You devised the defeat of his people, and now you are shocked at his violence

Why is it so important that whites remain the majority? What’s so bad about other ethnicities becoming the majority?
Why is the Democratic Party's goal to make Anglo Voters the minority ASAP?
People have a perfectly legitimate concerns about the Left's genocidal hatred.
Has anyone else noticed that 99% of white Liberals never choose to live in minority majority neighborhoods?
There's a reason you weren't chosen.

No doubt we lacked the requisite blood lust.

And the Lord our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain: Only the cattle we took for a prey unto ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we took. Deut 2:33-35
I’m curious….why aren’t White Women doing mass killing? If it’s strictly a race thing…shouldn’t women be storming Wal*Marts too angry at whomever they perceived as the enemy?
Um..because the real world isn't actually like a woke movie. In the real world, men are the warriors.

Warriors? Make me laugh harder.

"Warriors? Make me laugh harder."
OK. In the real world, men are the inventors.
There were 330 white students in my public high school's graduation class. There were no black students, no Latino students, no Asians. But, white as we were, we didn't think of ourselves as white. We thought of ourselves as Americans. We called ourselves "Americans" and when we referred to the United States, we said--without embarrassment or censure--"my country". I don't know how blacks--ten percent of the population-- referred to the United States back then. I didn't know any.

About half of the 330 white kids in my graduating class will still be alive when their people become a minority in their own country. And when a majority in a democracy--the system of majority-rule-- becomes a minority, it means, despite the "diversity is our strength" happy talk our conquerors have been feeding us for decades, the majority has been defeated. We will join the unhappy multitudes from history who had the great misfortune of being alive when their tribe, or country, or city-state, was conquered. Most of us will have no idea how it happened. Even more bewildering will be the murderous hatred--the first sprouts of which are already in abundant evidence--our conqueror will show us.

In the wake of each of these mass shootings, our confused people spend great amounts of energy seeking to demonstrate that the killer was left-wing (if you are right-wing), or right-wing (if you are left-wing)--an exercise that couldn't be more pointless. It makes no difference whatsoever whether this shooter is antifa and that shooter is a Trump supporter. What matters is the growing frequency of these attacks.

This is using data from Wikileaks:

Immigration realists use the fable of the frog in the lily pond to demonstrate the impact of the "doubling effect":

A frog lives in a lily pond in which the lily pads are doubling every day. As long as there is open water, the frog is fine. But when the lily pads cover the entire pond, the frog dies. At first, for days on end, the lily pads are few in number. Clustered down at the other end of the pond they seem to pose no threat. The frog imagines this is the way it has always been and always will be. It doesn't notice the change in the number of lily pads until they cover about six percent of the pond. At twelve percent, the frog perceives the number of pads has increased. At 25 percent of the surface the frog understands that the pads are continuing to increase. When the pads cover half the pond, the frog perceives the rate of growth is increasing as well. On the day after the frog perceives acceleration, it is dead.

Immigration realists will also tell you that the decisive battle for our people was lost on October 3, 1965. That was the day President Lyndon Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act into law. He didn't sign the law at the White House as is the custom. The president traveled to New York City to sign the bill, which he did at the Statue of Liberty while proclaiming the high anti-racist moral virtue of the new law, and that evening, all across New York, the capital city of world Jewry, the signing was celebrated as a great Jewish victory over the Gentiles.

Truly, it was.

Our defeat is certain and immigration was the weapon used against us. A few of our warriors will perceive this. Expect more bursts of violence from young white males.

Its only going to get worse ....From both antifa left wing nazis types
and crazy white boys

ANy ssri news on both shooters

Ive been oblivious the last 24 hours

"From both antifa left wing nazis types
and crazy white boys"

When Jews took control in Russia in 1917, a frequent observation by American diplomats on the state of the Russian people at the time was "confused", "bewildered", and so on.
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”

So he misspelled “coming”? LOL
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Do you have a video link to that?
I’m curious….why aren’t White Women doing mass killing? If it’s strictly a race thing…shouldn’t women be storming Wal*Marts too angry at whomever they perceived as the enemy?
Um..because the real world isn't actually like a woke movie. In the real world, men are the warriors.

Warriors? Make me laugh harder.

"Warriors? Make me laugh harder."
OK. In the real world, men are the inventors.

Men are the murderers…because they can’t think of any other way to cope except kill whatever they blame for their failures.
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Gonna need a link for that.......
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Do you have a video link to that?

He is making it up. He is an asshole
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Do you have a video link to that?

He is making it up. He is an asshole
I'd hate to see Trump turn into Ted Kennedy
We are in a war whether YOU or ANYONE for that matter wants to consider it a war or not. I look forward to it.
A lot more where this came from.

But we're supposed to ignore it.
Damn right there is more. Mac I like you,you are a pretty fair person and not right or left IMO but you know me I am gonna speak my mind and that's the truth I I said some people don't have to accept it but it is what it is.
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Wow. No surprise really. I am completely off the Trump train has been headed that way for about 6 months now and his calls for banning free speech and gun grabbing I am DONE....time to start stockpiling water,ammo,weapons and anything else. Thank god I got 3.5 acres and a creek to help me along.
So, in your eyes people who are not white are not Americans?

The OP should
Have the FBI at his house right now!
Donald Trump announced on National TV an hour ago….the following:

“Working Class White Males who publicly state that they oppose being voted into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority within the borders of America by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US Born Nonwhite Children will be prosecuted as domestic terrorists…..Moreover, as of today, I am going to quadruple the number of NONWHITE LEGAL IMMIGRANT DEMOCRATIC PARTY VOTERS comming into America every year…”
Do you have a video link to that?

He is making it up. He is an asshole
I'd hate to see Trump turn into Ted Kennedy
Yeah, if he's gonna imitate a Kennedy I'd prefer John F.

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