Democrat America has 'officially' declared war on Trump

Trump and the Dems have been at war, Foxfyre, since 2015.

Tell that to Rightwinger.

Apparently he thinks everything Trump did as a Russian asset in 2016 was just fine, and the "WAR" didn't commence til January 6th.

Can't you prepubescent nerdmongers even get your own talking points together?

You people crack me up.

See my face?

You make me laugh.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
"America" did nothing of the sort, Democratic or otherwise.

tRump committed crimes. The evidence went before a grand jury of his peers. 23 of them in New York. They decided to charge him. He went to trial before another jury of his peers, this time 12. They unanimously decide he was guilty.

The Democratic Party was not involved. Nor was the Biden Administration.

Wake the fuck up for once.
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
child please.
As if I needed more evidence of a war on Trump, the House hearing on origin of COVID with Dr. Fauci this morning would underscore it. The purpose of the hearing is to investigate the origins of the Virus and Dr. Fauci and NIAID's and NIH's role in gain of function research in China. That is what the GOP is focused on.

In the opening statements:

The Democrats are not at all interested in the topic but are using it to accuse Trump of practically creating the virus himself and single handedly on his own killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his bungling and incompetence. I'm surprised they aren't saying that he kicks puppies. And Fauci who is as pure as the driven snow, is practically a God in his integrity and honesty and had absolutely nothing to do with anything with the virus Trump inflicted on the American people and can't be criticized on anything. EVERYTHING bad that happened re COVID is Trump's fault.

I have always cut Fauci some slack in allowing error in recommended policy when dealing with a virus we had never encountered and did not fully understand. But he had NOTHING to do with Trump's policies early on? That is so over the top from what we all experienced, it is incredible in the pure dishonesty of it.

The Democrats have no moral center, no integrity, no conscience, no honesty.
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If I needed no other evidence of a war on Trump, the House hearing on origin of COVID with Dr. Fauci this morning would underscore it. The purpose of the hearing is to investigate the origins of the Virus and Dr. Fauci and NIAID's role in gain of function research in China. That is what the GOP is focused on.

In the opening statements:

The Democrats are not at all interested in the topic but are using it to accuse Trump of practically creating the virus himself and single handedly on his own killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his bungling and incompetence. I'm surprised they aren't saying that he kicks puppies. And Fauci who is as pure as the driven snow, is practically a God in his integrity and honesty and had absolutely nothing to do with anything with the virus Trump inflicted on the American people and can't be criticized on anything. EVERYTHING bad that happened re COVID is Trump's fault.

I have always cut Fauci some slack in allowing error in recommended policy when dealing with a virus we had never encountered and did not fully understand. But he had NOTHING to do with Trump's policies early on? That is so over the top from what we all experienced, it is incredible in the pure dishonesty of it.

The Democrats have no moral center, no integrity, no conscience, no honesty.
Republicans want to cherry pick the investigation around their own pet peeves while they ignore Trumps role in COVID policy.

If you want to investigate, investigate everything
Pointing out that Trump is now officially a felon is in no way an “official declaration of war”.

It’s just a simple fact
Democrat America has declared war on Trump. Their newest weapon is "official."

“Former President Donald Trump is officially a convicted felon” ABC’s LA affiliate reported moments after the jury found him guilty of falsifying business records.

That’s the sentence Democrats have craved, even more so (but not by much) than a jail sentence for the former president. Democrats convicted Trump in their own minds the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and launched his first campaign for president, highlighting how the government had for too long been working against its own people instead of putting Americans first. . .

. . .now all those suffering from (Trump derangement syndrome) have a sentence that they think justifies their craziness: Former President Donald Trump is “officially” a convicted felon. . .

. . .This case has been a vivid reminder that under Democrat control, institutions that we rely upon to protect our liberty, do the opposite of what they are supposed to do. . .

. . .Recall that Manhattan (officially, New York County), voted 87 per cent for Joe Biden – the second most Democrat county in America, behind only Prince George’s county Maryland – and so 9 out of 10 potential jurors in the pool were likely to have been Biden voters.

The judge on the case is an “acting justice”, appointed by Democrats and who would need to run for election in 2028 in order to keep his place on the bench. He wasn’t much of a judge, but he’s no fool either. He seemed to fully understand his role was to facilitate the case of the Democrat district attorney.

This was a legal proceeding in form but not in substance. . .

. . .Woe to the Democrats who used the justice system to unjustly attack a political opponent and pervert it’s original purpose; may the people clean the institutions you have failed."

Richard Porter includes in the article other examples of how the Democrats in control have let down the American people by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
yep, violating his 8th amendment rights.
Margot Cleveland--one of the most impressive resumes among those commenting on current events--lays out a lot of the credible circumstantial evidence linking Biden and/or White House to ALL the prosecutions and persecutions of Donald J. Trump:

With the improbable and beyond coincidental appointments, myriad visits of prosecutors to the White House in advance of the indictments, etc., it is pretty safe to assume it all is more evidence for an out-of-control government weaponized against a political opponent.
Margot Cleveland--one of the most impressive resumes among those commenting on current events--lays out a lot of the credible circumstantial evidence linking Biden and/or White House to ALL the prosecutions and persecutions of Donald J. Trump:

With the improbable and beyond coincidental appointments, myriad visits of prosecutors to the White House in advance of the indictments, etc., it is pretty safe to assume it all is more evidence for an out-of-control government weaponized against a political opponent.
kangaroo third world leaders
I’m losing hope. The conviction will be overturned, for several reasons, and the label of “convicted felon” will be lifted. But it won’t be until after the election, and the damage will have been done.

Voters are too uninformed, and too brainwashed by the media, to appreciate what occurred on May 30: the Democrats turned the nation into a banana republic.

Yeah, but the goal was for this liberal judge and prosecution to get a conviction to give to the liberal media and libs so they could non stop fellate on applying the term convicted felon when they referred to him. They had hoped this would sink him but it has just elevated him into a living martyr. Lol.
Yeah, but the goal was for this liberal judge and prosecution to get a conviction to give to the liberal media and libs so they could non stop fellate on applying the term convicted felon when they referred to him. They had hoped this would sink him but it has just elevated him into a living martyr. Lol.

First and least consequential prosecution of Trump

The next three will have mandatory jail time.
Yeah, but the goal was for this liberal judge and prosecution to get a conviction to give to the liberal media and libs so they could non stop fellate on applying the term convicted felon when they referred to him. They had hoped this would sink him but it has just elevated him into a living martyr. Lol.
Yep, the cheat sheet was out immediately following the verdict read. Every outlet used “convicted felon” minutes after. Every one

If there was any doubt about talking points were proven true on this verdict read
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As if I needed more evidence of a war on Trump, the House hearing on origin of COVID with Dr. Fauci this morning would underscore it. The purpose of the hearing is to investigate the origins of the Virus and Dr. Fauci and NIAID's and NIH's role in gain of function research in China. That is what the GOP is focused on.

In the opening statements:

The Democrats are not at all interested in the topic but are using it to accuse Trump of practically creating the virus himself and single handedly on his own killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his bungling and incompetence. I'm surprised they aren't saying that he kicks puppies. And Fauci who is as pure as the driven snow, is practically a God in his integrity and honesty and had absolutely nothing to do with anything with the virus Trump inflicted on the American people and can't be criticized on anything. EVERYTHING bad that happened re COVID is Trump's fault.

I have always cut Fauci some slack in allowing error in recommended policy when dealing with a virus we had never encountered and did not fully understand. But he had NOTHING to do with Trump's policies early on? That is so over the top from what we all experienced, it is incredible in the pure dishonesty of it.

The Democrats have no moral center, no integrity, no conscience, no honesty.
They are Scum Bags
Republicans want to cherry pick the investigation around their own pet peeves while they ignore Trumps role in COVID policy.

If you want to investigate, investigate everything
Seems your boy Biden had more deaths on his watch.

Yeah....yeah...I ignore all that.

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