Yet more evidence of the arab muslim wretchedness...

whatever you say, you jewish nazi.

You, however, have no room to talk. Almost every post I've seen from you has been some bigoted nonsense. And before you start your juvenile "YOUZ B A NOOOOOB" silliness again - realize that all that means is that I don't have any preconceived notions about you when reading your posts.

I invite you to find a single post of mine that generalizes jews in any similar fashion to rhodes pussy lashing out against non-jews in israel. Feel free to highlight my quotes in red bolded size 30 font. I look forward to discussing what you post that even remotely suggests that I generalize all jews as death fodder scum like the above fuck knuckle. This is the punchline that I warned you about during your orientation.

Hilarious how some of the jew-hating trash comes in and tries to re-direct the thread away from the failings of the arab world as described in detail in the OP article.

Hating bigotry is not the same thing as "jew-hating" - and your post was bigoted, plain and simple.


yea, I hope you keep posting that. You'll be wearing a scarlet A before your second week is over!


Just ask Neser Boha!


Welcome to class, new car smell.
I love that Rhodes is posting articles by Arabs criticizing Arab states and structures and takes it as justification for ethnic cleansing, which is IRONICALLY enough the exact same thing that Germans said about Slavs to justify their own ethnic cleansing of all lands to the east for "Lebensraum." He's a proponent that if people X have tanks, big buildings, and higher GDPs, then they have the right to subdue people Y because they don't. Because people Y don't, then it means that they're inferior 'untermensch' who deserve to be subdued, ignoring the long geographic and historical consequences that have led to differing development levels all around the world. Not only is it a a blatant endorsement of colonialism, imperialism, and oppression, but it's outrightly an endorsement of all kinds of genocides and ethnic cleansings. But then he calls everybody else the "anti-semite" or the "Nazi", when it's HE HIMSELF whose position is dangerously close to fascism and monstruous 19th-century social darwinism.

So from what he's posted here about Arabs, then it must be obvious that because Africa exhibits such low levels of development, Europe should immediately run back into the continent and murder everyone, because they are unworthy. Let no black SAVAGES in Africa be left alive, because we need the space for the white developed peoples. Let no single Injun be left in the Americas because they are SAVAGES. Maybe we can even build big camps for all these people and gas them, because that's what's coming to them just like to those dirty poor-ass Poles back in the 40's.

There's a myriad reasons why Arab countries, African countries, and Latin American countries (all of which house vast numbers of different countries, all with different levels of development, all which themsleves house different populations with different levels of development) are more or less developed than each other, or in comparison with developed countries (and of course, there's different meanings and connotations of 'development' which would be measured with different indicators and produce different rankings). But "they are an INFERIOR RACE/CULTRUE" is certainly not one of them. And we know that because of what that sort of thinking has led in the past, and because it's certainly not true: there is no racial or cultural factor that makes people more or less propense to succeeding in different areas. 20 years ago all of Latin America was ruled by dictators with an iron fist, "disappearances" were common, state violence rampant. And likewise Western scholars would talk that it's the "nature" it's the "culture" of the "Latino" to be ruled by dictators- as though authoritarianism was just a predisposition of our culture. It was a blatant lie, and though it's not like it's the rosiest place in the world today, but the fact is that not a single of those dictatorships was able to survive. Today the most "dictatorial" regime is Venezuela, and compared to the bloodthirsty criminals that ran Chile, Argentina, or Central America in the past, Chavez looks like Gandhi.
clearly, you hate da jooos and want to see them floating dead in the water. Welcome to the Scarlet A club.
Who really can blame the israelis for wanting to rid themselves of the arab muslims? Given their garbage culture and the backwardness they exhibit, who actually would want to live amongst them? I certainly didn't:

August 5, 2009
Green Shoots in Palestine

Ramallah, West Bank

In 2002, the U.N. Development Program released its first ever Arab Human Development Report, which bluntly detailed the deficits of freedom, women’s empowerment and knowledge-creation holding back the Arab world. It was buttressed with sobering statistics: Greece alone translated five times more books every year from English to Greek than the entire Arab world translated from English to Arabic; the G.D.P. of Spain was greater than that of all 22 Arab states combined; 65 million Arab adults were illiterate. It was a disturbing picture, bravely produced by Arab academics.

And even better, the one place in the arab world that is doing well is guess where - in the WEST FUCKING BANK. SOOOOOOoooo, maybe living under the so-called alleged "occupation" isn't such a bad thing after all.... ;)

Where are all of the jew-hating pieces of trash now? No doubt they will avoid this thread...

Maybe you should start a racist thread.
whatever you say, you jewish nazi.

You, however, have no room to talk. Almost every post I've seen from you has been some bigoted nonsense. And before you start your juvenile "YOUZ B A NOOOOOB" silliness again - realize that all that means is that I don't have any preconceived notions about you when reading your posts.

I invite you to find a single post of mine that generalizes jews in any similar fashion to rhodes pussy lashing out against non-jews in israel. Feel free to highlight my quotes in red bolded size 30 font. I look forward to discussing what you post that even remotely suggests that I generalize all jews as death fodder scum like the above fuck knuckle. This is the punchline that I warned you about during your orientation.


Dude, I have better things to do than go through your individual posts finding them and quoting them. Since I said stuff to you about it directly at the time that you posted it, you shouldn't be confused about it.

Yes, yes, I know, when someone else posts bigoted comments, they're bigoted. When you do it, it's making a point, totally different, etc. I've seen just about every excuse out there for posting bigotry online. At the end of the day, if you post bigoted slurs, I'm going to view you as bigoted, and I really don't care how in-like-flynn you think you are on a particular message board.

Meanwhile, I highly doubt anyone will be labeling me an anti-Semite, and as it clearly hasn't happened yet, I suggest that your "gloating" is premature.
You, however, have no room to talk. Almost every post I've seen from you has been some bigoted nonsense. And before you start your juvenile "YOUZ B A NOOOOOB" silliness again - realize that all that means is that I don't have any preconceived notions about you when reading your posts.

I invite you to find a single post of mine that generalizes jews in any similar fashion to rhodes pussy lashing out against non-jews in israel. Feel free to highlight my quotes in red bolded size 30 font. I look forward to discussing what you post that even remotely suggests that I generalize all jews as death fodder scum like the above fuck knuckle. This is the punchline that I warned you about during your orientation.


Dude, I have better things to do than go through your individual posts finding them and quoting them. Since I said stuff to you about it directly at the time that you posted it, you shouldn't be confused about it.

Yes, yes, I know, when someone else posts bigoted comments, they're bigoted. When you do it, it's making a point, totally different, etc. I've seen just about every excuse out there for posting bigotry online. At the end of the day, if you post bigoted slurs, I'm going to view you as bigoted, and I really don't care how in-like-flynn you think you are on a particular message board.

Meanwhile, I highly doubt anyone will be labeling me an anti-Semite, and as it clearly hasn't happened yet, I suggest that your "gloating" is premature.

The rookie nature of your post is quite refreshing. First off, if you don't think your post above already earned a Scarlet A then just hang out for a bit until dick scholar shows up to read it. I'm going to have fun watching two people this week scratch their head trying to figure out how they've been labeled with the Scarlet A.

Second, again, cite your evidence. Your five minutes on the job doesn't make you a fucking expert around here, buddy. Ignorant assumptions based on your first week here mean two things: jack and shit. If, as if seems, you are too stupid to discern who is the racist motherfucker because of the tone of my posts then.. hey.. form whatever opinino you need to. Hell, if cavemen could explain fire by spirits and demons then I'm sure you can manage to put together your own narrow schema in 5 easy minutes. Backtracking on posting my quotes illustrates my point. Hell, if you don't want to dig up USMB input before your silly fucking anno domini presence then so be it. Start collecting any future quotes you find and compare them to the asshole above. I know I know... you don't have time to put that kind of effort into supporting your assumzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz

Don't sweat Shogun. I think it was he who, upon my arrival, insisted I wouldn't last a month ;)

Didn't you recently have an "i'm back" thread? What was it that your noobness insigated again? I forget.
excellent retort! *yawn*

Again, didn't you JUST make your big entrance back to USMB? Careful, I might have left a word misspelled just so you could have a reply.
Don't sweat Shogun. I think it was he who, upon my arrival, insisted I wouldn't last a month ;)

He seems unhealthily into his seniority on message boards. Ah well, I guess boards would be boring without a few oddities spicing things up.

Shogun, dude, I'm not here to "prove" anything, though ironically one of your slurs is quoted on this page in a signature. If you want to play king-of-the-hill games instead of having actual discussion, that's up to you, but that's not my thing.
Don't sweat Shogun. I think it was he who, upon my arrival, insisted I wouldn't last a month ;)

He seems unhealthily into his seniority on message boards. Ah well, I guess boards would be boring without a few oddities spicing things up.

Shogun, dude, I'm not here to "prove" anything, though ironically one of your slurs is quoted on this page in a signature. If you want to play king-of-the-hill games instead of having actual discussion, that's up to you, but that's not my thing.

gosh, Sir Noobsalot.. who might you be referring to with one of my quotes in their sig line?? :lol:

Surely, SURELY you are not using the testimony of a racist fuck to validate your accusation of racism.. SURELY.

If you want to throw assumptions around and have no interest in backing up your assertion then so be it. We can both play fun games like that. Check this out: You like to fuck toddlers in the butthole. Don't ask me to provide evidence, butthole bandit. It's just not your thing anyway. Fun, eh?

Please, act rational when your first efforts in the forum were shot from the hip and wide of it's mark. Again, this is something a little perspective will teach you but, indeed, don't expect to become a fucking master three steps into the fucking doorway. You could have responded in a myriad of ways without climbing up your freshman high horse but, alas, these are not the choices you made when blindly flailing about trying to hit something in the darkness of your own fresh out of the box USMB account.
Hilarious how some of the jew-hating trash comes in and tries to re-direct the thread away from the failings of the arab world as described in detail in the OP article.

Hating bigotry is not the same thing as "jew-hating" - and your post was bigoted, plain and simple.


yea, I hope you keep posting that. You'll be wearing a scarlet A before your second week is over!


Just ask Neser Boha!


Welcome to class, new car smell.

Hey Shogie how do you like his penguin avatar?
Hating bigotry is not the same thing as "jew-hating" - and your post was bigoted, plain and simple.


yea, I hope you keep posting that. You'll be wearing a scarlet A before your second week is over!


Just ask Neser Boha!


Welcome to class, new car smell.

Hey Shogie how do you like his penguin avatar?

I haven't really paid much attention to it. Focus,. Daniel-san, Focus!
I invite you to find a single post of mine that generalizes jews( ...garbage lies deleted..) Feel free to highlight my quotes in red bolded size 30 font. I look forward to discussing what you post that even remotely suggests that I generalize all jews as death fodder scum like the above fuck knuckle. This is the punchline that I warned you about during your orientation.Please, INSERT EVIDENCE HERE.

See my sig idiot retard...:cuckoo:
I love that Rhodes is posting articles by Arabs criticizing Arab states and structures and takes it as justification for ethnic cleansing...

I normally ignore you, but this lie was so far a stretch I felt it deserved a response.

Please post the link to a post proving I ever said in this thread - or any other, for that matter - where I justitifed the mass expulsion of all arab muslims out of israel, the middle east, or earth. Good luck with that... ;)

So from what he's posted here about Arabs,

I didn't write the fucking article, the UN did. Stop attacking the messenger...

But "they are an INFERIOR RACE/CULTRUE" is certainly not one of them.

They're culture sucks, I did NOT say they were "inferior" human beings. Try reading my posts, Mr. Strawman... :eusa_liar:
RHODESFUCKWIT, that great is it not, draw a comparison between nations that have been exploited, manipulated, invaded and controlled by the west and then blame those nations for not developing fast enough. Well perhaps the answer is in the statement made by the UN.

Stop exploiting 3rd world nations for personal profit and gain at their expense. I mean lets face it your not going to try and rob a rich well armed well developed nations are you when there are plenty of piss poor ones with lots of oil to exploit.

Instead of crowing about their lack of progress perhaps you and the other fuckwits could come up with a plan other than war or exploitation. Perhaps no doubt rather than having people paid slave wages for the food you eat and the rich lifestyle you live you would be more than happy to share your wealth and goodwill to such people would you not. That you are more than willing to help the poor and the needy to release them from their bonds of slavery imposed by western nations, their banks and their profiteers.

The developed nations have no wish nor desire to see these nations to progress as that would mean the end of cheap oil, food and slave labour would it not. The system dose not educate everyone to be a scholar for who would sweep the roads and empty the toilets. Even you should know that Rhodesfuckwit.

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