Your funny pet stories


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I took the dogs to the beach today as usual, and for the first time EVER in Moki's life...he went in the water. On purpose. Another dog was being tossed a ball from shore and for some reason, he decided he wanted to play with that dog. I was amazed because Moki is a grumpy old man now and usually avoids all dogs since Gracie's death. He won't even play with Karma.

But today..a dog that looked just like Gracie except it was an un neutered male that was brown and white instead of female and black and white....chased the ball into the waves and Moki, who hates water...went along too. He went out so far, just the tip of his head was seen. He paddled and tried to take the ball, romped like a puppy and had a blast.

You had to be there to know how i felt watching him..and know him to understand how different he was today than his usual grumpy-under-the-bed-leave-me-alone mode.

Tell me some of the funny things your furkids do?
thor does not like small spaces unless there is vet visits are complicated ...he just will not go into a cage no matter how big...he has to have his own room.....a room literally....

buddy when picked up becomes dead weight....47 lbs of dead weight

semba can open the spring top can where the dog food is....he showed me rather proudly....solving the mystery of where the dog food was going...

clark and tiff have divided the calendar...clark tosses his cookies on even days...tiff on odd days

yoda can open the screen door in the back and is trying to open the slider...but he is not a puker
Moki talks. When it is walk time, he says WALKkkkk or alkkkk. When it is dinner time he does the Ummm mmm mmm UUUUmmmm mmm mmm.

Karma knows what recon and "check the perimeters" means. When I say it at night, off she goes, to check.

Both know where to look when I point.

Moki knows what Bird means.

Karma knows what lizard means.

Both were taught to stop when I say CAR. Once the car is past, they begin walking again.
If I leave a cup of coffee in a room, Mylo drinks it. She's super sneaky about it. God knows how long it went on before I figured it out. I know there was a stretch of time where I'd fix coffee, have a couple of slurps, do something outside of the room, sit back down and my coffee would be greatly depleted. But because I wasn't paying attention, I just thought I'd consumed it faster than I thought. Who knows how many cups of coffee I've shared with Mylo. It probably went on for years. And she never let on...when I come back into the room, she's calmly relaxing where she was when I left.
I took the dogs to the beach today as usual, and for the first time EVER in Moki's life...he went in the water. On purpose. Another dog was being tossed a ball from shore and for some reason, he decided he wanted to play with that dog. I was amazed because Moki is a grumpy old man now and usually avoids all dogs since Gracie's death. He won't even play with Karma.

But today..a dog that looked just like Gracie except it was an un neutered male that was brown and white instead of female and black and white....chased the ball into the waves and Moki, who hates water...went along too. He went out so far, just the tip of his head was seen. He paddled and tried to take the ball, romped like a puppy and had a blast.

You had to be there to know how i felt watching him..and know him to understand how different he was today than his usual grumpy-under-the-bed-leave-me-alone mode.

Tell me some of the funny things your furkids do?

Rescued a stray cat working in Texas. Riding my motocycle home with it in my coat I 'emergency stopped' many times during the ride feeling it climb around and thinking it'd fallen out. Didn't thank goodness and got it home but that was undoubtedly the most nerve wracking moment of my life. :)

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