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Yet another committee says the Obama administration did nothing wrong.

More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
The mere fact that that compound was not extra fortified in advance of the 9-11 anniversary and a phony story contrived to coverup that failure in order to enhance ensuing election chances and then a lie about calling it terrorism before the video story was pushed is corruption to the core. No investigations needed. This major corruption is clear enough.
This is another Nixon apologist thread.
And another Republican talking point crashes, and burns. The House Select Intelligence Committee released its findings:

The panel "...determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria."

But...but...what about that Susan Rice thing?!?!? Surely, that was a thing, right?
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, intelligence about who carried it out and why was contradictory, the report found. That led Susan Rice, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to inaccurately assert that the attack had evolved from a protest, when in fact there had been no protest. But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people.

Now, just to be clear, this was an investigation that was being run by the Republican led House of Representatives. So, after a two year investigation, The Republicans came to the exact same conclusion as 6 other investigations found, and everyone else in Washington - and everywhere else, for that matter - already knew; that the Obama Administration did nothing wrong. Gee...what a shock.

Ironically, the "House Intelligence Committee report was released with little fanfare on the Friday before Thanksgiving week." After all, after all of the noise that Republicans, and the fake conservatives have been making during the last two years about how Obama must have done something wrong, the last thing Republicans want anyone doing is paying attention when the report from their own investigation comes out, and makes them look like idiots.

AP|House intel panel debunks many Benghazi theories

You would think Republicans would be embarrassed to have one of their favorite conspiracy theories debunked yet again. Don't they ever tire of being wrong and stupid all the time?
More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
Wait a minute! You're gonna have to break that claim down, and explain how that works. So, now yet another Republican-led committee is Left Wing?!?! Really??? And, how exactly does that work?

You get that this report comes out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, right? And, I assume you know why I emphasized "House", right? I mean, you do know which party has controlled the House, and this committee, since the committee investigation began, right?

So, knowing all of that, how, again, is this "Left Wing"?!?!

You're an embarrassment

ONLY to :ahole-1: PROGS, such as yourself!

Benghazi, ebola, birthers...

What's left umm... Lois Lerner and Fast and Furious?

So 2 bogus scandals that rubes creamed themselves over are left to debunk.

Like I said; you're an embarrassment.
Oh, bridge gate was soooo baaad to liberals.
Like anyone in government will go against the most corrupt administration in history, I mean we know Obama wouldn't lie to cover his ass.
Yes, it's been whispered out of committee, that if they had found evidence (which they undoubtedly did) the call for IMPEACHMENT would go through the roof, and if there is anything the Feckless Republican elitist DON'T WANT, it's an IMPEACHMENT of the first HALF BLACK MAN.... The THUGERY would make Watts, Chicago, and Harlem look like school picnics!.... But that's politics!

do you think IF THE PEOPLE in this country really believe that, that wouldn't of taken the Senate away from them? I mean seriously. some of you just refuse to get a frikken clue

I know you're all trying to find a way to save face and his ass. but spare us all
Okay. So, just so everyone knows what retarded partisan nutjobs you are, it is now your contention that your own fucking party has joined in the "Democrat conspiracy" to protect the ass of the Democratic President that your party has spent the last 6 years obstructing, and trying to embarrass?!?!

Really??? That's what you've got left?

You partisan hacks are such a fucking joke.

Damn, you fucking 2 digit IQ';s freaks know absolutely NOTHING about what goes on around you... The FECKLESS Republican LEADERSHIP had CAVED ONCE MORE, without firing a shot!

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

Cum Wad, try to keep up, or get the fuck off the porch!
I need to keep up?!? First of all, dumbass, this isn't about Obama's executive orders, so, instead of trying to deflect with stupid, irrelevant red herrings, how about you stay on topic. Who cares what batshit Crazy Bachmann has to say about Obama's executive orders; this discussion isn't about that.

Second of all, you are still insisting that the party you have spent the last two years parroting the talking points of, the party that has spent the last six years obstructing, and trying to publicly embarrass, the party that screamed "BENGHAZI!!!" every time they needed a distraction; you are now claiming that this report represents that party now being complicit in the "cover-up" to protect the very president that they have spent two years trying to tie to the very conspiracy they are now a part of? That's really your contention?

You just really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
Wait a minute! You're gonna have to break that claim down, and explain how that works. So, now yet another Republican-led committee is Left Wing?!?! Really??? And, how exactly does that work?

You get that this report comes out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, right? And, I assume you know why I emphasized "House", right? I mean, you do know which party has controlled the House, and this committee, since the committee investigation began, right?

So, knowing all of that, how, again, is this "Left Wing"?!?!

The thread is left wing and it's about something that has nothing to do with the coverups nor the abject failure in preparation. It was looking into whether there was a willful effort to not provide cover for that compound as opposed to a lack of preparation. Completely different issue.

Since the election of Franklin Roosevelt there have nearly always been more jobs created per year under Democratic presidents than Republican presidents. More were created per year under Jimmy Carter than Ronald Reagan.
More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
Wait a minute! You're gonna have to break that claim down, and explain how that works. So, now yet another Republican-led committee is Left Wing?!?! Really??? And, how exactly does that work?

You get that this report comes out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, right? And, I assume you know why I emphasized "House", right? I mean, you do know which party has controlled the House, and this committee, since the committee investigation began, right?

So, knowing all of that, how, again, is this "Left Wing"?!?!

The thread is left wing and it's about something that has nothing to do with the coverups nor the abject failure in preparation. It was looking into whether there was a willful effort to not provide cover for that compound as opposed to a lack of preparation. Completely different issue.
You might wanna go read the report, Sparky. Because their findings were a lot broader than that. I'm sorry that you haven't kept up, but that doesn't make the OP any less accurate - it just makes you ill-informed.

You should do something about that - like, I dunno, read something, now, and then?
More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
Wait a minute! You're gonna have to break that claim down, and explain how that works. So, now yet another Republican-led committee is Left Wing?!?! Really??? And, how exactly does that work?

You get that this report comes out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, right? And, I assume you know why I emphasized "House", right? I mean, you do know which party has controlled the House, and this committee, since the committee investigation began, right?

So, knowing all of that, how, again, is this "Left Wing"?!?!

The thread is left wing and it's about something that has nothing to do with the coverups nor the abject failure in preparation. It was looking into whether there was a willful effort to not provide cover for that compound as opposed to a lack of preparation. Completely different issue.
You might wanna go read the report, Sparky. Because their findings were a lot broader than that. I'm sorry that you haven't kept up, but that doesn't make the OP any less accurate - it just makes you ill-informed.

You should do something about that - like, I dunno, read something, now, and then?
I stand by what I wrote. That attack was a major failure by this admin regardless of any willful activity. The lies that followed were coverups, period. Threads like this one continue to try to exonerate Nixon on Steroids.
More left wing dishonesty trying to deflect from the reality of abject failure of duty and a pair of coverups to coverup that failure, the second coverup to try to coverup the first coverup.
Wait a minute! You're gonna have to break that claim down, and explain how that works. So, now yet another Republican-led committee is Left Wing?!?! Really??? And, how exactly does that work?

You get that this report comes out of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, right? And, I assume you know why I emphasized "House", right? I mean, you do know which party has controlled the House, and this committee, since the committee investigation began, right?

So, knowing all of that, how, again, is this "Left Wing"?!?!

The thread is left wing and it's about something that has nothing to do with the coverups nor the abject failure in preparation. It was looking into whether there was a willful effort to not provide cover for that compound as opposed to a lack of preparation. Completely different issue.
You might wanna go read the report, Sparky. Because their findings were a lot broader than that. I'm sorry that you haven't kept up, but that doesn't make the OP any less accurate - it just makes you ill-informed.

You should do something about that - like, I dunno, read something, now, and then?
I stand by what I wrote. That attack was a major failure by this admin regardless of any willful activity. The lies that followed were coverups, period. Threads like this one continue to try to exonerate Nixon on Steroids.
Good for you. It's good to see people stick with their positions, no matter wrong it is.

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