'You're going to have a chance to do a do-over!' Stacey Abrams REFUSES to concede Georgia...

Ah the darling of the BLM, and the ARMED Black Panthers who tried to intimidate the voters with their picture with AR 15's and a sign for Stacey Abrams, just can't give it up..... another angry thug!

A defiant Stacey Abrams refused to concede the Georgia governor's race early Wednesday morning, telling her Demorcatic supporters that despite trailing by about 3 percentage points she expected to come back enough to trigger a December runoff.

'You're going to have a chance to do a do-over,' she said, talking to voters in a state where nearly 3.8 million people cast votes in a contest that held the potential for her to be the first black female chief exective of a U.S. state.

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, a Republican, led Abrams with 51 per cent of the vote to her 48 per cent. The state's election law calls for a runoff when no candidate wins an outright majority of votes.

If Kemp's lead were 40,000 votes narrower, he would be beneath that threshold.

'Votes remain to be counted,' Abrams said. 'There are voices waiting to be heard. Across our state folks are opening up the dreams of voters in absentee ballots, and we believe our chance for a stronger georgia is just within reach.'

Tens of thousands of absentee votes were mailed to Georgia election officials.

'I promise you tonight we're going to make sure that every vote is counted. Every single vote! Every vote's getting counted!' she said.

Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...

When a mere 40,000 votes can change the outcome, nobody should concede

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Oh really... then maybe our Gov. Walker hadn't better concede either, he only lost by 30,400.

That is up to him, would not fault him if he did not. But it does not seem that Wisc has the same runoff rules as Ga does.

He has 50.6% of the votes counted, but not all are counted. Every vote counted for her lowers his percentage.

Why can;t you people just wait for the counting to be done? Do you not believe that ever vote should count?

wrong if the uncounted go 50/50 his margin remains the same. There aren't enough left to bring him below 50% even if she gets 100% of them. Its over.

Then why has the state not called the race?

they will, be patient

you are the one whining about someone not conceding, not me. So, look in the mirror when you say that.

Since you do not live in Ga, I do not know why you care so damn much.

lots of family in Ga so it does matter to me. I also care because if socialists racists like her are elected it will be the beginning of the end of the USA a
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.
Considering the voter purge, there should be lawsuits.

But again (as usual), the violence comes from the right.

where have republicans rioted after the dems took the house? Where is all the right wing violence? Give us examples or STFU and stop lying.

there was a cleaning of the voter roles to remove dead people, multiple registrations, and people who have moved out of the state. Nothing illegal or sleazy about that, just what should happen every year in every state.

He has 50.6% of the votes counted, but not all are counted. Every vote counted for her lowers his percentage.

Why can;t you people just wait for the counting to be done? Do you not believe that ever vote should count?

wrong if the uncounted go 50/50 his margin remains the same. There aren't enough left to bring him below 50% even if she gets 100% of them. Its over.

Then why has the state not called the race?

they will, be patient

you are the one whining about someone not conceding, not me. So, look in the mirror when you say that.

Since you do not live in Ga, I do not know why you care so damn much.

lots for relatives in Ga so it does matter to me. It also matters because I don't want racist socialists in power anywhere in this country. the fact that this race, and the governor and senator in Fla, were close is very telling, what it says is that almost half of americans don't understand what this country is all about, don't understand the constitution, and don't give a shit about all the americans who died to protect our freedom. They are willing to give all that up for some free cheese.
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.

Willing to make a wager on this happening?

sure, how much?
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.

Willing to make a wager on this happening?

sure, how much?

A month. If there is rioting and looting after Kemp is declared the winner I will leave the board for a month. If there is not, you leave the board for a month.

I will not even limit it to Peachtree street to give you a fighting chance.
How many voters were denied the right to vote, and were likely denied that right by the Governor-Elect in his capacity as Sect. of State?
How many voters were denied the right to vote, and were likely denied that right by the Governor-Elect in his capacity as Sect. of State?

none. but it is possible that some illegals and dead people were denied the "right to vote".
lots for relatives in Ga so it does matter to me. It also matters because I don't want racist socialists in power anywhere in this country. the fact that this race, and the governor and senator in Fla, were close is very telling, what it says is that almost half of americans don't understand what this country is all about, don't understand the constitution, and don't give a shit about all the americans who died to protect our freedom. They are willing to give all that up for some free cheese.
What has Stacy Abrams done or said that makes your brain believe she's a racist?

Serious question.
I understand that Kemp declared himself the winner, but it doesn't seem to be sticking.
Per the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation:

Despite the grim outlook and Kemp’s claim of victory, Abrams edged ever closer to her opponent on Wednesday as absentee votes and other ballots were counted. In the morning, Kemp had 50.5 percent of the vote, according to unofficial totals published by the Georgia secretary of state (the office Kemp has held since 2010). Early in the afternoon, his percentage dropped to 50.4 – and then to 50.36 and, by the end of the day, to 50.33.
But he needs just 50 percent plus one vote to avoid a runoff, and he remained 13,071 votes ahead of that mark. He led Abrams by about 63,000 votes, out of 3.9 million cast.

Trailing but close, Abrams pushes to keep campaign alive
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.

Willing to make a wager on this happening?

sure, how much?

A month. If there is rioting and looting after Kemp is declared the winner I will leave the board for a month. If there is not, you leave the board for a month.

I will not even limit it to Peachtree street to give you a fighting chance.

FACT CHECK: Did Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Once Burn the Georgia State Flag?

In order to make this bet we need to define riots or violence. Since Abrams has already displayed her propensity towards violent protest what do we consider as the criteria for the waqer?

I would say that if the police are required to be involved it satisfies the criteria.
How many voters were denied the right to vote, and were likely denied that right by the Governor-Elect in his capacity as Sect. of State?
Perhaps as much as half a million, when it's all added up.

well holy shit, maybe it was 100 million. You are FOS. No, illegals and dead people cannot vote. Neither can any person vote more than once or in more than one precinct. Dem ballot box stuffing is over.
He has 50.6% of the votes counted, but not all are counted. Every vote counted for her lowers his percentage.

Why can;t you people just wait for the counting to be done? Do you not believe that ever vote should count?

wrong if the uncounted go 50/50 his margin remains the same. There aren't enough left to bring him below 50% even if she gets 100% of them. Its over.

Then why has the state not called the race?

they will, be patient

you are the one whining about someone not conceding, not me. So, look in the mirror when you say that.

Since you do not live in Ga, I do not know why you care so damn much.

lots of family in Ga so it does matter to me. I also care because if socialists racists like her are elected it will be the beginning of the end of the USA a
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.
Considering the voter purge, there should be lawsuits.

But again (as usual), the violence comes from the right.

where have republicans rioted after the dems took the house? Where is all the right wing violence? Give us examples or STFU and stop lying.

there was a cleaning of the voter roles to remove dead people, multiple registrations, and people who have moved out of the state. Nothing illegal or sleazy about that, just what should happen every year in every state.

care4 thinks its funny that dead people and illegals aren't allowed to vote. Care4 is an idiot.
As soon as they call it for Kemp, there will be riots and looting on peachtree street. I think the state government is waiting until after dark to call it to minimize the damage to public and private property. We all know that when dems lose they riot and burn and destroy. Watch.

Willing to make a wager on this happening?

sure, how much?

A month. If there is rioting and looting after Kemp is declared the winner I will leave the board for a month. If there is not, you leave the board for a month.

I will not even limit it to Peachtree street to give you a fighting chance.

FACT CHECK: Did Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Once Burn the Georgia State Flag?

In order to make this bet we need to define riots or violence. Since Abrams has already displayed her propensity towards violent protest what do we consider as the criteria for the waqer?

I would say that if the police are required to be involved it satisfies the criteria.

Rioting is when the crowd is out of control and not obeying the police.

Looting is the breaking into stores and stealing stuff and damaging the stores.

Those are the two things you said would happen.

And no, burning a flag is neither rioting nor looting

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