Don's chances of a successful appeal are not good. Does it matter?

Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon

New York appellate courts rarely overturn a jury decision without evidence of serious errors. The judge in Donald J. Trump’s case closed off many avenues.

“This is long from over,” Donald J. Trump, the former president and current felon, declared on Thursday, moments after a Manhattan jury convicted him on 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

Mr. Trump, the first American president to be branded a criminal, is banking on the jury not having the final word on his legal fate or his political fortunes. He will now appeal, both to a higher court and the American people, seeking to contain the fallout as he campaigns for the White House.

But even if the former — and possibly future — president persuades voters to toss his conviction aside, the appellate courts might not be so sympathetic.

Although Mr. Trump proclaimed at a news conference on Friday that he had plenty of ammunition to overturn what he called “this scam,” several legal experts cast doubt on his chances of success, and noted that the case could take years to snake through the courts.

Talk of an appeal is largely just Kabuki theater by the carnival barker known as The Orange One. It satisfies The Following's psychological need for their favorite felon's absolution but in reality it's really just a way to bash the verdict, and thus the system of justice.

Failure is likely, but does it matter? Surely not to the devoted minions. In their eyes Dear Leader is incapable of committing a crime as evidenced by their collective freak out over 34 unanimous findings of guilt. Unanimous because HE DID IT. He did exactly what he was charged with doing. No amount of mental gymnastics and Orwellian spin can change that. Trump is a convicted felon for a singular reason. HE DID IT.
I don't think it matters.

Trump is the outlaw anti-hero that Americans love in our movies and entertainment. Evidently we don't know the difference between movies, pro wrestling and reality.

Okay. If he wins, we deserve whatever we get.
Okay. If he wins, we deserve whatever we get.
That cuts both ways.

If the fat orange felon decides of his own will to once again become the most scrutinized person on the planet, then he deserves whatever the legal system throws at him to hold him accountable for his crimes sprees that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

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