of America that nobody gave a damn about, so they voted for someone that they didn't know versus a bunch of crooks they did know. They couldn't win but at least they were willing to take a chance to get things better. Funny thing is, had Sanders of won the Democratic nomination, he would have carried a few extra red states. The Democrats gave us the worst candidate in the history of politics and that is why Trump won. You need to blame the idiot left wing nuts for them giving Clinton to the American public.

Not voting for a candidate is a statement. None was qualified.

How did that work out for you?

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