Democrat America has 'officially' declared war on Trump

It could be 1) this, 2) that, or 3) the other thing.
you make it up and as long as everyone has something made up, then you must find him guilty. Just remember that part of the unconstitutional hearing.

If he picked his nose in court and you were offended, find him guilty.
Nope. It looks like the Doctor is in and the cure is being whipped up. Hope you enjoyed the ride, you Rexall Ranger.

Well, that is one step above the normal MAGAt shooting of puppies.
Have a blessed life
Nope. It looks like the Doctor is in and the cure is being whipped up. Hope you enjoyed the ride, you Rexall Ranger.

Well, that is one step above the normal MAGAt shooting of puppies.
Did you see that BLM savage, and how he lynched that poor white little dog? Horrific. But you go back to you delusion that Trump voters are the bad ones.
Though a recent SCOTUS ruling in favor of the NRA had nothing to do with either the Biden regime or Trump, the message here is clear.

SCOTUS unanimously agreed that all citizens/groups/entities/government officials etc. have a constitutional right under the category of free speech to ADVOCATE any position they with to promote short of inciting to violence or other illegal acts.

That means if a government official says he/she things there should be a Bible in every classroom, that is legal and okay for him/her to say. What he/she cannot do is REQUIRE a Bible in every classroom.

When a government official objected to the NRA for whatever reason, it was quite legal and okay for him to say so. What was NOT legal was his pressuring insurers and banks from severing ties with the NRA because of positions the NRA takes. That was a violation of the NRA's constitutional right to free speech.

The Constitution and specifically the First Amendment prohibits the government from punishing or retaliating against any citizen or citizen group for expressing a legal point of view, however unpopular.

Translate that to the actions of Obama and Biden pressuring social media to suppress opinions they did not want to express, militarizing government departments to discriminate against right wing groups, etc.

Translate that to Democrats criminalizing things that President Trump says or has said--things expressed as questions or possibilities or opinions and not orders that were expected to be carried out.

Trump is right. If the Democrats are successful in weaponizing government and the courts sufficiently to take him out, none of us will be immune. We'll all be in their crosshairs.

The NRA's Unanimous Supreme Court Victory Is Good for Free Speech—No Matter How You Feel About Guns​

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kangaroo third world leaders
Dangerous, Marxist/totalitarian minded leaders who so far have been able to get away with their unconstitutional and illegal attacks on Trump and others supporting him. If nobody stops them, that will likely be the fact of life for us all for the rest of our lives.
Though a recent SCOTUS ruling in favor of the NRA had nothing to do with either the Biden regime or Trump, the message here is clear.

SCOTUS unanimously agreed that all citizens/groups/entities/government officials etc. have a constitutional right under the category of free speech to ADVOCATE any position they with to promote short of inciting to violence or other illegal acts.

That means if a government official says he/she things there should be a Bible in every classroom, that is legal and okay for him/her to say. What he/she cannot do is REQUIRE a Bible in every classroom.

When a government official objected to the NRA for whatever reason, it was quite legal and okay for him to say so. What was NOT legal was his pressuring insurers and banks from severing ties with the NRA because of positions the NRA takes. That was a violation of the NRA's constitutional right to free speech.

The Constitution and specifically the First Amendment prohibits the government from punishing or retaliating against any citizen or citizen group for expressing a legal point of view, however unpopular.

Translate that to the actions of Obama and Biden pressuring social media to suppress opinions they did not want to express, militarizing government departments to discriminate against right wing groups, etc.

Translate that to Democrats criminalizing things that President Trump says or has said--things expressed as questions or possibilities or opinions and not orders that were expected to be carried out.

Trump is right. If the Democrats are successful in weaponizing government and the courts sufficiently to take him out, none of us will be immune. We'll all be in their crosshairs.

The NRA's Unanimous Supreme Court Victory Is Good for Free Speech—No Matter How You Feel About Guns​

many are recognizing that now.
As an aside, Google is providing more and more links suggesting a Democrat war on the Supreme Court to deal with 'radical extremist justices.' That would be as dangerous for America and Americans as their war on Trump.

Is it just me or does it seem like we are seeing a lot more unanimous SCOTUS decisions lately? More than we've seen in a very long time? And it certainly doesn't suggest a 'radical extremist' court.
As an aside, Google is providing more and more links suggesting a Democrat war on the Supreme Court to deal with 'radical extremist justices.' That would be as dangerous for America and Americans as their war on Trump.

Is it just me or does it seem like we are seeing a lot more unanimous SCOTUS decisions lately? More than we've seen in a very long time? And it certainly doesn't suggest a 'radical extremist' court.
well, if radical demofks can't get their way it's unjust.
No doubt some here do. Incredible.
Cult of personality. Not so incredible. Politics and religion are fully intertwined to these magaturd gasbags. The orange bag O' shit is their televangelist, their orange protector against all evils in the world, in which they tithe to him in the form of political donations that some can't even afford. Because he's always a victim to them. :rolleyes: The mark will never see the con.

Magaturds don't see anything wrong with this. They prefer delusion to reality.
To the trolls: Your 'official' isn't going to work any more than any other of the Marxist/totalitarian propaganda you are assigned to spew every opportunity you can find. I think the American people have finally woken up to the truth and how empty of truth your insults and hate speech actually are.

$53+ million in mostly small contributions came in within the first 24 hours following the verdict and as of this morning more than $200 million in post verdict contributions have poured into the Trump/GOP coffers.

It warms the heart of all who love America and what it is intended to be.

Thank you for those insults and hate speech. They're helping us out enormously.
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Dangerous, Marxist/totalitarian minded leaders who so far have been able to get away with their unconstitutional and illegal attacks on Trump and others supporting him. If nobody stops them, that will likely be the fact of life for us all for the rest of our lives.
This is so extreme that I just can’t believe the SCOTUS would be too cowardly to step in and stop this. That prosecutor and judge broke multiple laws, and deprived the current Administration’s #1 political rival of his Constitutional rights - specifically to harm his political chances.
Some of these morons refuse to believe the orange bag O' shit ever left. :rolleyes: Delusion is delusion.
You screwed with the wrong person. It tells you and us all Progs massive power that has been accumulated over the decades. Prog voters are dangerous because they are brainwashed from propaganda, and they can do no wrong. Progs reset many things. Morality is one of them and any Republican who has an iota of not being purely moral, is in the cross hairs because they do not vote to the left of Stalin. And of course, when the time comes, the Stalin of that time in not so good times Prog created will enforce morality. It will be easier when no tax resources and medical insurance will be spent on anything sexual for diseases unless it is cheap.

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