Your tax dollars at work


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The other day my gal and I thought to go to breakfast. Turned down one road, nope, shut down. Another, nope, shut down.. Another five, nope shut down. Traffic backed up everywhere, nobody can do shit. I figured it must be a sniper.

Then I find out it's the Biden Motorcade. Looked up the Sierra hwy, it was completely shut down. Airspace, completely shut down. The freeway, completely shut down. Everywhere they were to pass from his vacation in Lake Tahoe to Reno, which I assume was the Reno Airport was shut down - for hours. That's probably 50 miles. First at the heap were perhaps 10 law enforcement on motorcycles. 10 minutes later the Biden motorcade, perhaps 30 vehicles, ambulances, cycles, this that and everything else.

Can't forget the fighter jets, and helicopters.

I still recall when we were sane, the POTUS would take a helicopter to visit Tahoe. Can't do that anymore, we're nuts and have money to blow.

So fuck, it was then I realized they shut down everywhere the POTUS goes. Never mind the cost to the economy, and inconveniencing the public for a show, what do you figure that costs the tax payer? Million every 15 minutes or more I'm guessing. Crazy money. Kicker is he may not have even been with that motor-charade, it was all show and a distraction.
Okay but when Obama would cruise through our area it wasn't nearly that disruptive. stretches of highways were shut down for like 20 minutes just when he was on them. They were here for awhile prepping for his arrival though--like 10 days welding manholes, removing paper/mail boxes etc.

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