Zone1 Young father, 22, who died pleading 'I can't breathe' after he was restrained on the ground by security was unlawfully killed

Magnus so what’s it gonna be? You said you could post 3 to 1 but you can’t even provide a reputable source that supports that ratio.
I don’t have to prove anything to you. The names Joe discussed were from the same list you got names from. If you got names from there then I get to too.

Verify any names you want, it was your list they came from.

I’ve already documented that more white people are killed by police which destroys your 3 to 1 claim. This is your silly game. The only trickery is you hiding from the facts that have been provided to you.

You made an “obviously” false claim and have been given every chance to walk away from it. You choose instead to engage in make believe.
Nope. I did not get the names I posted from your racist list. And, I notice you still haven't responded to JoeB131, you fucking lying racist coward.

I have backed up my claim of 3 to 1 that you posted. But, now that you have been proven to be a fraud you lose.

But then you knew you were a loser. A retard that relies on the color of his skin to feel superior like you do can be nothing but a loser.

A racist. A retard. A lying coward. Keep posting and keep revealing who you are.
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Tell me, how stupid do you feel?
Honestly, the fact I kind of expected magnus to respond to reason makes me feel pretty stupid.

How stupid do you feel for not reading the thread?

The premise still stands. White people die just like Saint Floyd and no one cares.

First guy was in the UK, the liberals here cried like fairies so I posted another case that was in the US. Now you are pretending like that case never happens becuase you didn’t even read the thread.
Magnus so what’s it gonna be? You said you could post 3 to 1 but you can’t even provide a reputable source that supports that ratio.
You got my response, retard. What's the matter reading problem? I even helpfully put it in red font.

But since you are a retard, I will post it again:

That you had to resort to trickery to artificially inflate your numbers speaks volumes. You are not just a racist and a retard but you are also a lying one. Not to mention the fact, by doing so, you lost and have now proven my point.

Do you want me to keep playing the game? Prove that each one on your list is indeed a white man who was shot by a cop. Go
You got my response, retard. What's the matter reading problem? I even helpfully put it in red font.

But since you are a retard, I will post it again:

That you had to resort to trickery to artificially inflate your numbers speaks volumes. You are not just a racist and a retard but you are also a lying one. Not to mention the fact, by doing so, you lost and have now proven my point.

Do you want me to keep playing the game? Prove that each one on your list is indeed a white man who was shot by a cop. Go
It’s a garbage response and doesn’t prove your 3 to 1 assertion.
At least 134 people have died in police custody from “asphyxia/restraint” in the past decade alone, even though many apparently did not — or could not — express difficulty breathing, according to a review of Fatal Encounters, a searchable database of people who died while interacting with police…..
…..Some cases, like that of 18-year-old Nicholas Dyksma, involved the same knee-to-neck hold that killed Floyd. Dyksma died in 2015 after Harris County, Georgia, deputies tased him, placed him in handcuffs and held a knee on his neck until he stopped breathing.
I have backed up my claim of 3 to 1 that you posted.
No you quit like a flamer. I posted 175 you didn’t even touch and I have hundreds more just waiting. Most importantly, you also didn’t address the statistical facts I posted.

If 3 blacks are killed to every one white, you should be able to show that in hard data and you can’t. Instead you attempted (and failed) to muddy the issue with your anecdotal evidence ploy.
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And, I notice you still haven't responded to JoeB131, you fucking lying racist coward.
Um, okay, he died of a Meth Overdose……

……Also died of a drug overdose.

……..Another meth head.

………but sounds like another methhead.



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The very fact that you guys think what happened to Saint Floyd was some unique and special thing. It happens more than you would care to admit.

I have no affection for Floyd. I thought the protests were insane.
Even worse, a statue was erected in NYC to honor this shit bag.
That said I am not a jerk like you either screaming about white victimization.
You need to go up.
I have no affection for Floyd. I thought the protests were insane.
Even worse, a statue was erected in NYC to honor this shit bag.
That said I am not a jerk like you either screaming about white victimization.
You need to go up.
The protests were deserved and mostly peaceful. And George Floyd did his time, so why do people continue holding things against? Especially since the right lied about him holding a gun to a pregnant woman. I didn't know him, but I do know what it's like to be stoped by police for nothing. That's what people were protesting but the self declared colorblind right want to make this about protesting a black criminal even as they are trying to put a white one in the white house.

Why no fanfare? No rioting? No canonizing him as a patron saint of white people. Must be “white privilege”.
Security guards in Britain?
What has this to do with anything except trolling?
security guards in general need a lot better martial arts training if you'd ask me.
they sit on people's lungs for minutes on end while they could just cuff a person and help them to their feet (and then hold them captive at one of their upper arms).

i predict you'll be seeing black and brown security guards doing this to white people too in the not too distant future.
being a security guard is 'simple job'. but once again : it does need proper instructions, training and equipment for detainees to be treated humanely and without risk.

i also predict that if security guards are held responsible without this training, that no-one will want to be a security guard anymore.
Security Guard: Observe and Report
Police: Apprehend and Detain
Legal system: Judge and punish

When one tries to do the job of a lower role, bad things happen.

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