Youtube bans david duke, trump and other right wing trash

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Spencer is a racist, which makes him left wing, not an American don't understand politics in the U.S. Racism requires government power to is the left, not Conservatives, who want massive central government...which is why the racists of all skin colors flock to the democrat party.......if you want to attack and punish your race enemies, you need control of the government, and you need to get rid of the checks and balances which decrease your ability as a left wing racist to use that power.

Conservatives claim they don't want a massive government but do nothing to see that happens.

Trump has the massive government working overtime.

What happens when someone questions the right of the government's enforcement arm to assault them? The Conservatives claim they should be beat and killed if necessary.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
The Age of Trump has flushed the truly racist rats out of the sewer, and now we can see them more clearly. Now we know how much more work we have to do.

Shutting them down, shutting them up, only prolongs the process. Maybe this is the time for us to marginalize these animals - culturally.

This is a moment for which freedom of expression is so valuable. Let them be what they are, right out in the open, so we can fix this once and for all.

You are so right.......the racists in the democrat party came out in force over the last 4 lives matter....a racist, marxist group marched openly and burned and looted and killed people in Black neighborhoods.....along with their racist allies antifa.....

Trump has driven the actual racists in the democrat party crazy........

Trump gets polls showing increasing support in the Black and Hispanic communities, and then the democrat party racists send out black lives matter and antifa to burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhoods right before an election..........

California is legalizing racial discrimination as cities burn and officials kneel to a Marxist organization intent on burning, looting and murdering.

The leftists are not even trying any more. The masks are catapulted off the faces and the Stalinists revealed.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Spencer is a racist, which makes him left wing, not an American don't understand politics in the U.S. Racism requires government power to is the left, not Conservatives, who want massive central government...which is why the racists of all skin colors flock to the democrat party.......if you want to attack and punish your race enemies, you need control of the government, and you need to get rid of the checks and balances which decrease your ability as a left wing racist to use that power.

Conservatives claim they don't want a massive government but do nothing to see that happens.

Trump has the massive government working overtime.

What happens when someone questions the right of the government's enforcement arm to assault them? The Conservatives claim they should be beat and killed if necessary.

You blithering idiot, burning and looting is not questioning.

If you want to see questioning, log on to Stefan Molyneux's channel... oh wait, leftists banned him. Questioning is not allowed.
The Age of Trump has flushed the truly racist rats out of the sewer, and now we can see them more clearly. Now we know how much more work we have to do
The racists have been fully exposed. BLM and their supporters are not open about their contempt for American civilization.

The American people now have a decision to make in November. I hope we choose wisely

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Spencer is a racist, which makes him left wing, not an American don't understand politics in the U.S. Racism requires government power to is the left, not Conservatives, who want massive central government...which is why the racists of all skin colors flock to the democrat party.......if you want to attack and punish your race enemies, you need control of the government, and you need to get rid of the checks and balances which decrease your ability as a left wing racist to use that power.

Reichtard is a far left socialist and a white nationalist, who whines like a 13 year old (the tantrum video is painful to watch). That's why he needs free shit. Without the good hair-line he would have no redeeming qualities.

Stefan Molyneux is the most influential philosopher of our times.
You guys are just outrageous. Luckily you are dying out.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.

It is not a rationalization it is the truth and has been the truth since christians decided it was okay to discriminate against only one subset of sinners out of all the sins a person would commit.

It's bullshit. "Christians"? The Christians that defeated Nazi Germany? The Christians that defeated the Soviet Union? The "Christians" that support decolonization?

Why are you against them?
Why am I against them, I am not, they simply have lost their way and have forgotten the golden rule. Do unto others as they would do unto yous ...The Soviet Union did have Christians just not the kind you can recognize because they are Eastern Orthodox members that helped to reform the USSR into a republic.. The Nazis were Christians and they were also colonialist. Maybe they just got a dose of old tyme religion before they came home to abuse the minorities and women.

The Nazis and Soviets were both Atheists. WHy are you buying into the shit the left is selling you?
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.

It is not a rationalization it is the truth and has been the truth since christians decided it was okay to discriminate against only one subset of sinners out of all the sins a person would commit.

It's bullshit. "Christians"? The Christians that defeated Nazi Germany? The Christians that defeated the Soviet Union? The "Christians" that support decolonization?

Why are you against them?
Why am I against them, I am not, they simply have lost their way and have forgotten the golden rule. Do unto others as they would do unto yous ...The Soviet Union did have Christians just not the kind you can recognize because they are Eastern Orthodox members that helped to reform the USSR into a republic.. The Nazis were Christians and they were also colonialist. Maybe they just got a dose of old tyme religion before they came home to abuse the minorities and women.

The Nazis and Soviets were both Atheists. WHy are you buying into the shit the left is selling you?
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And the one sin God said he would not forgive was committing evil in his name......
We are NOT a society waving banner of equality.
I hate to break it to you, Norman, but yes, we are.
Lol so equality to you is shooting and burning

Take your pills
No, moron, that's not what equality is. That's what happens, though, when we refuse to grant it.
So equality in your opinion means granting people the right to burn your home down and murder children in the street.

Take your pills old woman
You already said this. I already answered you. Are you having an Alzheimers moment?

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Spencer is a racist, which makes him left wing, not an American don't understand politics in the U.S. Racism requires government power to is the left, not Conservatives, who want massive central government...which is why the racists of all skin colors flock to the democrat party.......if you want to attack and punish your race enemies, you need control of the government, and you need to get rid of the checks and balances which decrease your ability as a left wing racist to use that power.

Conservatives claim they don't want a massive government but do nothing to see that happens.

Trump has the massive government working overtime.

What happens when someone questions the right of the government's enforcement arm to assault them? The Conservatives claim they should be beat and killed if necessary.

You blithering idiot, burning and looting is not questioning.

If you want to see questioning, log on to Stefan Molyneux's channel... oh wait, leftists banned him. Questioning is not allowed.
He's still got his website.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

One day, provided our civilization still exists, conservative owned social media giants will censor leftist speech or eradicate it entirely from global online public conversation. After that day arrives celebrators of corporate tyranny such as yourself will cry foul but you're voices will not be heard. You will have no platform on which to express yourselves. After the epochal worm has turned you will weep and supplicate from your knees for free speech and freedom of thought. Be prepared to be down there for a very, very long time. What comes around . . .

It probably won't affect as much as you think. Why haven't the right created their own social media platforms by now? There are enclaves of various right leaning web presences, sure. But no dedicated platform tailored exclusively to the right's viewpoints. Would such a platform be exclusionary, and would that affect it's popularity among an already fragmented landscape of social media competition? Would it be self sustainable?

There are so many factors for a platform exclusively catering to the right to overcome so late in the game. The bigger platforms consist of a majority of the younger demographic. Younger people tend to lean left, so you have an ideoligical mountain to traverse. Younger people are also less inclined to play by the rules and push the boundaries of your platform. So exclusionary moderation based on specific ideology might push them away in droves. You won't get them back.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
Wow what kind of sick0 added our president's name to that list. I hope Trump is takin names. Maybe he'll turn it over to the IRS or some other armed (thanks to obama) government agency.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.


I said I was no fan of censorship but I understand how Trump gets lumped in with David Duke and the rest.

Describe how.

Because so many libs are lying whores.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.

If the story is true, the blob’s freedom of speech isn’t being infringed. Think about the latest woman who dumped you. Just because she won’t talk to you doesn’t mean your rights are being infringed.

YOur support of censorship is you admitting that you know your ideas can't stand up to real scrutiny.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.


I said I was no fan of censorship but I understand how Trump gets lumped in with David Duke and the rest.

Describe how.

Calling for Keapernick to get fired for triggering him.

Calling for an anti-American asshole to get fired, is not being "Triggered" it is being sane.

ONly a fucktard or a traitor would support Keapernick.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump is the POTUS....the country that could probably wipe you out in an evening with it's nuclear arsenal or send Ohio over and wax you silly pussy british asses.

You are nothing but an internet poster who isn't even welcomed in his own country. are the idiot.

And you certainly have nothing to say.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.


I said I was no fan of censorship but I understand how Trump gets lumped in with David Duke and the rest.

Describe how.

Calling for Keapernick to get fired for triggering him.

Fired from where?

You do know that people can have an opinion about something or a lot of somethings without being "triggered" yes?

Liberals don't know anything. They say whatever is required at the moment to justify their bad behavior.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.
No, because every time he spews out his verbal diarrhea I'm in danger of splitting my sides
literally and I can't afford a hernia. And lets face it telling you guys to "inject disinfectant" and
"Stop testing and the number of infections will drop!" will reduce the numbers of Republicans surviving to get to the polls and while not doing himself any favors he's certainly doing the rest of us a big one. Only good right wingers are dead ones!

Ha ha ha ha
Ah ha ha ha!

See you in November....

Oh, wait....we won't.

Because this isn't your country. So we really don't give a flying fig about what it is that you have to say.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.
tRump doesn't make policy. He parrots what he's told to say. You can tell when he tries to make decisions himself because everyone has to scramble to "clarify" what he said.

Your idiocy is dismissed. Your support of censorship shows that you know you cannot win the contest of ideas, because your ideas and policies are all trash.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.

It is not a rationalization it is the truth and has been the truth since christians decided it was okay to discriminate against only one subset of sinners out of all the sins a person would commit.

It's bullshit. "Christians"? The Christians that defeated Nazi Germany? The Christians that defeated the Soviet Union? The "Christians" that support decolonization?

Why are you against them?
Why am I against them, I am not, they simply have lost their way and have forgotten the golden rule. Do unto others as they would do unto yous ...The Soviet Union did have Christians just not the kind you can recognize because they are Eastern Orthodox members that helped to reform the USSR into a republic.. The Nazis were Christians and they were also colonialist. Maybe they just got a dose of old tyme religion before they came home to abuse the minorities and women.

The Nazis and Soviets were both Atheists. WHy are you buying into the shit the left is selling you?
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Yeah. They were lying. Shocking to someone like you, I know.

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