"You can't be a democrat and go to heaven"

So was the Quran for Sharia law. What's your point?

proving to you liberals that Christianity is a major factor in the founding of America....

if Atheism or the Koran was used instead of the Bible we would be a very different nation today...

Still pushing the retarded idea that only Christianity has a sense of morality? Get over yourself, Christians are no more or less moral than any other random group of humans.

i never said that......it's you secular liberals who think only YOUR morals are valid....
Killing can be legal. Assault someone on his property, and he can shoot you in the face in self defense.

Murder is not legal.

See the difference?

you don't have the right to impose your anti-God Secularism on Christmas......it is a National Holiday....

You don't have the right to impose your Christian theocracy in the rest of us, see how that works, I don't get to tell you how to live and vice-versa. You would make it a one way street where your values are put first in everything and mine always take a back seat.

Thou shalt not Kill.......it's one of the Ten Commandments......

are you proposing that killing become legal....?
proving to you liberals that Christianity is a major factor in the founding of America....

if Atheism or the Koran was used instead of the Bible we would be a very different nation today...

Still pushing the retarded idea that only Christianity has a sense of morality? Get over yourself, Christians are no more or less moral than any other random group of humans.

i never said that......it's you secular liberals who think only YOUR morals are valid....

It's because my ethical code matches most of what you see as right or wrong and it is not nearly as flexible or conditional or downright pointlessly arbitrary as many right wing Christian's morals seem to be.
George Washington's Treaty of Tripoli also stated "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"...

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

that was a treaty by diplomat Joel Barlow and is no longer law....

although our government was not "founded" per se upon Christianity alone it was strongly influenced by it...

and our Declaration of Independence points to the Creator who endows us with certain unalienable rights...

yet 99% of America celebrates CHRISTmas.......what a TERRIBLE IMPOSITION.....

anti-God secularists are thin-skinned wimps imposing their minority views on the majority....

99%? Is it an example of Christian values to just make up shyte? There is no valid link for
that whopping lie.

Regards from Rosie

Christmas is considered a civil holiday by many and even non-Christians celebrate the day...

Jewish families heading out to Chinese restaurants because there are no lines is NOT "celebrating the day" . And while Muslims proclaim Christ as a prophet they attend the mosque on Christmas anyway....Christ has nothing to do with mosque attendance at Yuletide.

It is the over the top aggressive claims that shoot the credibility of Christian apologists all to hell. You are merely a drop in that ocean.

Regards from Rosie
Still pushing the retarded idea that only Christianity has a sense of morality? Get over yourself, Christians are no more or less moral than any other random group of humans.

i never said that......it's you secular liberals who think only YOUR morals are valid....

It's because my ethical code matches most of what you see as right or wrong and it is not nearly as flexible or conditional or downright pointlessly arbitrary as many right wing Christian's morals seem to be.

so you admit it....

tit for tat....what the hell gives you the right to impose your morals upon me.....?
George Washington's Treaty of Tripoli also stated "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"...

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

that was a treaty by diplomat Joel Barlow and is no longer law....

although our government was not "founded" per se upon Christianity alone it was strongly influenced by it...

and our Declaration of Independence points to the Creator who endows us with certain unalienable rights...

99%? Is it an example of Christian values to just make up shyte? There is no valid link for
that whopping lie.

Regards from Rosie

Christmas is considered a civil holiday by many and even non-Christians celebrate the day...

Jewish families heading out to Chinese restaurants because there are no lines is NOT "celebrating the day" . And while Muslims proclaim Christ as a prophet they attend the mosque on Christmas anyway....Christ has nothing to do with mosque attendance at Yuletide.

It is the over the top aggressive claims that shoot the credibility of Christian apologists all to hell. You are merely a drop in that ocean.

Regards from Rosie

give it up rosie.....the percentage may be a bit less than 99% but the day is celebrated in one form or another by the VAST majority of Americans......not to mention BILLIONS of others in the world....

in fact.....SANTA is the liberal's SAINT.......:lol:
i never said that......it's you secular liberals who think only YOUR morals are valid....

It's because my ethical code matches most of what you see as right or wrong and it is not nearly as flexible or conditional or downright pointlessly arbitrary as many right wing Christian's morals seem to be.

so you admit it....

tit for tat....what the hell gives you the right to impose your morals upon me.....?
I'm a bit confused about what "secular morals" and "Christian morals" are and why it seems you believe they must differ. They may not be exactly the same, but I bet good money the overlap is much more than you think.
Secular morals are situational and changeable.

It is moral for one man to rob another in the secular religion, provided he has a good enough excuse. Then the immorality of the act is transferred to the victim who wouldn't share.
i never said that......it's you secular liberals who think only YOUR morals are valid....

It's because my ethical code matches most of what you see as right or wrong and it is not nearly as flexible or conditional or downright pointlessly arbitrary as many right wing Christian's morals seem to be.

so you admit it....

tit for tat....what the hell gives you the right to impose your morals upon me.....?

This is where Christians like yourself fail the test of treasuring freedom, as far as I am concerned you can do anything you want as long as you are responsible and harm no one besides yourself, but you no doubt have a list as long as your arm of things you would make illegal for no other reason than to keep people from temptation and put us all on the narrow way. I am not imposing my morals on you at all but I would urge you to be a kind responsible citizen and to enjoy your life to the fullest, other than that I would just wish you the best and try not get in the way of other people's enjoyment of their one short life.
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Secular morals are situational and changeable.

It is moral for one man to rob another in the secular religion, provided he has a good enough excuse. Then the immorality of the act is transferred to the victim who wouldn't share.

I'm secular- not aligned with any religion - and I don't believe that.

You're talking about relativism as being the basic philosophy of those who are secular.

Perhaps you could give an example of someone who is secular and demonstrates such a philosophy? Then, perhaps you could demonstrate how that would be a generality?
Calvinists hung heretics in Geneva, Reformers burned them in England, and so forth.

Don't ever quote your religious morals as immutable, for that is a lie.

Secular morals are situational and changeable.

It is moral for one man to rob another in the secular religion, provided he has a good enough excuse. Then the immorality of the act is transferred to the victim who wouldn't share.
America is NOT governed by the Declaration of Independence!!!!!

Myth: The Declaration of Independence exhibits a preference for Christianity

Many have argued against the separation of church and state by pointing to the Declaration of Independence. They believe that the text of this document supports the position that the United States was founded upon religious, if not Christian, principles, and therefore church and state must remain intertwined in order for this nation to continue properly.

There are a couple of flaws in this argument. For one thing, the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document for this nation. What this means is that it has no authority over our laws, our lawmakers, or ourselves. It cannot be cited as precedent or as being binding in a courtroom. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to make a moral case for dissolving the legal ties between the colonies and Great Britain; once that goal was achieved, the official role of the Declaration was finished.

More: Declaration of Independence & Christianity Myth: Does the Declaration of Independence Support Christianity?
Secular morals are situational and changeable.

It is moral for one man to rob another in the secular religion, provided he has a good enough excuse. Then the immorality of the act is transferred to the victim who wouldn't share.

I'm secular- not aligned with any religion - and I don't believe that.

You're talking about relativism as being the basic philosophy of those who are secular.

Perhaps you could give an example of someone who is secular and demonstrates such a philosophy? Then, perhaps you could demonstrate how that would be a generality?

There is not a religious moral code in the world that does not thoughtfully provide an escape clause for the worst horrors of humanity, holy wars, inquisitions, shunning the heretic, smiting the infidels, all the other holy terrors that give religion a bad name.
America is NOT governed by the Declaration of Independence!!!!!

Myth: The Declaration of Independence exhibits a preference for Christianity

Many have argued against the separation of church and state by pointing to the Declaration of Independence. They believe that the text of this document supports the position that the United States was founded upon religious, if not Christian, principles, and therefore church and state must remain intertwined in order for this nation to continue properly.

There are a couple of flaws in this argument. For one thing, the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document for this nation. What this means is that it has no authority over our laws, our lawmakers, or ourselves. It cannot be cited as precedent or as being binding in a courtroom. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to make a moral case for dissolving the legal ties between the colonies and Great Britain; once that goal was achieved, the official role of the Declaration was finished.

More: Declaration of Independence & Christianity Myth: Does the Declaration of Independence Support Christianity?

However the Declaration of Independence is the foundation that made the U.S. Constitution possible. and some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence also signed the U.S. Constitution
"You can't be a democrat and go to heaven"

From what I know about Democrats, this may be a very true statement.
America is NOT governed by the Declaration of Independence!!!!!

Myth: The Declaration of Independence exhibits a preference for Christianity

Many have argued against the separation of church and state by pointing to the Declaration of Independence. They believe that the text of this document supports the position that the United States was founded upon religious, if not Christian, principles, and therefore church and state must remain intertwined in order for this nation to continue properly.

There are a couple of flaws in this argument. For one thing, the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document for this nation. What this means is that it has no authority over our laws, our lawmakers, or ourselves. It cannot be cited as precedent or as being binding in a courtroom. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to make a moral case for dissolving the legal ties between the colonies and Great Britain; once that goal was achieved, the official role of the Declaration was finished.

More: Declaration of Independence & Christianity Myth: Does the Declaration of Independence Support Christianity?

However the Declaration of Independence is the foundation that made the U.S. Constitution possible. and some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence also signed the U.S. Constitution

You really are retarded. The DofI is irrelevant except to mushrooms like yourself.

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