Your Favorite Sci Fi / Space Movie

What's Your Favorite Sci Fi / Space Movie?

  • Alien

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Interstellar

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Gravity

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Empire Strike Back

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • The Martian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independence Day

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • The 5th Element

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Something Else

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters

Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Aliens a lot and watched it multiple times ("Get away from her you BITCH!" was classic). But here's the unique advantage the original Alien has: to this day it still turns me into a nervous wreck every time I see it. It's unique sense of suspense got slowly cranked up to such a degree, it's almost slightly exhausting to experience it.
No doubt the orginal is a classic and no one will forget John Hurt's death I just like the combination of suspense and action that we got with Aliens.
Me too, Blackhawk. But here's some space movie flame-bait I admit: I really enjoyed the underrated, much-maligned sequel Alien Resurrection. With Jean-Pierre Jeunet's utterly crazy, gonzo visual style I had a lot of fun watching such a deliberately whacked-out, over-the-top nutty Alien sequel for the utterly insane fun it was obviously meant to be. Nobody can take away from that Ripley-alien clone lab scene or the underwater chase. I know A-R was too blood & guts violent for some viewers (both of my parents bitched about that when they saw it, per my recommendation). At the very least, its tone felt more upbeat than the very sad, also underrated Alien 3.
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Me too, Blackhawk. But here's some space movie flame-bait I admit: I really enjoyed the underrated, much-maligned sequel Alien Resurrection. With Jean-Pierre Jeunet's utterly crazy, gonzo visual style I had a lot of fun watching such a deliberately whacked-out, over-the-top nutty Alien sequel for the utterly insane fun it was obviously meant to be. Nobody can take away from that Ripley-alien clone lab scene or the underwater chase. I know it was too blood & guts violent for some viewers (both of my parents bitched about that when they saw it, per my recommendation). At the very least, its tone felt more upbeat than the very sad, also underrated Alien 3.
I haven't seen either usually but not always the more sequels the lower the quality gets with each one the one thing I will be interested to see will be the sequel to Bladerunner not a space movie but still a classic.
Sadly, the special effects in Aliens are really, really dated.......they don't hold up very well when you see the drop ship crash....
Me too, Blackhawk. But here's some space movie flame-bait I admit: I really enjoyed the underrated, much-maligned sequel Alien Resurrection. With Jean-Pierre Jeunet's utterly crazy, gonzo visual style I had a lot of fun watching such a deliberately whacked-out, over-the-top nutty Alien sequel for the utterly insane fun it was obviously meant to be. Nobody can take away from that Ripley-alien clone lab scene or the underwater chase. I know it was too blood & guts violent for some viewers (both of my parents bitched about that when they saw it, per my recommendation). At the very least, its tone felt more upbeat than the very sad, also underrated Alien 3.
I haven't seen either usually but not always the more sequels the lower the quality gets with each one the one thing I will be interested to see will be the sequel to Bladerunner not a space movie but still a classic.

I know movie franchises go downhill with sequels, but sometimes unneeded sequels can have their interesting, inspired moments. Both Alien 3 and 4 had their redeeming qualities, I just found Alien 4's craziness more enjoyably upbeat. And nutty. I recommend you watch the 3rd & 4th Alien movies just to decide for yourself which you find more interesting.

I like the old science fictions films.

The ultimate IMHO is "The Invisible Man" made in 1933.

Here is the original trailer.

The Invisible Man (film) - Wikipedia

I also like "The Man Who Changed His Mind" made in 1936.

I cannot see the original trailer, so here is the full film in excellent quality, the duration is one hour and two minutes.

The Man Who Changed His Mind - Wikipedia

I especially like "The Thing From Another World" made in 1951.

Here is the original trailer.

The Thing from Another World - Wikipedia

Also "Earth vs The Flying Saucers" made in 1956.

Here is the original trailer.

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers - Wikipedia
Seven Days in May. The original version.

"Seven Days in May" is a brilliant film, although it's not a science fiction film, it's in the political thriller genre.

Seven Days in May - Wikipedia

"The original version"

Remakes of already brilliant films should be outlawed, they have remade two of the greatest science fiction films from the 1950s "The Thing from Another World" made just as "The Thing" and "The Day The Earth Stood Still" from 1951.

Who only a complete maniac would think they can better "The Day The Earth Stood Still"....:Boom2:

Here is the original trailer, it begins with a 15 second blackout with voiceover.


Sadly, the special effects in Aliens are really, really dated.......they don't hold up very well when you see the drop ship crash....

I watched that again a couple months ago and it was half and half. Some of the space effects were pretty bad, but some of the practical effects were still amazing.

I was always more of a fan of aliens than alien myself. Same with being a fan of T2 more than the Terminator.

But Aliens for me here. 5th Element and Total Recall get my top 3 I guess.

Not My favorite, but a classic well worth the time.

YES! That's one of favorite "old moves." I thought the time travel visual effects were amazing detailed for the time and the climax with the Morlocks was full of exciting action. Lots of standout moments, like those spinning rings, accidentally going the wrong way in time and watching one dead Morlock decay into dust, etc.
I still like Space Odyssey:2001

And I love all the old crappy stuff: Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc. The worse the film, the more I like it.

There's an old space movie with a scene aboard a space ship. In getting ready for a conflict the heroes pulled out these monster old six shooters, like the old cowboys use to use.
Time Machine
5th Element
Galaxy Quest
Alien, Aliens, All Aliens including Predators and All Predators

And many more too numerous to name.
Does "V" count? It was a TV movie : )

I LOVED that TV show V when I was a little kid! I thought Jane Badler, Michael Ironside and Faye Grant were absolutely great acting. They really "sank their teeth" into their roles.
Does "V" count? It was a TV movie : )

I LOVED that TV show V when I was a little kid! I thought Jane Badler, Michael Ironside and Faye Grant were absolutely great acting. They really "sank their teeth" into their roles.

Same here! I did not remember the names of the actors and actresses. but V got me started LIKING Sci Fi.
I voted interstellar. That movie was just so damn good

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