Democrat America has 'officially' declared war on Trump

This is so extreme that I just can’t believe the SCOTUS would be too cowardly to step in and stop this. That prosecutor and judge broke multiple laws, and deprived the current Administration’s #1 political rival of his Constitutional rights - specifically to harm his political chances.
Constitutionally SCOTUS cannot just step in and stop anything. It has to be brought to them by somebody petitioning the high court. And that means the petition has to get by the Chief Justice who will determine if the matter justifies consideration by the high court.

That won't happen over night. But I bet it's in the works somewhere.
You guys specify the exact crime of those 34 misdomeaners yet?

Our you sticking I hate Trump so its a Felony.

Maybe time for some Karma to you.
They need to go after anyone who does not pay their taxes
You understood what I said. Why isnt Lerner rotting in jail?

You seem fine that they attacked grouops with government and got off scott free.

Whats your next LIE TROLL?
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
Democrats declared war on Constitutional America last century.
You understood what I said. Why isnt Lerner rotting in jail?

You seem fine that they attacked grouops with government and got off scott free.

Whats your next LIE TROLL?
The rest of the story is probably why Lerner suffered no consequences of any kind for what she did. And the rest of the story is almost certainly Obama. Lerner was allowed to retire with full federal benefits when the scandal broke. But the reason she did that was almost certainly via Obama's orders. And had she been disciplined in any way she almost certainly would have said so in her defense.
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The latest dishonesty from the Democrats and their surrogate media is cherry picking Trump's line from his Milwaukee speech: "I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

Most media sources did include--several paragraphs into the story--that what followed clearly showed it was a joke and the crowd there laughed at it. Any reasonable person would understand that as a joke because not even Biden, as clueless and out of it as he is, would ever say that to people he wanted votes from.

But the surrogate Democrat propaganda machine known as the MSM mostly hasn't put that in their headlines and they do not lead their news stories with it but put the truth deeper into the story. It isn't described as a joke on USMB threads. It won't be described as a joke in Democrat ads. It is again pure dishonest, unethical and malicious manipulation of Trump's words to fool voters. And once they print the truth that it was a joke they immediately go to mention that he is a convicted felon or some other diversion from the story itself.

It will be interesting to see what their 'October surprise' is going to be this year.
The latest dishonesty from the Democrats and their surrogate media is cherry picking Trump's line from his Milwaukee speech: "I don't care about you. I just want your vote."

Most media sources did include--several paragraphs into the story--that what followed clearly showed it was a joke and the crowd there laughed at it. Any reasonable person would understand that as a joke because not even Biden, as clueless and out of it as he is, would ever say that to people he wanted votes from.

But the surrogate Democrat propaganda machine known as the MSM mostly hasn't put that in their headlines and they do not lead their news stories with it but put the truth deeper into the story. It isn't described as a joke on USMB threads. It won't be described as a joke in Democrat ads. It is again pure dishonest, unethical and malicious manipulation of Trump's words to fool voters. And once they print the truth that it was a joke they immediately go to mention that he is a convicted felon or some other diversion from the story itself.

It will be interesting to see what their 'October surprise' is going to be this year.
Let’s push for early voting so any October surprise the Left dreams up will be too late.

There is NO way Biden can win, and I am incredulous that the media was able to brainwash so many Americans into thinking Trump is evil reincarnate - which speaks to the dropping intelligence of the electorate.

Biden is so demented that he can’t even remain standing at a meeting of world leaders without wandering off like a senile old man in an assisted living facility! My mother is in mid-stage, and she’s not yet at that point (thank Gd).
Branding him a felon? That's what he is. That like saying he's been branded as someone who wears orange makeup. Or branded as an inveterate liar. If the shoe fits.....................................
Branding him a felon? That's what he is. That like saying he's been branded as someone who wears orange makeup. Or branded as an inveterate liar. If the shoe fits.....................................
He really isn’t. It’s just a maneuver to label him that, and it will be reversed.
Let’s push for early voting so any October surprise the Left dreams up will be too late.

There is NO way Biden can win, and I am incredulous that the media was able to brainwash so many Americans into thinking Trump is evil reincarnate - which speaks to the dropping intelligence of the electorate.

Biden is so demented that he can’t even remain standing at a meeting of world leaders without wandering off like a senile old man in an assisted living facility! My mother is in mid-stage, and she’s not yet at that point (thank Gd).
So sorry about your mom. That long good-bye is so stressful to watch most especially for the caretaker--so stressful and scary for a person to have to go through. My hubby's mom died on her 100th birthday but was pretty out of it mentally the last few years. His dad died of Alzheimer.

But yes, even President Trump admits we have to play the Democrat game they have put into place. Early voting, mail in voting, ballot harvesting, whatever we legally--legal by their rules--we can do to get Trump over the top will be a blessing for all Americans. He will no doubt make mistakes and get some things wrong as he did in his first administration. But at least he loves America and Americans and will do his damndest to do good and do no harm. And he is more capable than any President I have had in my now long lifetime to do good things for America and Americans.

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