Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?

Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures? - CSMonitor.com

I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!
South Africa found out this error as well.

I have friends in SA. They were told by the locals to get out... it was there land and house. If they did not go the next day they would be killed.

Before they left they Bobbie trapped the house to blow up and torch...so there would be nothing left. If they wanted it they could have the empty husk.

South Africa went into hell in a hand basket, although not as bad as Zimbabwe. Alot of white South Africans have fled the country, I met a few of them who went to high school with me in Kansas City, a few blacks who can afford it have also left.

The truth! Our great, great grand fathers were 100 percent right in seen what would happen, but idiots had to fuck us all. We will wake up one day with the whole world screwed up like this. The whole world will be turned into this toilet at the rate things are going :mad:
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Show me a first world black nation
-60% black population
-Black leadership

Then Maybe I will open my mind a little, but until then you have nothing besides baseless crap!


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I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!

So goes the popular ideal.

What really happened is that Zimbabwe was once Rhodesia and the breadbasket of the entire African continent. When the farms, ranches and orchards were repatriated, the new black owners burned the crops in the fields, burned the orchards and slaughtered the livestock leaving the corpses to rot. Incidentally slaughtering the farmers and whichever hapless black person that worked for them.

What happened in Zimbabwe was by design and intent. It should be left alone. No food aid should be given to these people. No money. Nothing. They got exactly what they wanted and did exactly what they wanted to do. They can kill each other. They can eat one another if they are hungry enough.
I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!

Yeh, of course it was the right thing to do. That's why the country is bankrupt and the farms turned into wildernesses. The racist blacks want the land but they don't know what to do with it or how to farm it. You should go join your hero Mugabe. You're as big a racist arsehole as he is.
By killing all the farm workers (because they worked for "da man", the new owners took out some kind of insurance that NO ONE would be left who knew anything about farming at all. Robert Mugabe handed out the farms as a form of patronage to the fighters who killed the most people. The black farmers got necklaced. Necklacing is the practice of putting a burning tire around the body of the victim so he can watch his wife raped and killed, and chidren killed before he himself dies. I could kind of understand land repatriation IF the land was given to black farmers but it wasn't. Black farmers were murdered right along with white farmers. Zimbabwe grows nothing. It is starving. Not one seed, cutting, kid or lamb was spared.

Whether it is in Africa or Chicago there is nothing that whites did to blacks that is equal to and certainly not worse than what blacks do to one another.

You can't fix stupid.
Why is it I can read anything about blacks without thinking something like "Stupid, thievin' n!ggers." First, the they steal the farms from the white farmers, causing mass starvation (which the Jewish media blamed on drought or anything other than the farms being stolen). Not to worry, the US gives lots of food aid to Zimbabwe, in spite of Zimbabwe having some of the best farm land in the world. Now, they're taking away the white companies.

Hey, stupid, thieving ******s, if you can't run a company successfully yourself, what makes you think you can steal someone else's company and run it successfully?
How many are to be considered FIRST world nations?

Since none of those that you cited are.
Show me a first world black nation
-60% black population
-Black leadership

Then Maybe I will open my mind a little, but until then you have nothing besides baseless crap!

Economy of Madagascar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Equatorial Guinea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mauritius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Need more?

Madagascar is a third world country at $953 per capita(PPP) and ($320). This makes the living standards one of the poorest in the world.

Approximately 69% of the population lives below the national poverty line threshold of one dollar per day. WebCite query result

Equatorial Guinea-I'll admit because of the oil resources that the PPP per capita is respectable, but


Infrastructure is generally old and in poor condition. Surface transport is extremely limited at present, with little more than 700 kilometres of paved roads. The African Development Bank is helping to improve the paved roads from Malabo to Luba and Riaba; the Chinese are undertaking a project to link Mongomo to Bata on the mainland, and the European Union is financing an inter-states road network linking Equatorial Guinea to Cameroon and Gabon. Road maintenance is often inadequate.

Electricity is available in Equatorial Guinea's larger towns thanks to three small overworked hydropower facilities and a number of aged generators. In 1999, national production was about 13 MWh. In Malabo, the American company, CMS-Nomeco, built a 10 megawatt electricity plant financed by the government, which came in line in mid-2000, and plans to double capacity are advancing. This plant provides improved service to the capital, although there are still occasional outages. On the mainland the largest city, Bata, still has regular blackouts.

Equatorial Guinea ranks 121st out of 177 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2004rank.html

The discovery of sizeable petroleum reserves in recent years is altering the economic and political status of the country. Its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita ranks 28th in the world;[8] however, most of the country's considerable oil wealth actually lies in the hands of only a few people.

Madagascar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mauritian society includes people from many different ethnic groups. A majority of the republic's residents are the descendants of people from the Indian subcontinent. Mauritius also contains substantial populations from continental Africa, Madagascar, France, Great Britain, and China, among other places.

The Indo-Mauritians (when the ethnic groups are combined) and Creoles (of African descent) are the predominant population. There are approximately 30,000 Mauritians of Chinese descent, from the Hakka and Cantonese language groups. More than 90% of the Sino-Mauritian community are Roman Catholic[citation needed], the remainder are largely Buddhist.[1]

Demographics of Mauritius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not a majority black population with a moderately good PPP per capita(second world). Can we all admit that africans have a much harder time at it? Some nations within africa are slowly doing better, some worst.
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I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!

Ummmm, probably because they at least knew how to farm. So long as they were there growing food people ate. Now the people are starving. If you think that it is good for people to starve I suppose you have a point. Considering it is BLACK people who are starving and you supposedly like black people I guess as usual you are opening your trap when it should have been kept closed.
I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!

Listen here fuck nut, throwing out those white farmers have turned Zimbabwe into an impoverished shit hole when it was once the bread basket of Africa, Mugabe should have cut a deal with the white farmers, keep the cash rolling in. Those whites also employed tens of thousands of Black Africans, those jobs are gone now too, Mugabe should have remembered this quote from the Godfather, its business, never personal you punk bitch.:mad:
Why is it I can read anything about blacks without thinking something like "Stupid, thievin' n!ggers." First, the they steal the farms from the white farmers, causing mass starvation (which the Jewish media blamed on drought or anything other than the farms being stolen). Not to worry, the US gives lots of food aid to Zimbabwe, in spite of Zimbabwe having some of the best farm land in the world. Now, they're taking away the white companies.

Hey, stupid, thieving ******s, if you can't run a company successfully yourself, what makes you think you can steal someone else's company and run it successfully?

You can go ahead and fuck yourself too you racist piece of trash.:mad:
Show me a first world black nation
-60% black population
-Black leadership

Then Maybe I will open my mind a little, but until then you have nothing besides baseless crap!

Economy of Madagascar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Equatorial Guinea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mauritius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Need more?

What about the Bahamas? its small but majority Black correct?
Show me a first world black nation
-60% black population
-Black leadership

Then Maybe I will open my mind a little, but until then you have nothing besides baseless crap!

Economy of Madagascar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Equatorial Guinea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mauritius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Need more?

What about the Bahamas? its small but majority Black correct?

One of the most prosperous countries in the Caribbean region, The Bahamas relies on tourism to generate most of its economic activity. Tourism as an industry not only accounts for over 60 percent of the Bahamian GDP, but provides jobs for more than half the country's workforce.[24] Economy - The Bahamas - growth, economic growth
Because of the absence of direct taxation, the Bahamas has also become a financial haven for the activities of a large number of banking and trust companies, mutual funds, investment firms, and offshore sales and insurance companies. Local firms produce a small array of exports, including salt, cement, timber, pharmaceuticals, and petroleum products refined on Grand Bahama and reexported.

Read more: Economy - The Bahamas - growth, economic growth Economy - The Bahamas - growth, economic growth

Second world country as tourism makes up much of its economy! A lot of rich and trust fund people do business here. :eusa_silenced:
Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

What the hell do you mean throwing out the White farmers was the wrong thing to do.?!
Listen you Uncle Tom , White people ass kissing homo loving idiot, that is indegenous black land that whites came to , and murdered and raped black people who did nothing to them!,So Mugabe and the black Zimbbweans have every right to retake land that was obtained by way of theft and murder on the part of white European usurpers.!

Listen here fuck nut, throwing out those white farmers have turned Zimbabwe into an impoverished shit hole when it was once the bread basket of Africa, Mugabe should have cut a deal with the white farmers, keep the cash rolling in.

Mugabe was more interested in seeing Blacks get the land then seeing anything good come from the land seizures. He wasn't using his head, he was using his ass.

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