Democrat America has 'officially' declared war on Trump

So sorry about your mom. That long good-bye is so stressful to watch most especially for the caretaker--so stressful and scary for a person to have to go through. My hubby's mom died on her 100th birthday but was pretty out of it mentally the last few years. His dad died of Alzheimer.

But yes, even President Trump admits we have to play the Democrat game they have put into place. Early voting, mail in voting, ballot harvesting, whatever we legally--legal by their rules--we can do to get Trump over the top will be a blessing for all Americans. He will no doubt make mistakes and get some things wrong as he did in his first administration. But at least he loves America and Americans and will do his damndest to do good and do no harm. And he is more capable than any President I have had in my now long lifetime to do good things for America and Americans.
Thank you for your sympathies about my mom’s situation. Yes, indeed….it’s sad and stressful to watch as the decline progresses.

I agree with you 100% on Trump. He is the best president in my long lifetime, as well, although perhaps he ties with Reagan. But as far as getting things done, and the right things, he’s way on top.

It is beyond aggravating to know that if the 51 intelligence officers, together with the complicit media, didn’t pass off the laptop as Russian disinformation, Trump likely would have won - and what a different world we would be in today: no Ukraine war, a bankrupt Iran, no October 7th massacre, no antisemitic riots, a secure border, much less crime, and of course lower inflation.

I HATE leftists with a passion. They are destroying our country while simultaneously casting US as the demons. They are too sanctimonious and arrogant to face what they’re doing, and instead lash out with all the “raaaaaaacist” lies.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
Golly gee whiz...

He could have really owned those Democrats if it weren't for stupid laws.
Yeah, by asking them to peacefully protest. Duh.

Meanwhile, in early June 2020, your guys nearly breached the White House grounds with the President inside and injured dozens of law enforcement and Secret Service personnel. Not a damned word against that from you leftoids.

More fantasies from the MAGAT mindless.

I’m losing hope. The conviction will be overturned, for several reasons, and the label of “convicted felon” will be lifted. But it won’t be until after the election, and the damage will have been done.

Voters are too uninformed, and too brainwashed by the media, to appreciate what occurred on May 30: the Democrats turned the nation into a banana republic.
I see you went to the Disney Law School

When you wish upon a star...

But, Disney Law isn't recognized in any court except maybe SCOTUS
Where bribes make your dreams come true.
The conviction will not be overturned. He is guilty of the crime he was charged with.
Now, hold on to hope. Because the light at the end of that tunnel isn't an oncoming train. :)
He won't see a day of jail time, even though that's EXACTLY what he deserves (that's where you or I would be).
I'll guess probation with a hefty fine for a sentence. There's just a different tier of justice for the well connected and affluent.
I want probation
I want him to appear in person at a probation office in Brooklyn where he will be searched and take a piss test once a week, every week, for 2 years.
I want community service
I want Trump in an orange vest with a poke stick picking up trash along the East-Side HWY.

But i'll take all the MAGAT pain I can get.
Thank you for your sympathies about my mom’s situation. Yes, indeed….it’s sad and stressful to watch as the decline progresses.

I agree with you 100% on Trump. He is the best president in my long lifetime, as well, although perhaps he ties with Reagan. But as far as getting things done, and the right things, he’s way on top.

It is beyond aggravating to know that if the 51 intelligence officers, together with the complicit media, didn’t pass off the laptop as Russian disinformation, Trump likely would have won - and what a different world we would be in today: no Ukraine war, a bankrupt Iran, no October 7th massacre, no antisemitic riots, a secure border, much less crime, and of course lower inflation.

I HATE leftists with a passion. They are destroying our country while simultaneously casting US as the demons. They are too sanctimonious and arrogant to face what they’re doing, and instead lash out with all the “raaaaaaacist” lies.
They are Locusts. They must destroy a thing to later rule like you are their pet. Violent Lying Demons from hell.

History is full of examples of what they are now.
They are Locusts. They must destroy a thing to later rule like you are their pet. Violent Lying Demons from hell.

History is full of examples of what they are now.
And yet, he still walks around, a free man, running his mouth and free to hold his Nuremburg rallies with his faithful band of groupies.

Yeah, it really looks like there's a concerted effort to destroy Trump. :)

As a side note, he is becoming increasingly incoherent when he speaks. He gets distracted easily.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
I expected your thread to be dated 2016. My bad.
... because 12 jurors voted 36 times each (408 votes) 'guilty' on Trump's charges.

Yes, he is a felon.

Foxfyre said:
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.
... because 12 jurors voted 36 times each (408 votes) 'guilty' on Trump's charges.

Yes, he is a felon.

Foxfyre said:
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.
LMAO then America gave Trump hundreds of millions of dollars to campaign and defeat lawfare Democrats. You left that part out, I think we all know why. :itsok:
LMAO then America gave Trump hundreds of millions of dollars to campaign and defeat lawfare Democrats. You left that part out, I think we all know why.
That makes no sense.:itsok: Trump will lose badly in November, then will face three trials in the next two years.

He's a felon, Trump is.
And yet, he still walks around, a free man, running his mouth and free to hold his Nuremburg rallies with his faithful band of groupies.

Yeah, it really looks like there's a concerted effort to destroy Trump. :)

As a side note, he is becoming increasingly incoherent when he speaks. He gets distracted easily.
Trump is destroying himself. H is not fit for a democratic constitutional Republic.

We, as Americans, do not have to lower ourselves to his felonious behavior.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
Excellent! Our justice system and Congress have failed in their duties to remove him from office, to prevent him from running again, and to convict him of his egregious crimes.

So the power goes to the people.
Foxfyre said:
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Democrat America has declared war on Donald Trump

Branding Trump a felon will tear the country in two. Republicans can no longer place trust in their courts
Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.

Fort Fun Indiana
Excellent! Our justice system and Congress have failed in their duties to remove him from office, to prevent him from running again, and to convict him of his egregious crimes.

So the power goes to the people.

John Edgar Slaw Horses
Let it run off your tongue, Foxfyre, "Trump is a felon, voted so 348 times."
I expected your thread to be dated 2016. My bad.
Well in 2016 they couldn't way that Trump was OFFICIALLY a felon. :) They could only accuse him of being a felon because they wanted him to be. He is a 'felon' now ONLY because they managed to find a way, however dishonest, to attach that label on him so they can say OFFICIALLY a felon.
Trump is a felon because he acted feloniously many times more in excess of the charges in this case alone.

He is a felon because he was convicted of 34 felonies on 408 unanimous votes to that effect by a jury of his peers.

His convictions will never be appealed successfully.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
Holding people accountable for crimes is war now?

Sheesh Trump supporters are hyper sensitive.
Trump is, yes, oh noes, a convicted felon.

It is a fact. It is what it is.

It is not unfair.

He earned it all the way with straight As.

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