'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'
Avraham Burg, once speaker of the Knesset and deputy president, is voting for the communist Hadash party in the next elections; in 20 years, he says, Israel will be in a confederation with Palestine or a fundamentalist religious republic.

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman


01.14.15, 14:09

Avraham Burg can't understand why people are shocked to hear that he has joined Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Israel's communist party.

“I quit politics 11 years ago," says Burg, the son of Yosef Burg, one of the founders of the National Religious Party. "Since then, I have written a large number of articles and published four books – and that was their principal subject, Jewish-Arab cooperation."

And is Hadash the next place?

"Yes. From 1948 to 1976, Israel was relatively secular, socialist, and statehood was its organizing principle. In 1977, with the rise to power of Menachem Begin, this came to an end. Since then, Israel has been in its religious-nationalistic-capitalist chapter, and territory is its organizing principle. Now the country has to choose where the third chapter will take it – to religious and nationalistic aggressiveness or normalcy. The dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu is a symbol of a far deeper dissatisfaction – not only with the man, but with the stagnation, with the economic and social degeneration."

"Benjamin Netanyahu's time is up," he says. "And it doesn't matter if it happens now or in the next election. He's where Labor was in 1976. The only thing that could save him is a historic move, a constitution for Israel on the internal level, for example, or a peace agreement – otherwise he will disappear without trace. His decade as prime minister is a lost decade."

Zionism is over Israel at critical juncture - Israel News Ynetnews

And then the comments are just so overwhelmed with disgust as to what he is suggesting: Here is an example of part of what one has to say,

I don't know about his father, but I am sure that many of his Jewish ancestors would be turning in their graves if they knew what he had to say as reported here. Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption, when the whole world will know that Hashem is real, He is One, He loves us far far more than we can ever imagine and wants us all to enjoy the gift of life that He gives us to the full.

( she seems clueless that world wars were fought for global communism, which the father of, is no less a Jew Karl Marx and his jewish followers)
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'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'
Avraham Burg, once speaker of the Knesset and deputy president, is voting for the communist Hadash party in the next elections; in 20 years, he says, Israel will be in a confederation with Palestine or a fundamentalist religious republic.

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman


01.14.15, 14:09

Avraham Burg can't understand why people are shocked to hear that he has joined Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Israel's communist party.

“I quit politics 11 years ago," says Burg, the son of Yosef Burg, one of the founders of the National Religious Party. "Since then, I have written a large number of articles and published four books – and that was their principal subject, Jewish-Arab cooperation."

And is Hadash the next place?

"Yes. From 1948 to 1976, Israel was relatively secular, socialist, and statehood was its organizing principle. In 1977, with the rise to power of Menachem Begin, this came to an end. Since then, Israel has been in its religious-nationalistic-capitalist chapter, and territory is its organizing principle. Now the country has to choose where the third chapter will take it – to religious and nationalistic aggressiveness or normalcy. The dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu is a symbol of a far deeper dissatisfaction – not only with the man, but with the stagnation, with the economic and social degeneration."

"Benjamin Netanyahu's time is up," he says. "And it doesn't matter if it happens now or in the next election. He's where Labor was in 1976. The only thing that could save him is a historic move, a constitution for Israel on the internal level, for example, or a peace agreement – otherwise he will disappear without trace. His decade as prime minister is a lost decade."

Zionism is over Israel at critical juncture - Israel News Ynetnews

And then the comments are just so overwhelmed with disgust as to what he is suggesting: Here is an example of part of what one has to say,

I don't know about his father, but I am sure that many of his Jewish ancestors would be turning in their graves if they knew what he had to say as reported here. Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption, when the whole world will know that Hashem is real, He is One, He loves us far far more than we can ever imagine and wants us all to enjoy the gift of life that He gives us to the full.

( she seems clueless that world wars were fought for global communism, which the father of, is no less a Jew Karl Marx and his jewish followers)

YEA! ZIONISM IS OVER. Prsaise the Lord. No more of Israel's damn peace offerings to Palestinians, security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. It's about time Israel started treating the Palestinians with the Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to --- & so well deserve. Want peace? History has proven king Hussein was right. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Penelope; weren't you Muzzie Beasts claiming the same shit 20 years ago, and 20 years before that? You know you will not allow Jews to live if they do not submit to Islam as Dhimmisn - there can be no confederation with you Muslims - you would never allow it.
'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'
Avraham Burg, once speaker of the Knesset and deputy president, is voting for the communist Hadash party in the next elections; in 20 years, he says, Israel will be in a confederation with Palestine or a fundamentalist religious republic.

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman


01.14.15, 14:09

Avraham Burg can't understand why people are shocked to hear that he has joined Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Israel's communist party.

“I quit politics 11 years ago," says Burg, the son of Yosef Burg, one of the founders of the National Religious Party. "Since then, I have written a large number of articles and published four books – and that was their principal subject, Jewish-Arab cooperation."

And is Hadash the next place?

"Yes. From 1948 to 1976, Israel was relatively secular, socialist, and statehood was its organizing principle. In 1977, with the rise to power of Menachem Begin, this came to an end. Since then, Israel has been in its religious-nationalistic-capitalist chapter, and territory is its organizing principle. Now the country has to choose where the third chapter will take it – to religious and nationalistic aggressiveness or normalcy. The dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu is a symbol of a far deeper dissatisfaction – not only with the man, but with the stagnation, with the economic and social degeneration."

"Benjamin Netanyahu's time is up," he says. "And it doesn't matter if it happens now or in the next election. He's where Labor was in 1976. The only thing that could save him is a historic move, a constitution for Israel on the internal level, for example, or a peace agreement – otherwise he will disappear without trace. His decade as prime minister is a lost decade."

Zionism is over Israel at critical juncture - Israel News Ynetnews

And then the comments are just so overwhelmed with disgust as to what he is suggesting: Here is an example of part of what one has to say,

I don't know about his father, but I am sure that many of his Jewish ancestors would be turning in their graves if they knew what he had to say as reported here. Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption, when the whole world will know that Hashem is real, He is One, He loves us far far more than we can ever imagine and wants us all to enjoy the gift of life that He gives us to the full.

( she seems clueless that world wars were fought for global communism, which the father of, is no less a Jew Karl Marx and his jewish followers)

Avraham Burg:laugh2:
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.

No Jews are not nor ever were they considered a race, since they are a people of many colors, are Americans a race, are Frenchmen a race? Are Christians a race?
Penelope; weren't you Muzzie Beasts claiming the same shit 20 years ago, and 20 years before that? You know you will not allow Jews to live if they do not submit to Islam as Dhimmisn - there can be no confederation with you Muslims - you would never allow it.

Oh poor Jews, always the victims. Everyone is out for the Jews, here we thought it was the Romans and then the Russian, and Germany of course, and now the Arabs, its because their behavior has never changed.
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.

No Jews are not nor ever were they considered a race, since they are a people of many colors, are Americans a race, are Frenchmen a race? Are Christians a race?

You confuse Religion with Race, and so get it wrong every time. The Jews are a religion, a culture and a race as shown by the genetic studies done
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.

No Jews are not nor ever were they considered a race, since they are a people of many colors, are Americans a race, are Frenchmen a race? Are Christians a race?

You confuse Religion with Race, and so get it wrong every time. The Jews are a religion, a culture and a race as shown by the genetic studies done

Genetics prove nothing, except to show they are of the human race. There is no Jew DNA.
Penelope; weren't you Muzzie Beasts claiming the same shit 20 years ago, and 20 years before that? You know you will not allow Jews to live if they do not submit to Islam as Dhimmisn - there can be no confederation with you Muslims - you would never allow it.

Oh poor Jews, always the victims. Everyone is out for the Jews, here we thought it was the Romans and then the Russian, and Germany of course, and now the Arabs, its because their behavior has never changed.

Correct, the behaviour of the Jealous Jew Haters has never changed, just look at your own posts. It is all down to the likes of you and your jealousy of Jews being better than you through hard work
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.

No Jews are not nor ever were they considered a race, since they are a people of many colors, are Americans a race, are Frenchmen a race? Are Christians a race?

You confuse Religion with Race, and so get it wrong every time. The Jews are a religion, a culture and a race as shown by the genetic studies done

Genetics prove nothing, except to show they are of the human race. There is no Jew DNA.

Then there are no races and the world is wrong, is that what you are saying. Or is it just the Jews you demonise because of your hatred and jealousy. The genetics have shown that Jews from as far afield as America and Australia have the same genetic markers as the corpses buried in the M.E. proven to be Jews from 4,500 years ago. Just as a part Skeleton found in Cheddar Gorge England from the same era was shown to have a strong match to a local schoolteacher. That was over 1,000 people sampled and they got 1 hit, so now say genetics means nothing.

By the way your DNA will show an 85% match to that of Bananas, Dogs, Pigs and Apes, and a less than 50% match to that of Jews
Is this comedy hour? Muslims are also predicting they will rule Europe and the U.S. in the next 20 years. :rofl:
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'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'
Avraham Burg, once speaker of the Knesset and deputy president, is voting for the communist Hadash party in the next elections; in 20 years, he says, Israel will be in a confederation with Palestine or a fundamentalist religious republic.

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman


01.14.15, 14:09

Avraham Burg can't understand why people are shocked to hear that he has joined Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Israel's communist party.

“I quit politics 11 years ago," says Burg, the son of Yosef Burg, one of the founders of the National Religious Party. "Since then, I have written a large number of articles and published four books – and that was their principal subject, Jewish-Arab cooperation."

And is Hadash the next place?

"Yes. From 1948 to 1976, Israel was relatively secular, socialist, and statehood was its organizing principle. In 1977, with the rise to power of Menachem Begin, this came to an end. Since then, Israel has been in its religious-nationalistic-capitalist chapter, and territory is its organizing principle. Now the country has to choose where the third chapter will take it – to religious and nationalistic aggressiveness or normalcy. The dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu is a symbol of a far deeper dissatisfaction – not only with the man, but with the stagnation, with the economic and social degeneration."

"Benjamin Netanyahu's time is up," he says. "And it doesn't matter if it happens now or in the next election. He's where Labor was in 1976. The only thing that could save him is a historic move, a constitution for Israel on the internal level, for example, or a peace agreement – otherwise he will disappear without trace. His decade as prime minister is a lost decade."

Zionism is over Israel at critical juncture - Israel News Ynetnews

And then the comments are just so overwhelmed with disgust as to what he is suggesting: Here is an example of part of what one has to say,

I don't know about his father, but I am sure that many of his Jewish ancestors would be turning in their graves if they knew what he had to say as reported here. Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption, when the whole world will know that Hashem is real, He is One, He loves us far far more than we can ever imagine and wants us all to enjoy the gift of life that He gives us to the full.

( she seems clueless that world wars were fought for global communism, which the father of, is no less a Jew Karl Marx and his jewish followers)

Why do you hate Jews so much? Because of the Chosen People concept? Christians believe they are the Elect of God, and Muslims call themselves the True Believers.
'Zionism is over, Israel at critical juncture'
Avraham Burg, once speaker of the Knesset and deputy president, is voting for the communist Hadash party in the next elections; in 20 years, he says, Israel will be in a confederation with Palestine or a fundamentalist religious republic.

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman


01.14.15, 14:09

Avraham Burg can't understand why people are shocked to hear that he has joined Hadash – The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Israel's communist party.

“I quit politics 11 years ago," says Burg, the son of Yosef Burg, one of the founders of the National Religious Party. "Since then, I have written a large number of articles and published four books – and that was their principal subject, Jewish-Arab cooperation."

And is Hadash the next place?

"Yes. From 1948 to 1976, Israel was relatively secular, socialist, and statehood was its organizing principle. In 1977, with the rise to power of Menachem Begin, this came to an end. Since then, Israel has been in its religious-nationalistic-capitalist chapter, and territory is its organizing principle. Now the country has to choose where the third chapter will take it – to religious and nationalistic aggressiveness or normalcy. The dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu is a symbol of a far deeper dissatisfaction – not only with the man, but with the stagnation, with the economic and social degeneration."

"Benjamin Netanyahu's time is up," he says. "And it doesn't matter if it happens now or in the next election. He's where Labor was in 1976. The only thing that could save him is a historic move, a constitution for Israel on the internal level, for example, or a peace agreement – otherwise he will disappear without trace. His decade as prime minister is a lost decade."

Zionism is over Israel at critical juncture - Israel News Ynetnews

And then the comments are just so overwhelmed with disgust as to what he is suggesting: Here is an example of part of what one has to say,

I don't know about his father, but I am sure that many of his Jewish ancestors would be turning in their graves if they knew what he had to say as reported here. Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption, when the whole world will know that Hashem is real, He is One, He loves us far far more than we can ever imagine and wants us all to enjoy the gift of life that He gives us to the full.

( she seems clueless that world wars were fought for global communism, which the father of, is no less a Jew Karl Marx and his jewish followers)

Why do you hate Jews so much? Because of the Chosen People concept? Christians believe they are the Elect of God, and Muslims call themselves the True Believers.

I don't care what SOME Christians or Muslims believe. I do not think the Hebrew books were wrote by any divine source. The Hebrews were a tribe who overtook a country or town by town and adopted their gods. They are no better than anyone. Actually what they have and are doing to some societies makes them much worst.
In other words you're just obsessed with those evil Jooooos.
Jews ARE a people apart, because the WHOLE reason for our existence as a people is that G-d chose us to keep the commandments of the Torah, to be a light to the gentiles and to usher in the messianic redemption

Jews exist as a race because although Yahweh never existed, racism does.

No Jews are not nor ever were they considered a race, since they are a people of many colors, are Americans a race, are Frenchmen a race? Are Christians a race?

You confuse Religion with Race, and so get it wrong every time. The Jews are a religion, a culture and a race as shown by the genetic studies done

Genetics prove nothing, except to show they are of the human race. There is no Jew DNA.

Then there are no races and the world is wrong, is that what you are saying. Or is it just the Jews you demonise because of your hatred and jealousy. The genetics have shown that Jews from as far afield as America and Australia have the same genetic markers as the corpses buried in the M.E. proven to be Jews from 4,500 years ago. Just as a part Skeleton found in Cheddar Gorge England from the same era was shown to have a strong match to a local schoolteacher. That was over 1,000 people sampled and they got 1 hit, so now say genetics means nothing.

By the way your DNA will show an 85% match to that of Bananas, Dogs, Pigs and Apes, and a less than 50% match to that of Jews
Why do you hate and hate yourself Ph'all.......you are such a SAD BASTARD

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