Don's chances of a successful appeal are not good. Does it matter?

IOW, it's an op-ed.

Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon

New York appellate courts rarely overturn a jury decision without evidence of serious errors. The judge in Donald J. Trump’s case closed off many avenues.

“This is long from over,” Donald J. Trump, the former president and current felon, declared on Thursday, moments after a Manhattan jury convicted him on 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

Mr. Trump, the first American president to be branded a criminal, is banking on the jury not having the final word on his legal fate or his political fortunes. He will now appeal, both to a higher court and the American people, seeking to contain the fallout as he campaigns for the White House.

But even if the former — and possibly future — president persuades voters to toss his conviction aside, the appellate courts might not be so sympathetic.

Although Mr. Trump proclaimed at a news conference on Friday that he had plenty of ammunition to overturn what he called “this scam,” several legal experts cast doubt on his chances of success, and noted that the case could take years to snake through the courts.

Talk of an appeal is largely just Kabuki theater by the carnival barker known as The Orange One. It satisfies The Following's psychological need for their favorite felon's absolution but in reality it's really just a way to bash the verdict, and thus the system of justice.

Failure is likely, but does it matter? Surely not to the devoted minions. In their eyes Dear Leader is incapable of committing a crime as evidenced by their collective freak out over 34 unanimous findings of guilt. Unanimous because HE DID IT. He did exactly what he was charged with doing. No amount of mental gymnastics and Orwellian spin can change that. Trump is a convicted felon for a singular reason. HE DID IT.

We can all post op-eds.


". . . The following are all undeniable facts.

The judge donated money — a tiny amount, $35, but in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations of any kind — to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation, including funds that the judge earmarked for “resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.” Would folks have been just fine with the judge staying on the case if he had donated a couple bucks to “Re-elect Donald Trump, MAGA forever!”? Absolutely not.

District Attorney Alvin Bragg ran for office in an overwhelmingly Democratic county by touting his Trump-hunting prowess. He bizarrely (and falsely) boasted on the campaign trail, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.” (Disclosure: Both Bragg and Trump’s lead counsel, Todd Blanche, are friends and former colleagues of mine at the Southern District of New York.)

Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process. That’s not on the jury. That’s on the prosecutors who chose to bring the case and the judge who let it play out as it did.

The district attorney’s press office and its flaks often proclaim that falsification of business records charges are “commonplace” and, indeed, the office’s “bread and butter.” That’s true only if you draw definitional lines so broad as to render them meaningless. Of course the DA charges falsification quite frequently; virtually any fraud case involves some sort of fake documentation.

But when you impose meaningful search parameters, the truth emerges: The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever. Even putting aside the specifics of election law, the Manhattan DA itself almost never brings any case in which falsification of business records is the only charge.

Standing alone, falsification charges would have been mere misdemeanors under New York law, which posed two problems for the DA. First, nobody cares about a misdemeanor, and it would be laughable to bring the first-ever charge against a former president for a trifling offense that falls within the same technical criminal classification as shoplifting a Snapple and a bag of Cheetos from a bodega. Second, the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor — two years — likely has long expired on Trump’s conduct, which dates to 2016 and 2017.

So, to inflate the charges up to the lowest-level felony (Class E, on a scale of Class A through E) — and to electroshock them back to life within the longer felony statute of limitations — the DA alleged that the falsification of business records was committed “with intent to commit another crime.” Here, according to prosecutors, the “another crime” is a New York State election-law violation, which in turn incorporates three separate “unlawful means”: federal campaign crimes, tax crimes, and falsification of still more documents. Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial. (This, folks, is what indictments are for.) . . . "

IOW, the system was purposely made rigged and corrupt. This is a black swan event.
How does a state court ruling get to the SCOTUS??
Gross Constitutional violations of the defendants rights. If the lower courts don't correct it first, of course. This whole clown show was a novel legal theory, never once used previously. Any thoughts it was somehow perpetrated without error would be extremely stupid. Oh, I get it now...
Gross Constitutional violations of the defendants rights. If the lower courts don't correct it first, of course. This whole clown show was a novel legal theory, never once used previously. Any thoughts it was somehow perpetrated without error would be extremely stupid. Oh, I get it now...
Never used before? Pure nonsense
Convict him of more crimes. More will vote for him.
Actually less will vote for him. Where do you get these lol dumb ideas? Then in November you'll be like, "But I was told more people were going to vote for Don" when trump loses. You are being fed lies.
Actually less will vote for him. Where do you get these lol dumb ideas? Then in November you'll be like, "But I was told more people were going to vote for Don" when trump loses. You are being fed lies.
That’ll be their justification for claiming fraud
I can hardly think of a more disparaging thing to say about The Following than that.
Progs are the embodiment of human dystopian literature. You just do not see it. All of the social progress and you went on drugs with them and turned us into Idiocracy.
Progs are the embodiment of human dystopian literature. You just do not see it. All of the social progress and you went on drugs with them and turned us into Idiocracy.
"You just don't see it"----said by every conspiracy theorist. Look you dummy I know I'm smarter than you and you arent going to convince anyone on here otherwise. You're a joke. And you're a sick person that needs help.
Never used before? Pure nonsense
Once again, feel free to show another case using the same standards. Statute of limitations passed on the misdemeanor, no charged secondary crime, all charges felony only, and jury instructions that allow the jury to simply pick an uncharged secondary crime. I'll wait.

Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon

New York appellate courts rarely overturn a jury decision without evidence of serious errors. The judge in Donald J. Trump’s case closed off many avenues.

“This is long from over,” Donald J. Trump, the former president and current felon, declared on Thursday, moments after a Manhattan jury convicted him on 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

Mr. Trump, the first American president to be branded a criminal, is banking on the jury not having the final word on his legal fate or his political fortunes. He will now appeal, both to a higher court and the American people, seeking to contain the fallout as he campaigns for the White House.

But even if the former — and possibly future — president persuades voters to toss his conviction aside, the appellate courts might not be so sympathetic.

Although Mr. Trump proclaimed at a news conference on Friday that he had plenty of ammunition to overturn what he called “this scam,” several legal experts cast doubt on his chances of success, and noted that the case could take years to snake through the courts.

Talk of an appeal is largely just Kabuki theater by the carnival barker known as The Orange One. It satisfies The Following's psychological need for their favorite felon's absolution but in reality it's really just a way to bash the verdict, and thus the system of justice.

Failure is likely, but does it matter? Surely not to the devoted minions. In their eyes Dear Leader is incapable of committing a crime as evidenced by their collective freak out over 34 unanimous findings of guilt. Unanimous because HE DID IT. He did exactly what he was charged with doing. No amount of mental gymnastics and Orwellian spin can change that. Trump is a convicted felon for a singular reason. HE DID IT.
False premise OP.

Back here in reality, at some point during the appellate process, the prospect of a reversal of this travesty is all but certain.
It's not going to be appealed, because there's simply no grounds for it.

Justice was served, and it was served properly.

There was no justice served. It was a seething white hot rage of frothing liberals, disguised as a prosecutor, judge, and jury. That is all. Its the equivalent of telling the jews that they'll get a fair trial when they arrive at auschwitz or treblinka.
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Even with a very liberal left leaning bias by the source of the story, Republicans should be pleased.

Still it will be appealed and appealed until it cannot be appealed anymore

The lines have already been drawn and now it just a matter of how it will end.

Then we can find out if " No man is above the law" is just a bad joke on the cosmic level or someone just got lucky with saying it first.
Your party just destroyed itself and you are talking smack? :auiqs.jpg:
I don't belong to any party. I left the GOP in 2017 and changed my voter registration to Independent.

No matter how much longer he lives, Trump will have been a Republican far less longer than I have.

But yeah, the GOP is driving off a cliff, with flames shooting out the windows.

Even with a very liberal left leaning bias by the source of the story, Republicans should be pleased.
Yes, they should be pleased they are about to be the first major party in history to nominate a convicted felon for president.

They have so much in their candidate to please them.

Stealing from cancer kids, robbing the elderly at a fake university, running gambling houses, kicking in underaged girls' dressing room doors, grabbing pussies, cheating on his wives, defrauding banks and insurance companies, finger-raping women in elevators, falling in love with communist dictators, stealing our nation's biggest secrets, and attempting a coup.

But then again, the people who love Trump are the same people who wipe their shit on the halls of the Capitol.

So you have that going for you.

Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon

New York appellate courts rarely overturn a jury decision without evidence of serious errors. The judge in Donald J. Trump’s case closed off many avenues.

“This is long from over,” Donald J. Trump, the former president and current felon, declared on Thursday, moments after a Manhattan jury convicted him on 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

Mr. Trump, the first American president to be branded a criminal, is banking on the jury not having the final word on his legal fate or his political fortunes. He will now appeal, both to a higher court and the American people, seeking to contain the fallout as he campaigns for the White House.

But even if the former — and possibly future — president persuades voters to toss his conviction aside, the appellate courts might not be so sympathetic.

Although Mr. Trump proclaimed at a news conference on Friday that he had plenty of ammunition to overturn what he called “this scam,” several legal experts cast doubt on his chances of success, and noted that the case could take years to snake through the courts.

Talk of an appeal is largely just Kabuki theater by the carnival barker known as The Orange One. It satisfies The Following's psychological need for their favorite felon's absolution but in reality it's really just a way to bash the verdict, and thus the system of justice.

Failure is likely, but does it matter? Surely not to the devoted minions. In their eyes Dear Leader is incapable of committing a crime as evidenced by their collective freak out over 34 unanimous findings of guilt. Unanimous because HE DID IT. He did exactly what he was charged with doing. No amount of mental gymnastics and Orwellian spin can change that. Trump is a convicted felon for a singular reason. HE DID IT.

If you think the appeals path ends in NY you are delusional. This is just more commie propaganda and election interference from the slimes.


I don't belong to any party. I left the GOP in 2017 and changed my voter registration to Independent.

No matter how much longer he lives, Trump will have been a Republican far less longer than I have.

But yeah, the GOP is driving off a cliff, with flames shooting out the windows.


Nah, you're a fucking commie. No one else would post such lies. You should go to the corner and abort yourself.

Once again, feel free to show another case using the same standards. Statute of limitations passed on the misdemeanor, no charged secondary crime, all charges felony only, and jury instructions that allow the jury to simply pick an uncharged secondary crime. I'll wait.
I just gave you a list of dozens

Forum List
