" You gotta know what


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
YoU don't know." Says the weekday morning Salem Radio Talk
host of hosts Hughey Hewitt { Altar boy,Eagle Scout and on some
days a dreamer who swears he may have been a pallbearer at
Winston Churchill's funeral }. But then I agree with the header thread
title ... - You gotta know what you don't know -.
Like rating movies.Like - Barbie - where Professor Hewitt is out of
his league.Wouldn't know a hottie if someone forced him to spend
a week at some Nevada Dude ranch.I doubt he'd be able to even
buy some Dude duds.Let alone converse as if some dude.Basically
a hard read for even the likes of Sigmund Freud.
But then Professor Hewitt lives in his comfort cocoon as if some
Jolly Roger at a Haloween Party.One could easily make the mistake
that in the long and short of it,he means well.Just can't for the life of
him or even his Grandkids ... get over himself.I guess there are worst
maladies a grown man has to deal with on a continuous basis.
Like constant showing off of his brillance.I mean,where's guys like
Bishop Sheen.The most effective religious man on radio in my life.
" It takes three to make love,not two: you,your spouse,
and God.Without God people only succeed in bringing out
the worst in one another. "
- Bishop Fulton Sheen
" A good character,when established,is not easily overthrown
by temptation. "
One could ask what Tempts Hugh Hewitt.
But then that's like asking how many times Hugh Hewitt
was seen dunking a basketball.In Loafers.And of course ...
wearing preppy Khakis.

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