You Might Be in the 47% If...


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
You are:

Super Wealthy


Working Hard


Living in a Red State


Down on your Luck


A Corporation


You Might be in the 47% If...

Are you in the 47%? (I could be if I chose to live in Alabama and not California :D )
I just hope that everyone of the 47% on that chart vote for the President. After all, Romney has already stated he does not want their vote.
I love it when liberals bring up the south on stuff like this......guess what demographic that votes DEMOCRAT 95% of the time lives mostly in the south? That's why you have such skewed numbers.
I love it when liberals bring up the south on stuff like this......guess what demographic that votes DEMOCRAT 95% of the time lives mostly in the south? That's why you have such skewed numbers.

Oh, right...It's the melanin. :rolleyes:
And you wonder why many conservatives call for a simplified system without all the deductions, loopholes, etc???
And you wonder why many conservatives call for a simplified system without all the deductions, loopholes, etc???

Yeah? Which one of those listed would you like to see pay more taxes?
And you wonder why many conservatives call for a simplified system without all the deductions, loopholes, etc???

Yeah? Which one of those listed would you like to see pay more taxes?

Anything ore than 0 is an increase.. and you have more and more people paying zero...

As stated before, you don't have an increase.. you have a correction... kinda like being in a bowling league, where for some reason you were still part of it and participating in all it has BUT not paying any dues... the league started losing money and figured out 1/2 were not paying and then started collecting dues that you should have been paying all along... and someone like an entitlement junkie would then bitch and moan that this is a huge increase over the zero they had been contributing

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