Your New Years Resolutions 2020


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Your New Years Resolutions 2020
Mine is to incoroparate regular excersise into my weekly regimen. I worked out before this year but not as regular as I want and now since a month or two nothing. In the new year I want to work out regulary every week. 2xtimes a week muscle training and lifting and sit ups and 1xtimes a week treadmill run.
Your New Years Resolutions 2020
Mine is to incoroparate regular excersise into my weekly regimen. I worked out before this year but not as regular as I want and now since a month or two nothing. In the new year I want to work out regulary every week. 2xtimes a week muscle training and lifting and sit ups and 1xtimes a week treadmill run.
My #1 resolution is to lose weight. I need to lose at least 50 pounds. I'll HAVE to change my diet. Another resolution is to read more and not spend as much time on my computer. Ha-ha, I've been saying this for the last couple years now! But I really do love to read, and I have about 4 or 5 unread books I need to get into. Also, I'd like to be more kind and forgiving, especially towards others I don't agree with. I need to be nicer to some of the people that post on this site.
"New Year's Resolutions" are bunk!

Any time I made a NYR I failed.

Meaning my Rez's were inappropriate and unattainable.

If I find something I want to change about myself I do it without a NYR.

NYR, in my opinion, are generally a set up for failure.

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