The America First Movement Has a Sean Hannity Problem


1) Those in charge of that nation are puppets and corrupt beyond description.
2) The "leader" of that smaller nation goaded on the invasion.
3) Proxy wars lead to real involvement in wars.
4) it's just more warfare/welfare state grift.
5) My nation's borders are far more important to the well-being of my nation, than the border of some corrupt bloodland half a world away.
Again, xiden’s cheating got the guy he needed for him

1) Those in charge of that nation are puppets and corrupt beyond description.
2) The "leader" of that smaller nation goaded on the invasion.
3) Proxy wars lead to real involvement in wars.
4) it's just more warfare/welfare state grift.
5) My nation's borders are far more important to the well-being of my nation, than the border of some corrupt bloodland half a world away.
You are taking us back to the dark ages of history when stronger families/tribes/countries devour the weaker ones
You are taking us back to the dark ages of history when stronger families/tribes/countries devour the weaker ones
And you are taking us to WWIII.

Ukraine is known as "the bloodlands" for a reason....Get your head out of your ass.
I dont think so

Besides what kind of a world will it be when we are ruled by men like putin who you think will actually use the nukes to gain new territory?
Wer're already being ruled by men and women like Putin, fool.....Now you want them to act just like him.
You are taking us back to the dark ages of history when stronger families/tribes/countries devour the weaker ones
exactly, not fighting is surrendering. not voting is a surrender to the dark ages.
Though this piece isn't about Hannity per se, he's the perfect avatar and blabbering NPC for the permanent Wilsonian interventionist, neocon, warfare/welfare oligarchy.

Where are the reputed "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to man anymore) stalwarts, like Kennedy, Lee, Cruz, Hawley, and the reputed congressional "Freedom Caucus", when it comes to shoveling scores of billions into the regime of the biggest corrupt money laundry on the planet?...They're giving political hand jobs to their lobbyist buddies at Raytheon, that's where.

It is one thing to see the Democrats eagerly join the CIA, State Department, and Pentagon in demanding the escalation of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. That alignment makes perfect sense politically—why wouldn’t the left align with the same national security state that embraces all of its values, and which has repurposed itself to target the left’s domestic political enemies on the right?

Seeing lawmakers on the right take the same stance, though, is both puzzling and pathetic. The relationship between the national security state and most GOP lawmakers and pundits increasingly resembles the relationship between an abusive husband and his battered spouse.
Like a wife who believes her husband still loves her even as he sends her to the hospital, the same lawmakers and Fox News figures who claim to have embraced the Trump realignment are yet again letting themselves get played by a Regime that hates them.


If this feels familiar to you, it’s because we’ve seen this movie before. It’s a tired old flick about Republicans, especially “America First” pretenders, reverting back to the same old war script. Remember back in 2002? George W. Bush said war with Iraq was a “last resort.” Baloney. Republicans should have learned from that scam, and maybe the base of voters did when they elected Donald Trump as the Republican nominee in 2016. But the Republican establishment, including supposed MAGA and America First stalwarts, are still beating the same old war drums. With their every word and action, conservative “leaders” have embraced the new priority of Ukraine First, no matter the risk of World War 3. And thus far, Sean Hannity has been one of the worst offenders.

Hannity has tied himself into knots trashing President Biden over rising oil prices while also advocating for the drastic escalation of sending fighter jets to Ukraine.

Joe Biden’s Vote for War​

In October 2002, he was one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq.

Wer're already being ruled by men and women like Putin, fool.....Now you want them to act just like him.
Take your “fool” and stick it up your ass

Obviously putin is not yet in charge or he would not be threatening us with nukes
exactly, not fighting is surrendering. not voting is a surrender to the dark ages.
This is exactly the kind of fool talk that has got Murica mired in endless stupid foreign wars like Iraq, Syria, ad nauseum, and now you fools want to fuck with a nuclear power and possibly touch off WWIII.

Demonstrating precisely the chest-thumping dumbfuckery described by the piece in the OP.
Putin is a bad person, no doubt about it, but who are we to go jumping up on our perch and throwing down righteous judgments and condemnations on a country for invading another country when we invade sovereign countries? Ukraine and russia is none of our business. But you know why we're over there fighting a proxy war? Simply because ukraine is a big ol laundromat for US and western grifting.
Not only that, but it is clear that our government has no interest in a negotiated settlement and seeks regime change in Russia and damn the consequences.
I read it....Now you clowns are on the same side as that senile, warmongering hunk of shit.....Hardly something to snicker about.

No Republican is on Biden's side. He and the Democrats are one reason for the European war, because they're evil and not respected.
This is exactly the kind of fool talk that has got Murica mired in endless stupid foreign wars like Iraq, Syria, ad nauseum, and now you fools want to fuck with a nuclear power and possibly touch off WWIII.

Demonstrating precisely the chest-thumping dumbfuckery described by the piece in the OP.
I know at the end of my life I did my part. Whatever the fk that looks like. I voted, it's the least I can do after my fellow countrymen died for that right.
No Republican is on Biden's side. He and the Democrats are one reason for the European war, because they're evil and not respected.
NO, there are repubs out there that are completely in the dems pockets. To not acknowledge that is disingenuous.

BTW, I watched the governor debate Pritzker /Bailey and the commentator asked Pritzker, why did you put 24 million toward Bailey in the primaries? "He was the easiest one to beat?"
Using the same scenario, if Hannity is one gun the rest of the media would be a freaking ICBM. Why attack little Sean? It beats talking about the failed administration?

If he can't stand the heat, get out of the fire. Yah, I know, we are all out to get you MAGAs. Maga stands for Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
If he can't stand the heat, get out of the fire. Yah, I know, we are all out to get you MAGAs. Maga stands for Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
another traitor who doesn't support america!!!! All you chink lovers coming out of the woodwork
Even when I had cable several years ago and was able to watch Fox. I couldn't stand Hannity. He was just their trained Pitbull.

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