You Don’t Even Need A College Degree To Join The Department Of State, who consulted with Sean Hannity to decide fate of ousted Ukraine ambassador


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Hannity doesn't even have a f'ng college degree! neither do i, neither does Foghorn Leghorn, sign us up!

Hannity doesn't even have a f'ng college degree! neither do i, neither does Foghorn Leghorn, sign us up!

Hannity did go to college. I'm not sure he has a degree but I seem to recall that he DOES

you shouldn't believe the lies fake news folks tell u

found it

Sean Hannity
If you hve to have a degree to be able to think clearly..
well, that notion is dispelled quickly by the fact that libeals in DC are likely to have a "college degree"

That kinda says it all...

probably the younger ones have a degree in "Gender studies"

Yeh, let's all study how and why people decide to mutilate and alter their body that God gave them -for who knows what the hell reason

great topic for those who really have a desire to LEARN


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